The lord is red again

Chapter 390 The game is just right

The first batch of equipment has finally been released.

The undead people received their equipment one after another.

The appearance of the Dragon Cursed Weapon is characterized by the growth of gray-white dragon scales, while the Iris Cursed Weapon is characterized by the growth of vein-like lines.

But there are very few qualitative changes. There is a slight change in appearance but it can be ignored, and the increase in attributes is not much. In short, it feels like there is something extra, which is a bit of a loss.

deficit? That’s right!

While the undead people were complaining, they discovered that a shelf had been put up in front of Linde's shop, and William walked out holding a dragon head.

The helmet was completely corroded by the curse of dragon transformation. In addition, there were armor and weapons. After being completely assembled on the shelf, he became a living dragon-turned soldier.

It is placed here for the undead people to identify with their eyes.

You don’t know if you don’t look at it, but you’ll be drooling just by looking at it.

The defense is ridiculously strong!

Although it comes with various negative buff effects, its active attack can make the enemy have negative emotions. It is simply the best equipment that is both fleshy and controllable.

Immortals who have fought in Goliath know how difficult dragon-turned soldiers can be.

But no one has ever been able to pull off a complete set of armor from a dragon-turned-soldier. The armor and skin are all grown together, so they can only look at the armor and sigh.

Now that I see the complete set, how can I not be greedy?

Then another set of armor was brought out. Different from the dragon-turned-soldier suit, this one was covered with exquisite blood vessel patterns, but in some places there were drop-shaped wriggling black balls, and large areas of germ carpet covered the surface and breathed. It gives it a gloomy feeling of abyssal hell.

Irises set.

Features: Increased speed, and increased resistance to physical attacks such as sharp weapons and blunt weapons. Although fear of flames is a big problem, it is very suitable for speed-based professions and wizards who are not speed-based but need to keep a distance.

I want it, I want it all!

William frowned slightly. He was a little resistant to Linde actually selling such things. If he was exposed to things related to the abyss and curses for a long time, his soul would inevitably become corrupted.

But the answer Linde gave left him speechless.

They need the undead to become stronger. They have not seen the real enemy in the great rift of the abyss, but the gargoyle they encountered for the first time has made it difficult for Wen Wen and William to move forward.

And death can dispel curses, so these things are best for the undead.

The same principle does not apply to Wen, because Wen's death is a quick recovery of his body, not a rebirth similar to "loading files", and the curse will always exist.

In addition, this set of armor is also suitable for people with the "Krait Crest" who can eat the curse to improve themselves. After wearing it, not only will it not become weaker, but it will be strengthened twice.

"How do you sell this?" Some immortals couldn't hold it any longer. If they couldn't defeat William and Linde, they would probably grab it directly.

"Not for sale!"

Linde came out, looked at the undead man and said: "These weapons came from a curse, which cost me a lot of energy. Through countless experiments, I managed to strengthen the weapons and equipment to this point. I strengthened them about 9 times? I remember I don’t know, but it was tough.”

The undead people nodded in approval upon hearing this.

They can see the equipment attribute description, but no one cares about the evaluation of the equipment. They only care about whether the appearance is good-looking and whether the attributes are beautiful.

At this stage, they cannot push the plan forward. They urgently need to enhance their combat effectiveness. In addition to upgrading their level, they must also purchase new weapons and equipment.

The official map provided is obviously level 41-50, but now everyone is still locked at level 20, which makes the game very tiring.

Linde's new equipment can undoubtedly solve the urgent need, and it can resist one more knife.

Each of the 10,000 people can resist one more sword and can send the BOSS away directly.

It is not difficult to hear what he meant. These two sets of equipment were strengthened step by step. In other words, they can be strengthened!

Then, it is necessary to keep the weapons and equipment that I just transformed into.

"I must learn more about the Great Rift. Go hunt for more abyss disasters. Help me explore and understand the abyss. I may be able to help you further."

Of course, Linde also knew that this was useless, so he said: "I will let William and Wen take the frontline command, destroy the enemy, occupy the mausoleum and the tower, and the distance you can walk will be recorded."

As he spoke, Lind nodded to William beside him.

William turned around and went back, and when he came back he was carrying a large wooden board.

It’s Linde’s old tradition again, ranking list!

"You can form a team. I don't care how many people your team consists of, be it 1 person, 5 people, or 500 people. I can make a fixed amount of equipment qualitative changes for the team on the ranking list. In addition, there are abyss stones. , military merit and other rewards.”

"My lord, does everyone have one?"

"Every team has one." Linde smiled, "But how to allocate it is your business."

Therefore, it makes no difference to Linde whether it is a krypton gold player who hires someone to directly help him earn points with 1,000 guaranteed, a game studio who is crazy, or a lone ranger who fights wits and courage.

He only gives a fixed amount of rewards and only depends on the results.

There are only so many prizes in the prize pool. You have discussed it. Some people want to eat them all in one go and get compensation in addition. Some people like to make selfless contributions. You can do anything.

"Sir, what is the Abyss Stone?"

"The prize pool is only open at the Abyss Front of the Expeditionary Force, and it contains many things related to the Abyss." Lind raised his hand and casually patted the dragonization curse equipment next to him.

The eyes of the undead suddenly lit up.

It is necessary to advance the plot to strengthen the equipment, but it seems that it is not impossible to draw a set of equipment directly.

No one doubts that they can't deliver the goods.

The fun of the lottery is that everyone thinks they will definitely win the prize before the lottery.

This time I really have to work hard.

Soon, a team came to register, which was similar to what Lind guessed. Among them, there were more teams that hired people to play with them and game studios. The basic number of people was more than 30, but there were no 100 people.

In addition, there were game anchors. Lind had seen people who paid wages to let others join their team, but the operation of collecting money from others and giving them the opportunity to join their team and calling it a "parking space" really made Lind broaden his horizons.

You can even use my name to cut leeks. You will make me look like a member of the cut.

I let you enter the Great Rift but didn't charge you for the tickets. What a miscalculation!

I will definitely improve it in advance next time.

Lin Demin is quick-witted and studious. He will never give himself the opportunity to make mistakes again. He will also be more careful when he meets anchors in the future. Many anchors and bloggers have made a big mess for the effect of the show.

Abyss rankings, abyss prize pool, enhancement, and brushing the heart of abyss disaster and various materials. After having various blessings, the undead people entered the Great Rift again, and finally felt that "the game is right".

"Sir" William looked at the undead people who left in a hurry and asked, "Is this useful?"

"No, they are just immortal, but not invincible."

The undead people now are the same as when they faced the big snake and the dragon king. It seems that their skills and equipment have become stronger, but their hard power has not improved much.

No matter how many ants there are and how fearless they are, they will only be scorched when facing the burning sea of ​​​​fire. It is not that they can win by having confidence and not being afraid.

"But why..." William did not understand.

"But only by motivating them and fighting hard can we stop the things in the abyss from going further."

Someone must use his life to hold back the abyss.

Coincidentally, the life of the undead is not life.

William was silent after hearing this. He also wanted to refute, but he found that this was the best solution at this stage.

"Your task is also very heavy. Collect those intelligence and information, and then occupy more places to ensure continuous advancement, but you must also be careful of the things in the abyss."

Linde didn't know what the real Abyss Rock King was. The cunning king he met last time was a projection born by a snake.

But conservatively estimated, it may be above level 61.

Through the prediction of his own strength and various battles, Linde can be sure that his total combat power is definitely above level 51, but he has not seen a level 61 enemy.

In terms of specific combat power, it must have surpassed the fourth ring, but it should not reach the fifth ring.

Linde has no plan to enter the Great Rift for the time being. The general can charge into battle, but he can forget about being a sentinel.

If he successfully opens up the epic storm knight path, Linde may consider going down to take a look.

Seeing that Lind had put away both sets of armor and seemed ready to leave, William couldn't help but ask, "My lord, what are you going to do?"

"Go prepare the box."

It won't be long before the undead will use the Abyss Stone to draw. Therefore, he must prepare in advance before that. He must let people have fun.

He has to leave again, and take those thousands of Disaster Hearts with him.

So many Disaster Hearts don't have to be used to make path potions, but can also be used to make ordinary potions. The effect of the potion will definitely be greatly enhanced. Who would be willing to use Disaster Hearts to make potions before.

Although because of the abyss, the potions made may have the negative effects of the Abyss Curse.

However, the undead should not care too much.

He will not sell them at the merchant casually, but will put the powerful potions in the box.

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