The lord is red again

Chapter 308 These are all earned by me

The red nun's eyes were fixed on Linde. The most famous person in this country was the man in front of her.

Several versions of his story emerged and circulated for more than a year.

This was the first time she saw Linde so close. The distance between the two sides was at least 10 steps, but she could feel the terrifying heat on Linde's body, as if he could splash hot magma at any time.

"Are you a vampire?" Linde asked, taking the initiative with an inquiring attitude.


The Red Sister took the initiative to explain: "I once served the bloody monarch. Although I didn't like sucking human blood, I used to think that it was a necessity in my life, so I never softened my heart when I met humans."

She is very candid.

Linde nodded. If a person is desperate, many lower limits may be exceeded.

He motioned for the other person to continue speaking.

Red Sister: "But I later discovered that vampires do not need to drink blood. The fresh blood of girls, the vitality blood of young people, the wise blood of old men, etc. are just for the vampires to satisfy their appetite. I tried not to drink for a long time. "

The Red Sister continued: "So I chose to run away. The monarch has been sleeping. Maybe he doesn't even know that I have left."

Lind didn't want to discuss with the Red Sister whether the vampires were evil. He only knew that he should kill those guys who couldn't control their mouths.

A situation like Fox Cave cannot happen again.

Even now, there are a group of rescued people who are mentally ill and imitate the "pattering" sound every day. The pharmacist said that they are imitating the sound of drawing blood.

"What are the vampires doing?"

"Inheritance and development!" Red Sister answered the question rhetorically, "My lord, isn't this the case for every race?"

"Yes, this is true for every race, whether it is ants, bees, lions or vampires." Lind nodded. It is the instinct of all creatures to make the race stronger.

"But you know that's not what I mean. The vampires desire the blood of nobles not just to satisfy their own appetites." He looked at the Red Sister, paying attention to the expression on her face.

"The body of a noble can awaken more ancient and powerful monarchs." Red Sister replied obediently.

"Any noble body?"

"No, of course not. You must be strong enough for the monarch to come, strong you." She looked at Linde.

Even though she no longer served the Bloody Lord, she couldn't help but think about how terrifying a body as strong as Lind would be if it were used to welcome the Bloody Lord's arrival.

Lind propped his elbows on the table and held his chin with one hand, thinking: "So, the current bloody monarch must be someone I may know or have heard of?"

The old hunter Charles once said that the vampires of the Rand Kingdom came from the Black Marsh Kingdom, and in the Black Marsh Kingdom, those vampires did not dare to be too arrogant.

One of the vampires came from the time when the bloodthirsty plague broke out in the Fox Cave. It may have been shortly after that period that the fleeing vampires found a strong noble body, and then awakened the so-called bloody monarch.

"Yes, of course you know" Red Sister nodded.

"Redwald Hedwin!" After saying this, she stared at Lind, trying to see some changes in his face.

"An unexpected name."

As a country rich in knights, Prince Kurt and Queen Rania of the Kingdom of Rand are extremely talented, but there have always been disputes over their succession to the throne. The key reason is that neither of them has extraordinary power.

Once upon a time, the hero of the kingdom, ‘The Bearded’ Hur, was the Great Knight.

The former king Redwald Hedwin was also a Grand Knight.

The old king was resurrected from the dead. It was better not to let Raniya know about this. He was a considerate person and he couldn't do what the murderer's father wanted to tell him specifically.

Of course, if Raniya had to ask, he would definitely answer directly.

"Have you given up your blood addiction?"


Linde raised his hand and cut the palm of his hand.

The strong smell of blood from the hero rank wafted away, causing the red nun's face to suddenly change, while she was still smiling and calm.

The tempting sweet smell of blood.

"Would you like to taste it?" Linde took a cup to catch his blood.

The thick, bright red blood swayed with the cup as the wrist shook, and the bright red blood hung on the wall of the cup.

"You're joking."

"Of course I'm not joking." Linde held the cup with one hand and sent it forward.

The Red Sister took a step forward hesitantly. Her eyes revealed a slight desire for blood, but it was not strong.

"It seems that what you said is true."

Linde nodded slightly. He could see the Red Sister's desire for blood. Blood-sucking should be addictive, but she was able to overcome it, which showed that as long as she was strong-willed, the problem would not be too big.

"How to kill the vampire?" Linde asked.

The red nun's eyes moved away from the thick and hot blood in the cup. She restrained her throat from trembling and swallowed for the third time, but she still couldn't hold back the moment she opened her mouth.


For a whole night, I didn't sleep and rested, and worked non-stop.

In Reina's hand was a thick stack of military achievements.

She earned this by helping Raven City catch thieves, make arrests, build roads, and even help copy texts. She didn't stop for a moment and worked like crazy.

By taking on various tasks, Reina generally understood the principles of controlling the undead.

The ultimate goal of everything is the military merit in your hands, and the things that can be bought with military merit are the key!

There are still too many secrets that have not been investigated, and Reina decided to work for Lind temporarily, at least until the work is completed.

At the same time, an undead in the distance just caught a glimpse of the red name of [Scarlet Lady·Reina], and just when he was about to rush over to kill the invader, he found that the red name disappeared.

The undead who ran halfway scratched his head in distress, looking at the crowded crowd around him, and only had a blank face.

The sun appeared above the horizon.

The soldiers of the Land Legion, who were ready to go, were covered in the morning sun, and their armor was shining with golden light.

Approaching the Land Legion as an ordinary person would be expelled, but if you are an undead, there is no such restriction.

It happened that recently because of the opening of the [Golden Throne], it attracted undead from all forces from all directions. Lind must relax the requirements and restrictions to allow the undead to enter and exit freely.

This also gave Reina, who imitated the undead's outfit, an opportunity.

She didn't have an undead ID, but the style of clothes she wore was very similar to that of the undead, so the Rand soldiers who couldn't understand her would let her in, and she also had a thick stack of military merits.

A large number of undead gathered outside the military merit exchange shop at the outermost edge.

Reina found that many people were looking at her, and then she took out a thick stack of military merits and shook it, immediately making the undead who were glancing at her obscurely open their eyes wide.

She raised her chin proudly, poor undead, these are all earned by me.

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