The lord is red again

Chapter 261 Everything is in the adults' calculations

The pamphlets were scattered all over the floor, with the same handwritten content, which should be the pamphlets for people to join the church.

This strong sense of déjà vu reminded the undead people of those people who knocked on their doors to recruit people to join the church when they were young.

"Is this thing useful? Can it be recycled?"

"Mass production and wholesale should be useless. I'll take one, maybe I can exchange it for something." The undead said as he flipped through the pamphlet and found that it contained detailed potion formulas, all the way to the "hero" level.

The huge discovery made the undead people exclaim: "It seems that there is a potion formula. Oh my god, it's a good thing!"

"Why do I feel a little abnormal." Some people also put forward different ideas: "It says that after taking the potion, you can always hear the whispers of the Lord of Madness. Wouldn't that torture people crazy?"

"And we can't make the potion either. It's better to buy it directly from the lord than to study it."

The undead in the Star Dragon City area are so tough. Why don't they study and refine potions like the undead in other areas? Because of the cost.

It doesn't cost much to buy a finished potion in Star Dragon City. The potency is good and the success rate is high. On the contrary, if you make it yourself, the cost of buying a potion is almost the same as that of a finished potion, or even more expensive. If you make the potion yourself, you may not be able to make it successfully after investing a huge amount of money, and even if you succeed, you cannot guarantee the quality.

The premise of forcing people to make potions by themselves is scarcity. They are all common things. If you have time to make potions, it is better to take two tasks and buy a few bottles of finished products. It is cheaper and less troublesome.

"Take a few more, who cares!"

I can choose not to learn, but I can't live without it. And if I take it back and give it to Renzo or other pharmacists, maybe I can open up a new profession.

Several people searched for valuable things quickly like locusts passing through.

"Hey, there seems to be a basement here!"

Hearing the voice of their companions, several people immediately came over. In a huge bedroom, there was indeed an entrance to the basement.

They lit the oil lamp and entered the basement in a team.

The stairs spiraled down.

Compared to the magnificent outside, the basement is cramped and full of oppression.

There are several tables and chairs with strange clothes scattered on them.

In the center of the basement, there is an ugly and crazy statue.

"What is this?"

Everyone turned their eyes to see a female corpse nailed to the wall by more than 30 spears. At first glance, it looked like her chest was cut open and blooming with "flowers" that made people's scalps numb.

"Too beastly!" Someone couldn't help but curse. Nailing a woman to the wall, the death was so miserable that he felt a little nauseous.

It was the first time that he couldn't accept it because it was too real, even with the help of mosaics.

"She seems to have a ring."

Although they were cursing, it didn't prevent them from taking the ring, and they didn't forget the purpose of sneaking in.

[There may be a story about a couple]

"This should be a quest item," the undead said uncertainly, "It looks like a couple's ring."

"It must be a quest item given to Voldemort. There seems to be nothing to search here."

They were just about to study the female corpse again, maybe there is some hidden plot.

"Fuck, there is a fight outside! Let's go out!"

If you go out too late, you won't get any broth.


The silent environment was broken when an undead was discovered.

The soldiers of the snake catcher's fortress have been completely alienated and deformed, but the difference from other disasters is that they still retain some of their rationality and combat awareness, and can successfully use various weapons, even sword moves.

The long sword in his hand is like the fangs of a venomous snake, chasing the undead and biting, and when the undead dodges by stepping to the side, the soldier will suddenly rotate his body and whip with his tail.

The tail is like a special keratin ring formed after a rattlesnake sheds its skin, making a sharp sound while shaking.

The undead knights could not take the initiative in the attack. Even if they successfully promoted to become great knights of the Sun Knight Path and successfully used sharper weapons, they still had no power to fight back in front of the alienated soldiers.

But fortunately, there were a lot of undead people, and they were very united.

The wizard threw out magic. Fireball was still the best magic at this stage, and there was no other magic. The orange-yellow fireball dragged the flame tail and pierced the snake soldier, and the burst of air pushed him staggering.

The damage caused by the chest explosion made the snake man's body twisted and hunched, and the snake soldier was angry because of this. The flames in front of him had not yet dissipated.

Splash, a sword split the flames, just like a boat paddle split the waves.

The undead knight grabbed the sword with both hands and rushed in, chopping off his head in the stunned eyes of the snake soldier.

The snake head fell to the ground, still twitching.

Although the snake catcher fortress is very powerful, there are no wizards. This is also the current situation of the Rand Kingdom.

They looked down on wizards. Burning witches was a commonplace. As a country that believed in the Proof of the Sun, both the powerful Proof of the Sun and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse under its command were knights.

For this reason, they lacked a correct understanding of wizards. Most people's understanding of wizards only included some small tricks, or the mysterious prediction of the future, or doing some annoying things.

When the wizard really started to chant the spell and the magic gathered in his palm, the soldiers of the Snake Catcher Fortress would also face everything that the countless enemies of Star Dragon City had faced before.

They stood side by side like a choir, holding various types of staffs or other weapons in their hands, and the bubble balls wrapped them one by one.

The arrow attacks of the snake soldiers were all blocked by the balls.

The defensive "bubble" was not solid. After blocking the arrows, it was full of cracks and almost broke, but it didn't break after all.

They tried to rush to the wizard to stop the impending fire bombing, but the knights who stood steadily in front of the team blocked it with shields like a steel wall.

No matter how many fierce attacks there were, they could not break through their defense in a short time. Because the undead played games and were born in a peaceful era, their combat skills and experience were not as good as those of the natives, but their defensive strength was completely different.

Every piece of equipment and every accessory were all earned by them!

The characteristic of old players is that they have capital accumulation.

Krypton, so strong.

The tense figure of the undead was pulled by the collision.

"I can't bear it anymore!"

The number of snake soldiers is increasing.

But... the fireballs are coming!

Hundreds of fireballs rushed into the sky with great momentum. Under the traction of magic, they drew a large arc and stabbed into the crowded enemies on the ground.

The pouring rain of fire created a large number of explosions. The scorching fire waves submerged the first enemies. The terrifying bombardment not only made the nearby houses shake uncontrollably, but even Renzo, who was waiting for the undead to "return in stealth" far away on the mountain, was looking forward to it.

"Stealth..." Renzo recalled carefully. He should have said it correctly. He must have said stealth at that time.

But why did a conflict of this scale break out?

Wait, this scale can no longer be stealth, can it be that the undead directly attacked the snake catcher fortress?

Renzo's emotions fluctuated violently. He had been fighting against the whispers of the Mad Lord for many years and had disdained them. He often fell asleep listening to the seductive voice of the Mad Lord and could still keep his heart calm.

But facing the undead, this was not the first time he felt that his emotions were about to lose control.

What should I do? The Lord didn't say.

Renzo thought about it and finally chose to wait. Thinking carefully about what the Lord said to him at that time, Renzo felt that he had found the correct answer.

Sure enough, all this was calculated by the Lord.

The raging flames submerged the incoming snake soldiers, and the billowing smoke from the burning bodies was like a thick pillar rising straight into the sky.

Even people in Cuigang Novice Village noticed the black cloud far away at the limit of vision, but they couldn't see what it was, let alone what kind of battle was happening there.

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