The lord is red again

Chapter 280 Scarlet Lady

He was bathed in blood, and the blood made him feel a little irritable.

The flames swaying in the brazier not far away also made him very uneasy.

This is indeed the vineyard planter's dormitory, but since no one has come back now, he can rummage around here.

He pushed open a half-open door in front of him. It was a narrow single room without many decorations. It was so plain that one doubted whether it was suitable for people to live here for a long time.

There is a huge glass jar on the table, its original function is completely unclear. If it is not used to study alchemy, it should be used for pickling sauerkraut.

There was a layer of leaves in the jar, and a few fat white bugs about the size of two thumbs were crowded on it.

[Grape aphid, lv1]

【Life: 3/3】

He came closer to the jar and stared at the aphids, and found that the insect was feasting. The mouthparts that split when it was eating were like the flesh cavity of the villagers with multiple rows of teeth.

The strange aphids caused him physical discomfort, but considering the mission, he restrained his rejection.

Grape aphids are being raised in almost every room. There are five or six in each jar, and only two in each jar. It is very inconvenient to transport them. I had to open the jar and pour them together at eight in the morning.

But I didn't expect that these guys had very strong bouncing power, like white jumping balls.

And he was accidentally bitten twice.

After finally busy stuffing dozens of aphids into two jars, I breathed a sigh of relief at eight in the morning and quickly returned to the wall with the two jars in my arms.

"Hey, I'm back."

"You brought aphids?"

"Dozens of them."

The voice said: "Thank you, can you help bring it in? The door is on the other side. If you are very tall, please crawl in, because that is a path for children."

I followed the other party's guidance to the small hole at eight in the morning and climbed in with difficulty.

This was a huge grape plantation. He had seen many videos on the Internet and had a certain idea of ​​similar plantations, but the scene he saw in front of him still shocked him.

The dense vines are entangled with each other and condense into a giant tree!

There are countless sour grapes hanging on the lush paper, each one as black and shiny as a gem. Even if the moonlight is weak, it still reflects the moving light.

He reached out to pick a grape.

"Here!" came the voice.

I turned around and looked around early in the morning, my pupils twitching slightly, because he saw a "person" entangled in a "giant tree" by grape vines. This may be a bit inaccurate.

Because one of the vine roots covered with sour grapes grew out of his ear.

The rhizome is connected to blood vessels and emerges from the orbit of the left eye.

I could see his blood vessels squirming with the beating of his heart last morning. Every time he squirmed, the roots struggled, as if they were extracting his blood.

"What's going on with you?" He looked at the other person.

The skinny and pitiful appearance is stooped, and the hands and feet are no longer human. The fingers and toes have become the roots of vines, and they have split, grown and stuck into the soil.

After staring carefully, he discovered that in addition to this person, there were many grapevines around that barely maintained their "human form". There were more than a dozen of them, no, dozens, or even hundreds!

Every vine has a life.

"As you can see," the man who couldn't tell the difference between men and women spoke: "A plague broke out in our village, and then a doctor who was good at treatment came and he used blood therapy to help us cure it. But that was just a scam, he Contaminating our blood with the blood of magical monsters and planting us in the ground, our blood will grow grape fruits from which they will make wine, his favorite food.

"But now strangers are starting to appear here. It seems that there are not many living people in the Fox Cave anymore."

I went to bed and shook my head: "No, I saw a lot of people when I came here, but they were not in good condition and were very afraid of strangers."

"Really?" The grapevine man thought very slowly: "That's good, they should also be receiving blood therapy, just like me."

Blood therapy is obviously the culprit that turned the fox hole into what it is, and the so-called doctor is the root of it all.

"Is there any way I can save you?"

"My blood just wants to be a fruit," the grapevine man said. "There is no other way, so you have to be careful not to be contaminated by their blood."

"What if it's contaminated?"

"Then drink the fresh blood. The fresh blood will turn you into them, just like those crazy planters."

Lose your mind and become "hospitable" but don't survive as a vine.

The undead man nodded, this news made him feel heavy.

This should be the secret of Fox Cave. A novice village fell just like this, and other novice villages, NPCs and players knew nothing about it.

"This is the aphid you wanted."

He placed the jar in front of the grapevine man, with some speculation in his mind.

"You can pick some grapes as reward," the grapevine man said, "Don't worry, the grapes grown with our lives are delicious and will not hurt you."

The undead who occasionally see some less critical information certainly know the effect of the sour grapes in front of them. Indeed, apart from making people mentally a little abnormal, there is no other effect.

From the reaction of the old hunter Charles, sour grapes will only make people become manic.

But when he thought that these grapes were grown by living people, he felt a little resistant.

However, when he moved, a ripe grape was accidentally touched by his shoulder, and the grapes fell to the ground. The thin skin could not withstand the collision of the fall, and they instantly exploded into clusters of red pulp with an intoxicating sweet smell.

The familiar sweet and sour taste made Shang Zao Ba stunned. Every time he killed the vineyard growers, the enthusiastic villagers who could not draw a drop of blood from their bodies would always burst out a lot of plasma in their stomachs.

So, it was just grape juice?

Are grapes grown with human blood still grapes?

The man in the grapevine said, "Can you please pour out the aphids? If you want to destroy this place, you can't do without aphids."

"It will be painful."

The other party smiled: "But it will be a relief."

"Can I ask one last question?" I Shang Zao Ba thought for a while and said, "Who is that doctor?"

"The Scarlet Lady, when she helped us with blood therapy, she asked us to call her that. If you meet her, please run away. She is a bloodthirsty demon. If she is not addicted to the deliciousness of sour grapes, she would rather taste fresh blood directly. She can turn into a crow, a hound, a toad, and even a venomous snake. She has been wandering around in the fox hole."

It was the lady again, but this time he knew more information.

"Okay, I know."

I Shang Zao Ba kicked over two large jars, and dozens of aphids jumped out, pounced on the grapevines and ate them, and also cut off the life of the man in the grapevine.

At the last moment, the man smiled as the aphids bit him.

The whole vineyard began to tremble, and a large number of sour grapes fell.

A rich sweet aroma filled the air, drifting far away after the wind blew.

In the surrounding area, the hospitable villagers smelled the sour grapes and immediately rushed over here.

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