The lord is red again

Chapter 403: Cunning Tongue

It's no secret that Lind wants to leave the Kingdom of Rand.

In his eyes, the most suitable helper is the gentle crystal mage. Although the two legends are a bit weak, they are still compared with the strong ones at the BOSS level.

But both predictably rejected him.

One is from Yongshuang Land and the other is from Demon Land. Neither of them has any intention of going back. They regard clearing the threat of the Great Rift as their first priority. In Linde's opinion, they are indeed very qualified [Expedition of the Great Rift] version of NPC.

Although William's bones were broken in pieces, he was still rescued.

As the protagonist of the current version, the Rand Kingdom version, William's talent goes without saying. He has the talent of a noble but does not have the problems of a noble, and he is brave enough to fight.

Although due to issues with the rhythm of the version, he was dragged by Linde to fight the legendary BOSS at the hero level and almost suffered a psychological trauma, but I have to say that he is worthy of being the son of the version, and William's state adjusted quickly.

He was willing to follow Linde to the wider world, but he needed to go home and see his father and brothers and sisters.

"You can rest in peace and recover. After you recover, I will go with you."

Linde definitely can't let William leave. He has no shortage of training resources, but what he lacks is talent.

The Kingdom of Rand searched and searched but could not find a few people who had the talent or perseverance to become heroes.

It's okay to have no talent. As long as you have perseverance and patience, you can still succeed. But in fact, character is also part of your talent, and being able to endure hardship is also a talent.

Instead, it is the Rabbit Tooth Witch. Linde is not going to take her away with him. The logistics staff should study hard at the rear. With the Crystal Mage as a mentor, she will definitely have no problem growing up to be a legend, but the Crystal Mage may not be able to drop it. If you lose your hair, your life span will be shortened.

Miss Miko was very unhappy about this.

Leave Morpheus Gate.

The morning sun is just right, and dewdrops lie tremblingly on the sawgrass leaves of the new era. There are messy weeds growing in the distance, but the green plants that belong to the human era have disappeared, and the remaining parts belong to the new era.

William sat on a stretcher carried by soldiers, his body wrapped into a rice dumpling.

The soldiers leading the horses were left at the forefront. From now on, the trading market at Morpheus Gate may still remain. There are already traces of life here.

Wen and Crystal Mage walked behind. Their eyes looked at the two figures in the front, one tall and one short, and couldn't help but smile on their faces.

"Hey, William, I heard that there is a kind of pig's trotter hotpot in the south?" Linde deliberately crossed Mico and went to talk to William on the stretcher.

"Ah——! I'm talking to you!" Mi Ke jumped up and down in front of Linde.

Rabbits will really bite when they are anxious.

William, who was sitting on the stretcher, smiled bitterly. The general deliberately played the invisible game, could you please stop dragging him along? Miss Miko had to cook the medicine for his own injuries and illnesses.

Boyd, the painter who was walking at the back, quickened his pace and approached Wen: "Lord Raven, how have you considered the matter we discussed before? What my great works of art lack is your perfection. body."

Wen, who was still watching the lion playing with the rabbit, couldn't help but smile on his face, suddenly his smile solidified.

The sword was unsheathed, and the painter who was looking for a model fell silent.

The sunshine of the new era enveloped this noisy group of people, and as they walked farther away, the sunlight penetrated into the morning dew, shrouding the figures of several people in the swaying world of dewdrops.


The dew was trampled by messy footsteps.

His breathing was short and he couldn't breathe. The tips of his boots dug into the mud, and the soles of his feet were stuck with black mud that pulled the grass stems, which slowed down his escape.

The sunlight penetrated through the gaps in the leaves of the forest, and the rays of sunlight pierced the path of the hurried figure like arrows.

My lips are dry and my forehead is sweating.

Fuller never thought that he would encounter such a situation. After the summoned Night Girl died in the crowd of undead, he and the four Night Demon girls chose to escape.

From what he discovered, going to Scarlet City was a good choice. However, to get to Scarlet City, they had to pass through most of the Rand Kingdom. It was said that Scarlet City had been deserted for a long time, so they chose to hide their identities and head to the Southern Griffin Territory. .

In the early days of the Great Crusade, Archduke Griffin only sent out undead men, an illegitimate son named William, and dozens of logistics soldiers. Listening to the conversations among the merchants, it was not difficult to find that the south had not been closely communicating with the Kingdom of Rand.

There were no accidents on the way to escape from the griffin territory. Although the image of the Night Demon girl aroused the curiosity of some people, they were not blocked from passing. Thanks to the undead who always make their image very weird, thus lowering their reputation. The difficulty of traveling.

The south is just a temporary stopover. Their plan is to continue south across the border and go to other countries.

Fuller's explanation for the Night Devil girls is to find stronger power to avenge the Daughters of the Night.

However, a problem occurred when they arrived at the griffon territory. The Night Demon girls suddenly knelt down and prayed, claiming that they heard the whisper of the Night Girl, and planned to return to the Night Girl to serve Linde.

How can that work!

Fuller could only grab their hair in the middle of the night and easily cut their throats with a knife.

Then came Fuller's nightmare. The Night Stalkers seemed to be sure that he was the one who caused all this, and launched an endless pursuit of him.

The wind that tore the air came, and Fuller suddenly rushed forward, hitting his head on the stone, and stars were shining in his eyes.

The invisible spiritual attack with a loud sound hit the land in front of him, tearing out traces like the claws of an animal.

He turned around and found that there were 8 night demons around him, with blue skin and angry faces.

One of them was Xiaoli walking towards him.

"Listen to me! Xiaoli!" Fuller opened his hands and saw the blade in Xiaoli's hand.

"Listen to me, my brain is bewitched, my will is out of control, it is the abyss that affects me, I..." The moment Xiaoli approached, Fuller jumped up and pounced on her.

He was a great knight after all, and he could easily kill the wizard in close contact with him.

But what he wanted was not to kill him, but to use Xiaoli as a hostage.

But his body did not pounce as Fuller imagined, but was fixed in the air.

The other seven night demon girls with magic marks around their wrists turned into big hands with their spiritual power, and grabbed him with seven big hands, making him unable to move.

Xiaoli flexibly turned over and jumped onto Fuller's shoulder, half squatted down, grabbed his hair with her palm, and slowly approached his throat with the blade.

"I curse your cunning tongue!"

The blade cut Fuller's throat, and blood gushed out.

"Where are we going?" The night demon girls no longer cared about Fuller's body.

"Goliath? I heard that there are many night demons there, and they all believe in the Daughter of the Night."

"I heard that they are transformed from undead."

"So what, they believe in the Daughter of the Night."

The figure left, but Fuller's body, which had lost its vitality, suddenly moved its mouth, and his tongue broke free from his mouth, crawling with difficulty, and finally curled up into a dark gem.

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