The lord is red again

Chapter 297: NPCs are guarding the body at the fountain

Marcus, who led the cavalry charge, roared at the top of his voice: "Charge! Catch up with the general!"

The breakthrough was their perfect opportunity to advance. Whether they killed their way onto the city wall or into the city, they had an absolute advantage.

On the other hand, the Raven soldiers did not have too many resources to feed and breed war horses, and cavalry was their weakness.

The cavalry stepped on the slope and rushed up, passing through the hot smoke and dust that had not yet dissipated. This place was a little far from the city gate, which made them a little regretful, otherwise they would directly seize the city gate and the war would end directly.

Lance, Reed and others looked for other ways to attack the city. The cavalry's charge would tear the enemy apart, and they would turn into crocodiles, sweeping the cavalry like a comb through the missed enemies and tearing them all apart.

Lind stood on the back of the flying dragon, and the strong wind hit his helmet, pulling his cloak straight, crumpling it into a strip of cloth, and then unfolding it into a flag.

He himself was not affected by the storm at all.

The flying dragon tearing the long-necked fire tumor spewed out a breath with the power of the magic ring.

The golden spots below had begun to eat away at the city wall, but Linde's eyes stayed on one person from beginning to end.

The deterrence flew from the ground.

Wen Ruiwen, the "angel" who had left the Everfrost Land for some reason, rushed into the sky with the tremor of the air.

The crystal wizard holding the staff had a bitter face.

This battle should not have taken place, but both sides were unwilling to take a step back.

Wen Ruiwen always insisted that only by gathering all the forces that could participate in the battle could the final victory be achieved. Under the erosion of the great rift, the abyss, the disaster and other forces, even if all human forces were gathered together, there would not be much chance of winning.

Linde Alman believed that rules and laws were the foundation. If one person could do whatever he wanted and be forgiven for anything because of his strong fighting power, then there was no need to save the world. And he also strongly doubted whether the "angel" who did everything was trustworthy.

The flying dragon covered with scarlet scales was hit in the air, and its left wing was broken.

The deafening roar shocked the knights below.

They witnessed the flying dragon falling with broken wings and crashing into the city wall.

Legend of Mierxi was standing on the top of the wall. When Linde began to attack, he felt like he was watching a CG. The epic feeling shocked him, but what shocked him even more was the red-named Linde.

[Lord of Star Dragon City·Lord of Mountain Troll Castle·Old Noble·Duke Linde·Arman, Level 35]

[Life: 15000/15000]

[Life: ? ? ? ? ]

With this level of strength, it’s no wonder that the flying dragon is just his mount.

But the horror kept coming, the flying dragon broke its wings, and the falling flying dragon just happened to hit him in the direction where he was.


The upper part of the city wall was knocked crooked, and the parapets and other upper structures collapsed. The rolling hot dragon body was like a tilted hill, rolling fiercely, and the bricks and stones that were smashed by it collapsed like a mudslide, turning into a brown wave that buried all the surrounding soldiers.

The undead who connected the dragon with his face also exploded and turned into ashes.


Linde barely maintained his body shape in the air.

The stretched wings and storm prevented him from falling to the ground, and his cheeks were still stained with the hot blood of the flying dragon.

The fierce attack of Lord Riven just now also exceeded his expectations.

How strong is the strength shown by the opponent, 3 rings, or 4 rings?

He looked at the short-haired woman whose neck had been twisted. She attacked suicidally and hit the flying dragon. She was not unscathed.

The burning of the magic ring even corroded the armor on her body, and half of her arm was completely twisted in the burning of the fiery dragon blood.

Lind also noticed the two huge scars behind her broken neck, like a pair of wings cut off.

Then, the bones of Lord Raven's neck snapped, and the broken neck twisted to a normal angle.

Suicide attack, but suicide failed.

So Lord Raven let the flying dragon retreat at no cost.

Lind cursed in a low voice, he knew that he would encounter a brand new enemy, and the characteristic of this enemy was likely to be immortal.

It was not the kind of undead who turned into ashes and resurrected after death, but really immortal.

Lind knew very well that he had to control the opponent in the sky or in the wild outside, otherwise Lord Raven, who was good at suicide attacks, would likely set off a real massacre.

He raised the [Broken Sword of the Carrion Princess], the weak sunlight sprinkled on the broad blade, but the sharp blade was as dazzling as a second sun, and the blazing flames spread outward, infinitely spreading.

He raised the flaming giant sword that could be called a "grand" obelisk tower, and chopped at Lord Raven to vent his anger.

The Lord of Raven, who was flying up, fell to the ground after being chopped.

The huge open space below will be the battlefield for the two of them.

A burst of dust and fog exploded on the ground.

Linde swooped down with a sword, falling from a height of 100 meters and crashing into the ground. The elongated flames connected the sky and the ground in an instant. The extremely fast speed seemed to be just a moment to others.

The undead on both sides were sighing at this battle.

One side was sighing at the strength of Wen Raven. The terrifying level of 58 made the undead very curious about how strong Linde was.

No, you are only level 35, and you are suppressing a level 58. Is it wrong?

Hey, hey, hey, there is an NPC cheating!

The legend of Mierxi was resurrected again. He rushed to the battlefield wearing the armor of a Raven soldier, holding his sword high. He would definitely not surrender in this counterattack.

The cavalrymen on war horses in front rushed forward with long spears in their hands. When they approached, the long spears were raised and stabbed into the ground. The floor tiles were overturned by the force of the spear tip.

The dirt and rocks flew.

The legend of Mierxi rolled sideways, and just as he stood up, he found that the cavalry had stopped the charge.

The war horse raised its front hooves high, and turned 180 degrees under the strong pull of the reins.

The horse's hooves stepped on the ground, and the ground rolled. The undead who had just tried to stand up from a squatting position had to roll and dodge again. The whole person turned into a spinning top, rolling around until a gun successfully stabbed his head.


He felt that he should stick to his previous cognition. The Rand Kingdom Legion was the villain. Who has ever seen the cavalry in the BOSS battle module? Although those fools in Raven City have power, they can only use slashing, slashing and jumping up to slash, and their combat skills are zero.

On the other hand, the Rand soldiers are crushing again!

"Here!" The voice came.

The first thing that appeared in the sight of the legend of Mierxi was a red game player ID, indicating that the other party was a hostile force.

Then, a group of golden armored soldiers rushed over.

"This is their resurrection point, sir!"

Damn, you are the one who led the yellow army here? !

As the "main city", Riven City has not completely fallen, so the resurrection points of the undead are relatively uniform.

Voices appeared one after another in the back.

"Fuck, what's going on?"

"Are we being guarded by NPCs in the fountain?"

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