The lord is red again

Chapter 309 Military Merit Exchange is very exciting

The army is about to advance today, and there is not much time left for the undead. Many people come to exchange their military merits, fearing that the exchange office will be completely closed after leaving Raven City.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't cut in line, get in line!"

"Is there anyone selling military merits? Brothers, I'll buy them at a high price! But offline, you can pay first!"

The paper military merits make it operational, but no one has sold them so far.

Those who buy military merits know very well that there will definitely be more and more military merits in the future. This situation has happened many times, so the price is very low.

The people who sell military merits are because the price they give is not to their liking, and secondly, they don't have enough for themselves. It has been said that the exchange of military merits of the Land Legion is a limited-time event.

It is very likely that once the battle of [Golden Throne] is over, the exchange store will be closed, and everyone will only try to buy and stock up. Maybe they can still speculate when the market is out of stock.

Amid the noisy voices, Reina followed the team to move forward at a snail's pace. During this time, she learned a lot of languages ​​that should be known by the undead.

"Fuck you", "Fuck you", "Fuck you", etc., seem to be some kind of catchphrases, saying these words at the right time can increase the sense of identity.

There are also "online", "offline" and "team up", etc., which don't seem to be code words, but more like saying some natural words, and she noticed that the undead who said "offline" would really disappear suddenly on the spot.

She had some guesses about this.

The undead are likely to be projections of power from other worlds.

Of course, the most important thing is the mission and rewards, as well as the [Golden Throne]. Following Lind's army to Goliath and participating in the war, you can get more secrets about the [Golden Throne].

But what she didn't understand was that when it came to the Golden Throne, the undead talked about a variety of things, as if everything could be related to the Golden Throne.

Reina thought about it, then looked at the two men who were chatting lively, and she asked: "The Golden Throne, are you teaming up?"

"You and the two of us?" The two were surprised and looked at each other.

Then they looked at Reina with surprised eyes.

She felt a little uncomfortable being looked at.

Fortunately, she heard the two people's answer: "Sure!"

Is it really that simple!

Reina simply couldn't think about it.

The two undead people found it even more incredible, because they found out that Reina was not an undead but an NPC after she entered the military camp.

An NPC whose dress and even behavior habits were a bit like an undead.

"Sister Li, I think she should be a special NPC, maybe an undead in this world, there must be a plot."

"Discouraged undead?"

"It's a bit like that."

The two of them secretly chatted privately through the communication method mastered by the undead, thinking that they had grasped the key information.

Soon it was their turn to exchange.

"What are you exchanging?" Reina felt that she had perfectly integrated into the group of undead, and was "one of them", so she should be able to ask some questions directly.

"The most important thing must be the quiver."


Reina didn't quite understand, she didn't see too many archers among the undead.

The outfits of this group of people were chaotic, but they maintained a certain special pattern. In short, people could tell at a glance that one was an undead and the other was a normal soldier.

And the difference between them was definitely not just who wore two pairs of boots mixed together, or who put a heavy cavalry helmet on light armor.

"Space quiver, you can store things in it, and there are also large-scale military space barrels, which are very powerful."

Learned another word.

"Is it so awesome?" Reina said a little stiffly, but she used the new word just right to express her meaning.

Soon she found that her speech won the trust of the two undead, and their desire to talk was unprecedentedly magnified.

"Hehe, that's for sure, and after you buy the quiver, you can also use military merit to get a set of decorations. It's a pity that the exchange of Lander Corps armor is not open, otherwise it will definitely be cool!"

What decorations, what exchange armor? Reina felt that her brain was a little insufficient. If she heard correctly, military merits could even be exchanged for weapons.

Hiss, thinking about it, she suddenly understood how precious military merits were.

Even the Scarlet Nobles found it difficult to solve the problem of military equipment. They could only rely on their own claws and teeth on the battlefield, without manpower for mining, forging, etc.

If they could wear a set of secret pattern armor like the Rand soldiers, the combat effectiveness of the blood clan would usher in a greater change.

Weiwei clenched the military merit in her hand, thinking that she had grasped the most critical thing.

Reina followed the two undead people she just met, "Long Live Sister Li" and "Favorite White Silk", to the exchange office.

A row of golden soldiers were stationed next to the huge tent. They wore polished golden plate armor, silver chain mail inside, long swords engraved with secret patterns on their waists, and lion shields on their backs, standing like sculptures.

When Reina stood in front of this group of golden soldiers, she was stared at by the soldiers, and the sharp eyes like spears almost pierced her.

"Sir, I want a quiver!"

"Sir, I want one too!"

Reina followed up, "Then, I want one too."

Three quivers were thrown in front of the three people, but the high price caused Reina's savings to be emptied by two-thirds in an instant.

"Why are you guys..." She was surprised to see the other two still buying, including expensive arrows, potions, spices, etc.

All of them were disposable props.

"Oh, we have a trick to earn military merits." Sister Li Wansui answered very naturally.

Although the first person to discover the way to earn money by catching spies was the legend of Mierxi, more and more people later discovered this little trick that was not very practical.

The military merit earned by catching a spy is comparable to a road repair task.

Road repair takes time, but the undead only need to stand in a crowded place and take a look to catch a spy.

A trick to earn money unique to the undead.

Lena couldn't tell, after all, she was not a real undead, and she couldn't force it.

Her eyes fell on the rows of potions, and she had the urge to pack them all up and take them away, but unfortunately she still earned too little military merit.

She must earn more military merits!

What's more regrettable is that the army has already set out on the expedition, and fortunately she was allowed to join this expedition.

This made her feel very funny. Without any control over his soldiers, Lind Alman's expedition was doomed to fail. It would definitely be like this.

The malice in her heart was just a flash. She hoped that Lind could hold on for a little longer so that she could explore more of their secrets.

In order to get more.

And for the Golden Throne.

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