My ring will not lose. I got back my disaster horse, but there was no volcano bird.

The official explanation of Star Dragon City is that many wars have occurred in the past year, and some disaster horses and volcano birds died in the war.

"With one day's update, you really made up a story, right?"

He was a little upset but helpless, because no matter from which angle you look at it, the world setting is being improved, but in his opinion, this setting is a bit superfluous.

The game officials used the players' personal assets at will, which was a bit annoying.

As for the data loss, he really didn't think about it. It was only one day, how could the game lose data? The biggest possibility was that in order to show authenticity, the unlucky guy was randomly drawn, and he was the unlucky guy who was drawn.

He had to buy another bird himself. This time, the bird was much larger than the previous one. It was still bald, but the wings were thick and the claws were sharp. After the wings were spread out, they were two circles larger than his previous one. The wind generated when flapping the wings and flying could blow an unprepared ordinary adult to the ground.

The first thing to do after buying a new pet is of course to get decorations.

"Oh my god, there are even decorations of the same style as Fire Tumor Alex!"

The flying dragon is not yet available. Many people speculate that flying mounts will definitely be available, but some people say it is impossible. In any case, the flying dragon of Star Dragon City is definitely one of the coolest NPC mounts that the undead can get in touch with at this stage.

Everyone has to have fantasies, just in case they can really be satisfied.

My Huanqunwushu changed a new set of decorations for his new pet, including golden armor, foot rings and golden foot chains. An ugly bald-haired strange bird quickly changed its image into an ugly bald-haired strange bird with golden light after being made with a lot of money.

Because he successfully opened the magic potion material box and got the heart of disaster, my Huanqunwushu was successfully promoted to the Sun Knight. The advantage of the old undead is that it is greater than the new undead, with early resource accumulation and extremely fast development speed.

"Can I learn skills?"

This is the first time I've heard that I can learn skills. In the past, I changed my job to become a two-headed man, a secret pattern messenger, and a spell wizard. Although I also had to learn abilities, it was more like using the power they got from the potion directly.

Knights can go to the army to sign up for training, and wizards can learn magic-related knowledge.

After paying the fee, he went to the barracks.

"Lord Reeve" I recognized the person in front of me, the big knight who was following Lind, but he didn't look very good now. He didn't wear armor but a robe and used a cane as a support for his body.

"I won't lose my ring?" Reeve recognized him and greeted him with a smile.

Each NPC has a different attitude towards each undead, and the attitude is closely related to what each person does, which is why many people are more willing to abide by the law.

They are like old friends.

"It seems that a lot of things have happened in this year." I wondered in my heart.

How big is the update this time?

The modeling of every NPC he met along the way has changed. This is a huge workload. In his opinion, it is no different from making a new game.

How many developers does "Madoka" have?

"You come to learn some combat skills of the Great Knight?" Reeve gently patted the undead man's shoulder and said, "I am your instructor."


Combat skills, including the simplest and most basic combat thinking, shield resistance, collision, and getting up quickly after falling to the ground, etc., are very basic.

My ring will not lose and learn quickly, not because he is gifted, but as a great knight, as long as he is proficient in the movements, he can use his physical fitness to force the goal.

Reeve saw it and didn't say anything. He just emphasized: "These movements will become your life-saving things, and they must be integrated into the combat instinct."

He has integrated into the combat instinct.

Sometimes I can't help using it after leaving the game. Now everyone around him knows that he is very good at fighting and has strong combat power.

"Yes!" The undead man nodded.

"Then, next, one of the powers that Lord Lind has mastered is also the power that the Sun Knight uses to guide and release his own flames."

"Clory's Explosion?" My ring-take will not lose and actively answer.

This skill has always been sold in the store, but it is useless to buy it. Without drinking the Sun Knight's Path Potion, there is no power of fire in the body, and of course it cannot be used.

"Yes," Reeve nodded: "This power is very strong, but before learning, do you have these two skills? If not, I can also buy it here."

Lind's unique money-making thinking is gradually affecting each of his NPCs.

In some places, Lind will be very generous, often selling and giving away half of the goods, and giving away some things that are very precious to the NPCs, and selling things that they feel are completely useless, such as decorations.

In some places, Lind will be particularly stingy, such as the current "selling skills", he will arrange people to teach skills, but the skills must be bought by themselves.

There are many similar operations.

Lind's most famous operation so far is "opening the box". He lets the undead complete tasks to earn points, and then lets the undead use the points to exchange for stones to open the box through various troublesome methods. The things put in the box are all decided by the lord himself, which is somewhat similar to gambling, but different.

At least gambling should have wins and losses, and you should know what you are betting on at the beginning, but Linde's boxes are different. You don't know what is inside.

There are too many people lining up to give money.

After the "opening box" activity has huge profits, Linde also assigned tasks to many people. Basically, anyone with a name can participate, but basically no one can understand the operation logic. They don't understand opening boxes, but they don't understand why the undead will spend money crazily for those things.

The values ​​of both parties are completely unequal.

The only one who can barely learn this set is Miss Miko. It is said that the magic potion material box activity she opened this time was praised by the lord and created extremely high value for Star Dragon City.

The value here refers to the undead squandering all the points and making crazy contributions to earn points, but basically no benefits are obtained.

Some people also asked Miss Miko about the operation logic, but Miss Miko herself was confused. She just said that she thought the Heart of Disaster would be the key, and the undead would definitely rush to buy it. This was indeed the case, because Lind used the Heart of Disaster as a necessary material for exchanging the path potion.

He wanted to collect the points, and he also wanted the materials.

At first, Miss Miko just thought that she could just stuff the things into the box and wait for the undead to choose. She calculated that the value of the potion materials she stuffed into the box was about 500 times higher than the selling price, and this was still counting the complete Heart of Disaster. Otherwise, the value difference would be thousands of times.

The huge profit made Miko dizzy. What era is it still like to be a hamster and stock up? The little money she saved by searching and searching cannot be compared with the money she earned from opening the box!

But she didn't expect that Miko's behavior was still considered inconsiderate by the lord, and he asked her to add a "bottom line".

Miko didn't understand. Isn't it better if the undead are more difficult to draw? The longer you delay, the more you earn. But if you add a guarantee, the price the undead pay will be sharply reduced.

The Heart of Disaster will be drawn every 20-30 times.

So until now, all NPCs still don't understand Lind's idea.

He is stingy, but he can cut the box opening profit of thousands of times, and now the profit is only a hundred times at most.

He is generous, and he doesn't intend to let go of the little money for teaching the new knights' skills.

The undead who open boxes without blinking an eye will definitely not be stingy when learning skills.

To learn new skills, teaching is the money for teaching, and skill books are the money for skill books.

The undead thinks it is reasonable!

My ring will not lose and said: "I buy it!"

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