The lord is red again

Chapter 253 Check-in

Linde is preparing to withdraw himself from the operation of the Novice Village.

He needs the identity of the head of the Novice Village, but it does not mean that he really stands still to assign tasks to the undead. This work is too tedious.

As the number of undead attracted by Linde's generous means of giving away money and equipment gradually increases, he also considers adding some operation staff.

Of course, it is not the Rand Corps, but those former market knights.

In a year, they gradually recognized their status. They were crushed by the Rand Corps in terms of strength, and their previous lord treatment was also deprived. Many market knights lived a miserable life.

Some market knights actually had to do hard labor to earn food.

Time and hardship can cure all bad tempers, especially as Linde gradually took control of the Troll Castle and brought the reorganized and reorganized new Rand Corps, they became completely honest.

They even felt that it was a very proud thing that they had fought a battle with the Rand Corps and survived.

The main defense force in the Troll Castle area is the Rand Corps.

Lind has disbanded the Star Dragon Soldiers and the Royal Guards of the Third Legion, and asked them to reorganize in the way of the First Legion.

The First Legion is the noble soldiers, which are invested and formed by the noble young knights themselves. Each team includes knights, cavalry, infantry, sentinels, logistics, etc. The ultimate goal of the team is to fight for the nobles.

The Second Legion is the civilian militia, rushing in the front and fleeing in the back. They are cannon fodder, and they are also the backbone of the entire Rand Kingdom. Now Lind's Star Dragon soldiers are mainly composed of infantry from the Second Legion.

The Third Legion is the cavalry corps, which belongs exclusively to the king. The cavalry has unparalleled dominance on the battlefield, and the armor research and development of the Rand Kingdom has always ranked first among the surrounding countries. The armor that cannot be penetrated is combined with the terrifying cavalry charge, and a single encounter can make the enemy piss and pee.

However, in the face of disasters, a single cavalry corps is facing the fate of being eliminated. The enemy is not a two-legged sheep waiting to be picked up by the charge. They can fly, run, and even master long-range offensive means.

A more comprehensive combat corps is required to deal with these problems.

Lind, who had been coveting the cavalry for a long time, chose the method of boiling a frog in warm water. He used the condition of helping the cavalry to be promoted to great knights to make Queen Rania agree to slowly hand over the soldiers under her to him for training.

The cavalry sent to Lind would not take the potion directly, although their qualities were excellent and there would not be too much problem even if they took the potion directly.

These cavalry would first be trained, various mental training, and gradually polish off their loneliness.

It is well known that if a group of people are thrown together for training, even the most angular people will gradually integrate into the group.

Then they will be divided into groups, cavalry, infantry, etc. will form teams with each other, and sometimes they will form teams with some people with wizard talents. Everyone is a candidate for taking potions.

Then Lind will arrange for them to take classes.

Knowledge is the first step for Lind to capture them. If they want to gallop in the doomsday, the cavalry needs more comprehensive combat knowledge.

As a time traveler, Lind only remembers one of the 36 strategies of the art of war, which is to run away.

But he has the undead, who once brought a lot of knowledge to this land, including cement, steelmaking, construction, cranes, soilless cultivation, etc.

There are always a group of people who are keen on playing computer games on mobile phones, playing mobile games on computers, reading novels on watches, and now using fully immersive stealth games to replicate everything on Earth.

And as long as there is a task bounty, the undead will be happy to copy and paste.

It may be an exaggeration to say that there are a group of military gods under Linde's command, but every soldier's head is full of knowledge and they are used to thinking before taking action.

The soldiers whose horizons have been broadened by knowledge will drink magic potions one after another, and then practice fighting with each other, and they will find that the combat effectiveness of each team has made a qualitative leap after the combination.

They will accept this and start to run in with the new team.

After all, before this, no one in the entire Rand Kingdom had experienced the magical use of wizards. The combination of magic and the assistance of archers holding secret pattern bows made the cavalry charge more comfortable.

Everyone is serving Her Majesty Queen Rania, and hiding in the Thorn City with Rania all day long. When can they kill Goliath!

Completely integrated into the new formation, although the cavalrymen did not verbally pledge allegiance to Lind, their knowledge came from him, their thinking was the same as his, and even their goals and ideas were the same as his.

Then, they were his own people.

Lind did not completely seize Rania's military power. The reorganized combat corps was also sent back to Rania, and its combat effectiveness was stronger than before.

The battlefield of the cavalry was in the repeated charge and collision with the enemy, rather than raising the long spear as a guard of honor for every time the queen went out.

He just reused this power in his own way.

Whether it was the Great Knight or the Upper Knight, it seemed to be a powerful force that could sweep across the Kingdom of Rand, but if you look closely, you will find that the game level range of the Great Knight is between 11-20 levels, and the Upper Great Knight is between 21-30 levels.

The Kingdom of Rand is just a novice map.

The statement to Rania was even simpler. He asked Rania to nod in agreement, not to mention that his means were quite gentle.

Now Linde is leading the princes with the queen. Rania is very clear about her situation, and she is not at a disadvantage.

Before contacting Linde, there were not many great knights in the entire Thorn City, but now not only every Rand soldier has the strength of a great knight, but even the upper-level great knights are not lacking, and the strength has increased by dozens of times.

Rania is forcing herself to believe in Linde.

The Black Fire brothers took the order and left, and the market knights will work under their leadership.

These guys are very honest now. They wear armor that is not uniform. Linde never intends to include them in the war sequence, so he did not waste any resources on the market knights.

The complicated and tedious work makes people drowsy.

The more terrifying thing is that there are many undead people coming to Cuigang. They are not a group of people coming at once, but they are also continuous, and a few will come every once in a while.

At the beginning, the market knights would answer questions seriously and speak the lines strictly according to the instructions of the Black Fire brothers and Linde.

Gradually, they got annoyed and their tone became stiff and stereotyped.

"The intelligence of the NPCs here doesn't seem to be very good," an undead whispered.

"It's probably because there are too many characters, and there are no lines set. They are all in a good mood. It turns out that the internal test was done too hastily."

"After all, there are only dozens of novice villages on the official website now, and there is a lot of land around, so it's normal to copy and paste NPCs in batches."

"Hey, look, my god, those two guys are so dark, like shadows!"

Not the dark of black people, just pure dark, pitch black.

The Black Fire brothers noticed that the undead were moving very strangely, as if they had some strange way to communicate with each other, and seemed to be saying "Come and punch in."

More and more people gathered around them, and the undead stood beside them.

Punch in? They seemed to understand what it meant.

Slept, this month's goal is still 220,000 words away, it's been delayed for too long, and I have to go away at the end of the month, so I will update 20,000 words tomorrow.

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