The lord is red again

Chapter 389: Business Travel

Good thing!

Linde's biggest worry is that he has no resources. Now that so many epic-level enemies have appeared, does it mean that he can directly pile up resources and forcibly train the Rabbit Tooth Witch into an epic-level pharmacist?

Not only that, you can also take drugs freely and quickly improve your strength.

Including the Red Knight, William, etc., the levels can also continue to rise.

Due to talent limitations, many people cannot improve, but William, the protagonist of the version, and the Red Knight, who is the BOSS, definitely have the potential to improve.

Previously, Linde's path power could only reach the level of a high-level knight. Without supplementary positions, he would not be able to provide any help in the future. It was also necessary to develop a new knight path power.

He has no obsession with perseverance in practicing and improving a certain way, because his own characteristics do not require him to run for a certain way like ordinary people. Except for the proof of the sun as the backbone, everything else can be used as appropriate.

It is not too difficult to obtain the magic potion formula of the Sun Certificate. To become a Gebai Cavalry Guard in the Everfrost Land, the lowest level must be epic, which means that as long as he goes to the Everfrost Land, he can find a large number of epic sun knights.

If the level of the undead wasn't too low, Linde would even want to directly offer a reward. With the undead's information network, potion formulas are the least valuable thing, and this thing is part of the "strategy".

In today's abyss, the undead people have begun to "reproduce materials", which also proves that Linde's previous choice of "abandoning" was correct. There is no need for Blood Lamb Ranch to continue to exist.

Maybe the limb-repairing magic could still be there, if he really needed that magic.

The undead pass through the abyss to obtain a large number of high knight-level disaster hearts, and can choose to sell them. According to the current price in the Rand Kingdom, they can make a lot of money by selling them directly to NPCs.

And if you sell the materials directly to the cute new immortals, you can make real money offline.

In short, brushing the Heart of Disaster is definitely a sure-fire business.

From a high tower in a large underground crack, there is a steady flow of "Abyss Puppies". Although the explosion rate is not high, the number is sufficient.

Many undead people are farming with the dream of getting rich.

"What, why is the price so low?" Xuanwudun and his party stood in front of the recycling merchant's stall in the fortress.

After the fortress was completely controlled by the expeditionary force, NPCs came to occupy the place one after another, providing various kinds of help, including but not limited to shops, taverns, simple repairs of equipment, etc.

Lord Linde will never forget to stimulate the consumption of the undead. If they don't spend money, Linde will have trouble sleeping.

But the transaction price surprised them.

Fifteen Hearts of Disaster can only be sold for the same price as the previous five!

What the hell is this? !

The businessman turned around calmly and pointed behind himself: "Too many."

A box of Calamity Hearts had been piled behind him, and they had already emerged. Moreover, he had received the general's order, and he already had an idea of ​​how to deal with the undead.

Zangetsu Sword: "It's quite reasonable. If there are too many, we will charge them at a low price. If there are too few, we will charge them at a high price."

Dragon Scale Sword had a different idea: "Hey, what do you think if we directly buy a large amount of Disaster Hearts here and then sell them in other places where the Disaster Hearts are lacking?"

The three of them stood in front of the businessman and started discussing. This is also an old tradition of the immortals. Classics treat NPCs as deaf and stupid. Even when NPCs make eavesdropping gestures, they will laugh and say that the game is too good. Realistic.

Not everyone is in the abyss. Recently, the number of newbies entering the trap is increasing, including three of their college roommates, so if you want to know the prices, it is very simple, just send the message.

My roommate who was far away in Snake Catcher's Fortress immediately ran to the store to ask about the price.

"The price here has not changed for the time being. You can try selling it here."

I got a large group of friends from my guild to sell the Calamity Heart, and when I saw the selling price, I even mistakenly thought that I had seen it wrong.

The price is actually 5 times lower than before!

Although NPC has always wanted to recycle disasters, more and more resources have been accumulated, causing the recycling price to continue to be driven down.

Before reaching the Great Rift, there are only a few ways to obtain a Heart of Disaster, including killing monsters through luck, buying from NPCs, and offline transactions.

After the big crack appeared, the undead people thought they had a shortcut to get rich quickly through refreshment. After all, it was very expensive for Linde to upgrade his equipment, but he didn't expect that such a problem would arise.

It is not bad that the prices of other props are not directly raised to cause inflation. It is not like some games that cost tens of millions in the later stages, but the result is the same.

Restricting my money making is no different from letting me suffer inflation in the future. I still have insufficient resources to satisfy my needs.

"Running business?"

Like Xuanwu Shield, they are limited by the composition of their team members. Even if they know that running business can be used to make money, they still have to make a choice between fighting monsters and running business on the front line. Staying on the front line of the Abyss will obviously gain the most and is the optimal solution.

However, large teams have no such worries at all. The division of labor is different. Some people are responsible for working on the values ​​in the front, while others are responsible for assisting in the rear.

After discussing with the members of my gaming guild, I made a decisive decision to start business.

Go directly to the NPC to purchase the Heart of Disaster.

Since the purchase price is so cheap, I bought them all, did I make a fortune invisibly?

"What? Why are you selling it to me at the original price?" Lale was stunned. He pointed at the pile of Disaster Hearts behind the merchant, "Don't you have a pile?"

"Yes, I do have a pile, because these things are not important to me."

"Then why are you selling it to me at the original price?"

"Because you seem to need it." The merchant smiled. He didn't need Linde to teach him this. He just eavesdropped on many undead people discussing business. Since the undead planned to buy low and sell high, why not sell it to them at the original price.

The identity of the merchant was not given by Linde. Maybe the doomsday environment will limit the merchant's vision, but it will not limit the merchant's thinking of making money.

Lale almost vomited blood. He could only choose to find other undead to buy. Everyone swiped a lot, and they were willing to trade with him after seeing that the store was too low.

But some people were unwilling to trade, which involved "military merit". As a relatively scarce resource, the Disaster Heart would still be strongly bound to the military merit of the expeditionary army even if the price was getting lower and lower.

Selling important resources such as the Heart of Disaster to NPCs on the front line of the expeditionary army can earn military merits, which is a special mechanism that is not available in other places.

Some people are not short of money, but military merits.

After pulling a big man and selling everything, he finally gathered more than 700 Great Knight-level Hearts of Disaster, and then arranged a team to go to Star Dragon City. According to the plan, they will sell them in Star Dragon City. If the price is stable, they will all be sold to Star Dragon City. After all, Star Dragon City is the nearest city, which saves a lot of time.

In the second stage of business, the focus will be on the Snake Catcher Fortress, the Mountain Troll Castle, Goliath and Black Island.

The distance gradually increases, and the transportation in this stage cannot be less than 2,000 Hearts of Disaster, otherwise the round-trip time is too long and there is no guarantee of sufficient income.

The caravan of the undead has begun to take shape.

Maybe they will consider "business" across borders when they have other means of transportation in the future.

The longer you stay in this world, the more you will discover the reality of this world. Even if there is no one to guide you, you will find many ways to play. Killing monsters and enemies is just a very insignificant part.

Linde also needs undead people to do business.

Resource transportation has always been a huge problem. It is too expensive to open a portal. The portal needs to consider the distance, number of people, time, etc., and each opening has a considerable cost.

There will be many dangers on the way of arranging people to transport, and disasters have never disappeared from the land.

If the undead find that the food in Star Dragon City is cheaper than that in the Snake Catcher Fortress when transporting supplies, will they buy a large amount and sell it there? The answer is definitely yes.

The price difference is definitely much cheaper than Linde arranging a group of soldiers for transportation. Each soldier has to be paid a fixed salary and provided with food and accommodation, but the undead are different. They just buy low and sell high.

If there is a problem on the road, the cost will be borne by the undead themselves, reducing all kinds of risks and population losses.

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