The lord is red again

Chapter 262: Big snake boss, but its health bar is showing

My Ring Taker will not lose has discarded the tattered armor and shield on his upper body. He rolled neatly, and the dust raised by the explosion and collision was like a cloak tied to his body, chasing him closely.

The wizard's rhythm was pretty good, but the scene of the fire massacre made the melee knights unable to hold on. When the defensive formation of the front knights automatically collapsed, the snake soldiers who followed would certainly not find any trouble when facing the wizard.

The large-scale confrontation was forced to become a small-scale scattered street fight.

In fact, this is more in line with the fighting style of the undead. Except for the professional studio team that will form the most reasonable camp for efficiency, most people only pursue fun and handsomeness when playing games.

The result of everyone being the protagonist is that everyone is cannon fodder.

For My Ring Taker will not lose, it is more convenient for him to play by dispersing. Forcing him to cooperate with other ordinary undead is to suppress his fighting power.

The huge elliptical wall building in front attracted his attention, and the pursuers behind him left him no choice but to rush in.

"Didn't catch up?" My Ring Taker will not lose breathed a sigh of relief.

But he immediately felt something was wrong. Why didn't he catch up? It doesn't make sense!

Unless there is something wrong here!

He looked around and found that he had unknowingly come to a place similar to the Colosseum.

According to him, there are two kinds of arenas in this world. One is a duel between nobles, where friendship comes first and competition comes second. The other is a fight in the Colosseum, where life and death are fought. The participants are usually worthless lives, and... monsters.

A dark darkness suddenly enveloped him.

"Hurulu" was a breathing sound like thunder.

My ring-take will not lose stiffly raised his head and looked up.

A male lion as big as an elephant.

The lion opened its bloody mouth, and saliva hung on its teeth, like drops of water entangled on stalactites, teetering.

"Level 30?"

"Ah!" The lion swooped down, and its bloody mouth quickly enlarged in my eyes.

The foul smell and fishy wind blew in his face, and he rolled quickly to avoid it, narrowly escaping.

This is a new chase.

The undead stumbled away in front, and the giant lion behind followed behind him like a game.

The ground shook as the giant lion ran, and his legs became more and more numb in the chase and escape. His body staggered uncontrollably, which reminded him of the feeling of the last and only time he played the pirate ship.

The feedback force tried to overturn him several times, but it was extremely difficult to just stand on the ground.

The roar of the giant lion behind him was like thunder, and he could only respond with curses.

The suffocating feeling of being chased by a terrifying giant would definitely give him nightmares for several weeks in a row... Oh no, he hasn't had a dream for a long time since playing "Madoka".

Sleeping is playing games, and waking up is going to work.

The huge force came, and he couldn't dodge it this time. The powerful impact made the undead clearly hear the sound of his spine being broken.

Even though he had turned off the pain sense when he realized something was wrong, the crisp sound of the broken bones still made him feel phantom pain.

He rolled uncontrollably on the ground, rolling in the smoke and dust, rolling from one end of the arena to the other.

Multiple debuffs added, paralysis, broken legs, broken hands, dying, blood loss...

There was still a little life left, so it would not explode into a pile of ashes immediately.

The giant lion slowly approached, it seemed to have had enough fun, ready to taste this piece of meat, and hoped that he would not make it loose and bad because of the force of the fall.

A cluster of fire suddenly struck, and the burning fireball accurately pierced the giant lion's head and burned a tuft of its hair.

"How is it? Brothers, do you look like superheroes when you come on stage?" More than a dozen undead stood in different positions, ready to face the upcoming fierce battle.

The person who spoke was my friend who would never lose in Huanqu. He didn't go online much because he always stayed up late to work.

At this moment, the sun splashed on them, and the shadows lengthened.

It was just as they said, it was like a superhero coming on stage.

The undead who never abandoned or gave up came to rescue their companions.

But my Huanqunwushu did not smile. His eyes did not stop at his companions who came to rescue him, nor did they stay on the giant lion, but looked up.

Above? The sky? Or the roof of the arena?

Unfortunately, my Huanqunwushu could not speak now, and he could only use his eyes to remind his companions to look back.

Something was moving, the ground creaked, and the whole arena groaned.

The arena, which had a history of at least several decades, buried the bones of many warriors and beasts. Even the collapse of the world regime could not shake this arena in the slightest.

But at this moment it trembled violently.

"Oh, poor little cat~"

The hoarse man's voice came from the top of his head. It was obviously a whisper, but it was as loud as thunder.

The giant lion, as strong as an elephant, suddenly lowered its body and hammered its ears down. It really turned from a ferocious monster into a little cat in an instant.

When the undead who came to rescue their companions turned their heads, they saw the huge, terrifying and even disgusting thing.

The pupils twitched uncontrollably.

A huge man's head, growing perfectly on a thick snake body. Its body was so large that the undead standing nearby could not use their eyes to take in its entirety.

The human-headed snake raised its upper body, like a cobra staring at its prey, and this action made it easily surpass the height of the arena.

The giant lion was indeed like a kitten in front of it.

The snake's filthy and disgusting scales were covered with sticky liquid, and it was surrounded by thick poisonous fog. With every shake of its body, venom would drip, and when it fell on the ground, it quickly produced waves of poisonous fog, and the ground was also burned and sizzled.

There seemed to be some unsettling power hidden in the swollen snake belly.

Its huge black lips with ravine-like cracked lip lines slowly opened: "Did Lind ask you to come?"

The undead finally understood why the lord said not to come to the snake catcher's fortress. The terrifying creature in front of him was no longer a human, but it retained the ability to think like a human. Perhaps the lord had a conversation with this thing at that time.

"Of course not!" The undead raised his head, trying to see the top of the snake's head: "The Lord told us not to come."

[Lord of the Snake Catcher Fortress·Old Noble·Baron Ronan, Level 39]

[Life: 30,000/30,000]

39 has 30,000 HP?

A level 38 Cyclops only has 12,000 HP.

The two sides may have some differences in size, but the Cyclops is obviously stronger. This human-headed snake is not the type that is good at melee.

"You should listen to him." Baron Ronan said.

Its abdomen began to wriggle, and waves of poisonous fog that were clearly visible to the naked eye flew out. The poisonous fog seemed to have eyes and took the initiative to bypass the giant lion curled up on the ground and dared not move.

The poisonous fog that surged like a tide at the sea quickly filled the entire arena.

The undead had no way to retreat!

The first undead died, and his body quickly withered and twisted the moment he made contact, just like putting slices of meat on an iron plate during a barbecue, and shrinking quickly with a sizzling sound.

One by one, the undead turned into ashes and disappeared.

The only undead left was one, and before death enveloped him, he raised his hand and shot an arrow into the sky.

The arrow, which was a parabola, was not caught up by the terrifying poisonous fog.

But he had nowhere to escape, and he watched his health bar empty in an instant, but at the last moment, he also saw his arrow pierce the body of the big snake.


The disposable explosive arrowhead made with a lot of money, sold in limited quantities, could only knock off 2 drops of the opponent's health.

The next moment, the undead were reborn in unison.

"Brothers! Everyone look at me!" The undead raised his hands.

This familiar opening move made the undead who were discussing the battle of the snake catcher fortress pause, and then they all looked over.

"I have something to announce!" The undead man still raised his hands high: "We have encountered the BOSS in the fortress, level 39, 30,000 drops of blood!"

The scene was like a nest of flies, buzzing with discussions.

"Listen to me!" He shouted, and the scene became quiet again.

He continued: "There is bad news, that guy can spray poison, and directly empty the blood bar without distinction!"

"There is also good news! It is not an invincible plot monster, it can be killed, although I used krypton gold arrows and only knocked off 2 drops of its blood."

"I don't think that should be the BOSS we should encounter at this stage." My ring will not lose and will not be resurrected, he said: "It should be a very special super BOSS, an old noble!"

But no one is afraid, everyone is very excited.

Because the enemy has already shown the blood bar, and can lose blood.

30,000 blood.

Is it a lot?

Completed today

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