The lord is red again

Chapter 281 Fox Church

Bored whispers sounded from all sides of the vineyard, and dense footsteps brought "enthusiastic" villagers.

The undead looked at the planters who rushed into the vineyard. They were holding various agricultural tools, mainly sickles and axes, supplemented by pitchforks and wooden sticks.

Some planters trembled at the first opportunity to catch aphids. They are already clumsy and there is no light in the vineyard, so catching aphids completely depends on luck.

The fact is that no one has succeeded at all. The flexible jumping aphids are so fast that it is impossible to catch them.

He speculated that these insecticide growers may not start catching aphids when they grow up, but start catching them from their larval stage, just like picking bugs, and then put them in sealed jars and slowly raise them, and eventually grow into aphids. .

Otherwise, with the ability of an aphid to jump several meters high, even if the great knight comes, it may not be able to catch it.

But not everyone is careful. There are also planters who are greedily picking up sour grapes from the ground and stuffing them into their mouths, swallowing them whole.

Don't dare to pick the ones on the vine, but it doesn't matter if you pick them on the ground.

A lot of sour grapes mixed with the earthy taste were stuffed into the mouth.

The belly of the planters is bulging rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. If they are smashed with a bone chopping knife, plasma will definitely burst out.

The grapes were bitten and the juice was squeezed out of the mouth.

Everyone's face, clothes, arms and other places were smeared with red paste.

He looked at this scene with some disgust.

The bone-chopping knife in his hand was raised high, and it was time for him to kill.

The undead man's steps were heavy, and the weapons in his hands slashed at the chaotic wind. The villagers, who had little blood in their bodies, rushed forward one after another, and then were swept away again.

Crash, broken bones, wailing, repeated over and over again.

The vineyards were in disarray and infested with aphids.

He felt that he should have ignored a certain issue, such as why the planters raised aphids, but he was already too excited to kill them, and nothing was as important as the fight in front of him.

Corpses were lying around. The bloodless corpses had their coats torn to reveal a shriveled and thin body, curled up in a ball.


This place is simply a happy slaughterhouse. The constant slaughter makes the undead feel the charm of killing, especially as they become stronger and stronger in this killing.

When he stopped and looked back, he was surprised to find that he had successfully killed himself.

It was as if the storm-like attacks that had swarmed towards him were just a strong wind blowing in his face. He just gritted his teeth and moved forward, and successfully walked out against the wind.

His arm was slightly itchy and numb. When he lowered his head, he found an aphid holding his arm and sucking blood. The fat white insect lying on his arm made him wake up from his feverish state.

"Fuck me!"

No desire to kill can be as scary as a big fat bug lying on your arm.

The undead man quickly regained his composure and left the vineyard.

Because of the big noise he made unexpectedly, half of the enthusiastic villagers in Fox Cave were attracted, and the rest of the journey became extremely easy, without encountering any enemies along the way.

The familiar-looking area ahead of him woke him up, and he raised his voice slightly: "Edwin? Are you still there?"

"Shall I go to school at eight in the morning?" the trembling voice asked.

"It's me, I've found a safe place, Fox Church, you know?" He walked over and moved away the debris that was covering the ugly man Edwin.

"Of course, but the dirty blood is off limits." It seemed that Edwin had wanted to go there to seek help.

"Who said that?"

"The Bishop of the Church."

The last basket moved away, revealing Edwin's ugly face. He still looked at the undead with that cautious look, always cautious.

"If the bishop you're talking about is a man in a white robe, it should be fine now."

"What, what's wrong?" Edwin asked.

"He has been hanged under the bridge that Porcupine Lane passes by."

"Oh no, he was just a bit mean and didn't allow me to enter the church, but he would give me food." Edwin looked sad.

Although the man in front of him looks ugly, he has an extremely kind and sensitive heart. This is why the immortals are willing to communicate with him and even help him.

"Let's go, I'll take you there. The road is safe now." He supported Edwin.

This section of the journey is very long. If you encounter any monsters on the road, it will immediately become an escort mission. Fortunately, the game is not that uninteresting. The journey is calm and there are no monsters spawned to obstruct it.

Fox Church.

A majestic building with the characteristics of a fox cave. Compared with the thin and narrow spire-shaped building style, the two wide and thick doors attracted their attention at the first time.

Without the firelight, the surrounding environment of the door of the Fox Church cannot be clearly seen. There must be many complicated patterns or religious stories carved on it.

I helped Edwin up the stone steps at eight in the morning, and then let go of Edwin.

He took the initiative to walk to the church door and pushed hard with both hands.

The rumbling sound of grinding boulders was accompanied by the sound of the door shaft turning, and the heavy door opened.

Firelight came from inside the church, projected from the door that was only opened a crack, and enveloped the two people.

"Quick, come in!"

The wanton jumping and burning flames lit up the entire church. There was a huge chandelier above the church, and two rows of tall pillars with beast statues.

The church presented a narrow but tall and strange feeling.

There was glass on the upper floors, and the moonlight penetrated through the glass and barely illuminated the areas above that were not covered by the firelight. The complex carvings and patterns made the undead feel like they were facing a wild god.

Those patterns were definitely more than just decorations. Perhaps some deeper stories could be found in them.

He had this intuition, but he also knew that as a game, if any pattern had to be filled with metaphors and background stories, the terrifying amount of text would probably not be enough to sacrifice tens of thousands of programmers.

The shape of the huge pillars and walls attracted his attention. There were no foxes here, but snakes, mice, lions and other animals. They curled up and entangled with each other, or gnawed each other.

Others mated regardless of racial differences.

This almost primitive worship made him feel a little uncomfortable mentally.

With a bang, the church door closed automatically.

The firelight was completely shut off inside the door, and the undead man was finally able to look at the patterns more carefully. He felt that he should be able to get some metaphors or guidance from them.

But considering his own situation, it is best to suppress this idea and wait until dawn.

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