The lord is red again

Chapter 252 Explosive Start

"Since last year, I feel like I have become abnormal sometimes." Baron Gordon poured himself another glass of wine. The mead, which had such an excellent throat soothing effect, made people want to drink a few more glasses.

He is very adamant about the undead.

"How should I put know who I am. The establishment of Red Mushroom Village was an accident. Whether it is me or other people in the territory, everyone likes the life here and can support each other. This should be my most successful place.”

"But I still want to remind you that your behavior of not collecting any taxes has caused a financial deficit in Red Mushroom Village, and..." The huge figure ruined Gordon's story-telling plan with a clear rhythm: "And you are in the bee Qunxiaowu has already owed a huge debt, and the other party has repeatedly emphasized that you should pay it back as soon as possible. "

"Don't say such disappointing things, we are discussing...well, fate!" The baron added a very serious word to himself.

"If you cannot repay your debt in one month, the Bee Swarm Cottage will cut off the supply of alcohol and food, and your property in Raven City will also belong to them. This is your fate."

"What! My property?" The baron suddenly stood upright with the help of force. His huge movements almost overturned the table. The huge force caused the wine bottle on the table to shake back and forth. He almost tipped over several times but missed it again. Hold on even a fraction of a second.

"Have you forgotten your property? It includes several properties and a hotel."

"Of course I haven't forgotten it! But this is not what we are discussing now, we are discussing..."

"Destiny!" The big figure continued what the baron had said before and said: "But I think it was just your illusion. You suddenly had a dream. There was a being in the dream who guided you to wait for and recruit the knights of God, but Last year nothing happened, no strangers came."

"Yeah, something was supposed to come last year, but I don't know why it didn't come," the Baron said, "but this year they came."

“You don’t have to follow God’s guidance.”

"It's difficult." The baron shook his head: "I don't know why, but after seeing them, I couldn't help but feel happy. I wanted to take care of and help them without asking for anything in return. I felt like something strange was taking root in my mind. , it tried to replace my spirit, think for me, and in the end, make me a puppet.”

The baron was a little uncomfortable with the lack of sound. He looked up and asked, "Why don't you speak?"

"I'm thinking about what happened to you. If it were applied to those bloodline nobles, it would be a very common situation. When they awakened the power of their bloodline and true name, they also became crazy and completely lost themselves." That voice Suddenly: "But you are not a noble, are you?"

"My father was a pig farmer. What I remember most clearly is that my mother had to get up early every day to cut the grass and feed the pigs. I could see the pigs running every day, but the funny thing is that I never ate a bite of pork in those years."

Baron Gordon nodded and said, "Yes, I am not a nobleman, and I don't have a surname."

"So that situation can be ruled out. I guess there may be some mental problem with you. This situation is very common in magic research. Many instructors will completely forget themselves and become other people after immersing themselves in hard work for a period of time. ”

Baron Gordon did not agree with this statement: "I don't know magic at all, and I have never thought about studying it."

"That's something like that," the voice continued, before adding uncertainly: "I guess so."

"Is this how Tianxing Magic School teaches you?"

But the voice said: "We should follow our own intuition. That is the answer. Yes, this is what I studied at Tianxing Magic School. Maybe you forgot, I majored in history and astronomy. Astronomy has a premonition and understanding of the underworld. Intuition about the future is very demanding.”

Baron Gordon said no more.

The room also fell into silence.

He thought for a long time and then said: "Then lock up all the undead people to ensure that they will not die."

The undead people who were waiting for the "newbie plot" in Red Mushroom Village never expected that the Baron would indeed bring them new arrangements after he appeared.

There were neither impassioned speeches nor any orders. They remained tied up, then their mouths were gagged, and their bodies were tied to ensure that even suicide was difficult.

"Woooooo!!" The undead people struggled violently.

They cannot struggle, cannot commit suicide and leave.

It can be called an explosive start.

Linde is very busy, and the appearance of a large number of undead people makes the doomsday land lively.

This is only an internal beta. If we wait until the day of the open beta, there will definitely be more undead people than there are alive in the entire Rand Kingdom.

NPCs are vulnerable groups.

The undead with equipment are not 100% under control. Some people do level up and improve themselves after receiving the mission, but some still go to find their friends.

Linde has no way to prevent this situation from happening. He has no way to restrain the undead. Even if he catches them, they can choose to delete their account and play again.

But sometimes it's not all bad.

The undead people who left Cuigang actually brought back some undead people.

Some people went to seek refuge with their friends, and of course some friends came to seek refuge with him. Linde's good benefits attracted many immortals, and even some old immortals.

When the Blackfire Brothers came to Cuigang, they saw a large number of undead.

"Have you seen undead before?" Lind's attention returned to [Black Flame's Unholy Holy Grail]. With the appearance of the undead, this guy became restless again.

It seemed to think that it had found a new partner.

"I've heard of it."

Lind couldn't tell who was who among the Black Flame brothers. Anyway, they were "brothers". They were two in one, like intertwined shadows.

The rhythm of their chat was like that of twins, which sometimes made people wonder if they were sharing the same brain.

"For example?" Lind was a little interested.

"The bee colony hut" Black Flame brother said: "There are also Ivanhoe and Crescent Town. Their large-scale appearance and the strange characteristics of being unable to be killed have caused a lot of panic. Some people mistakenly think that they are some kind of new mutants, or new disasters."

"Their existence is indeed terrifying" Lind nodded.

The Black Flame brothers stopped. They didn't know much, because the undead only appeared in a small number at the beginning, and then they only existed for a few months and disappeared in a hurry.

Unlike now, there are already one or two hundred people outside, and people are constantly coming here, and the number is increasing.

"Now your job is to guide them." Linde said, "I have arranged for the great knights of the Troll Castle to guard and guide them."

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