The lord is red again

Chapter 404 What we want is Avatar

The Land Kingdom also released a night demon as an optional race. Unlike the blood race, which directly turns into a blood wart demon, the night demon not only turns the skin blue, but also has an elf filter on the overall appearance.

And the improvement of magic talent also makes many undead people yearn for it.

"Why does it feel like Avatar?"

"That's what I want!"

Although he was unwilling to engage in religious worship, Lind finally built small churches in major cities for the daughter of the night as a foothold, and asked her to call back all the wandering night demon girls and assign them to serve as bishops in each small church.

However, there are not as many undead people willing to change their race as imagined.

The new race brings the bonus of magic talent, with obvious advantages and disadvantages. The body is a hard flaw, and it is more fragile than human mages.

At this stage, in order to ensure that they can wear heavy armor and ensure the probability of survival, the undead have a high demand for physical fitness, and melee is also a part that mages cannot deprive.

Otherwise, if they stand still and chant spells to output, they would have been killed hundreds of times by enemies with ridiculously high combat AI.

In order to suffer less in the game, mages must be able to fight in close combat, and close combat must have magic resistance, assassins must know how to fight one against many, and shooters must know how to resist damage.

The professions in the game determine their general development direction, but it seems that they are completely free to choose the specific direction.

Play however you want.

When Xiaoli and other night demon girls completed their revenge and came to the nearest golden city Goliath, they saw a vast expanse of blue.

"Our race has grown."

After all, the faith of the daughter of the night belongs to a small sect and is considered a second-rate god. Now that so many tribesmen have suddenly increased, they can barely relieve their sadness.

But soon, soldiers from the Kingdom of Rand came to the door.

"Native night demon?"


"What's your name?"


"Well, fill in the form here. If you don't understand, you can ask me. Then you have to go to class at a fixed time every day, do you know?" The soldier's official expression made Xiaoli confused.

"What class?"

"Teach you how to do your job well."


Our job as Night Demons is to doze off in the Dusk Pool, and then follow the orders of the Daughter of the Night to have someone steal the key, and then go out to find the key after the key causes a series of troubles.

Xiaoli looked at the paper in her hand, and she needed to fill in her name, gender, age, strength, hobbies, and specialties.

"Work experience? And there are assessments?"

She felt that perhaps this job of spreading faith for the Daughter of the Night would not be as simple and easy as she imagined.


Lind stood on the wall of the Goliath Palace. The last time he and Rania stood here was more than half a year ago.

At that time, they had just defeated Goliath and defeated the Dragon King Kurt, and had not yet gone to the Great Rift, but now Lind has triumphed, and a palace dinner will be held tonight to celebrate the victory of the war.

Looking into the distance, it is the planned undead residential area, and the undead are now in full swing. Construction work is underway.

A very interesting point is that many undead have chosen to merge their own land and then build large manors or complex apartments together.

Most of the undead are bad at building. After all, this is a real world. It is not impossible to build houses by falling bricks, but it will definitely not look good.

Therefore, the undead have derived a construction team contracting business.

The craftsmen in the Kingdom of Rand have also ushered in a happy life. The pure carpentry skills are not easy to learn, and a large number of orders are placed in the hands of NPC craftsmen.

Lind will not let go of any means that can increase the stickiness of the undead. When the undead choose to take root in the major cities of the Kingdom of Rand, they will also passively accept the laws here, and will naturally develop a sense of identity, and the possibility of rebellion and trouble in the future will be infinitely reduced.

The undead seem to be more enthusiastic about building a different world by themselves than Lind. There are even more than 200 undead who are ready to replicate a small Minas Tirith in Goliath, which is the capital of Gondor in the Lord of the Rings. Lind did not stop it at all.

The land of Goliath is very vast, and many nobles' manors are like small castles, which can easily accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

What the Rand Kingdom lacks the least is land. There are large tracts of idle land in all the major cities.

You can build anything, just build it!

"I know that you didn't take her with you. Doris is very angry and has come to me to complain many times." Rania turned her head and looked at Lind. The last time she saw Lind was more than half a year ago.

Now it has entered the 123rd year of the Rand Kingdom/the fourth year of the broken magic ring. The people who survived in the world have fully adapted to the new era and started their own new life. Rania also knows that the man who can be called her pillar of strength may leave soon.

The former "God Killer" now does not look like a joke. He has regarded the gods as his imaginary enemies from the beginning. Staying in this country seems to really only slow down his pace.

For Lind, there is only one truly excellent soldier, that is the undead.

Although it is a little uncontrollable, their excellent growth talent and fearlessness of death make them far superior to any genius in the world.

"She is too weak." Lind said bluntly.

Taking a level 10 NPC to the advanced map, Linde was worried that she would be killed by a sudden area of ​​damage from nowhere after walking a few steps.

"So, Tione will go with you?" Rania turned her head back, but her voice was different from before.

"She is my fiancée." Linde nodded.

At the nuclear explosion level, it would be a waste to stay in Xilu Continent. It is better to follow me as a helper.

Of course, there is another reason. Such a large piece of magic ring fragments cannot be used as a walking fill light to hang on the head all the time. Maybe there is a better way to use it in other places.

For example, at this stage, Linde knew earlier than the undead that there is a hidden Eastern Continent. The Far Eastern Magic School there uses 3-ring flying dragons as horses to pull carts. The instructors can even start to deal with fragments long before the magic ring completely collapses, which means that the fragments of the magic ring are the real treasures.

Treasures, he carries with him.

If an undead person gets weapons and props related to the magic ring fragments and is unwilling to hand them in, it is not a big problem. He has many ways to deal with it.

Give you a hidden task marked with [Unique], do you hand it in or not? Then give enough rewards, such as the unique god suit, the unique dress, the unique title, and even the development of multiple endings, etc. If you don't hand it in, the "plot" will not go on.

There are many ways to control the undead.

Now it has been included in the top reward package of the Rand Kingdom, and it is only waiting for the undead to hand it in voluntarily. At this stage, the role of the fragments has not been excavated, so Linde is not in a hurry.

"Fiancée, when will the wedding be held?" Rania asked.


He was still thinking about prying open her head to dig out the fragments, but as a person who values ​​feelings, he would choose a painless way that can save the other person's life.

"I value feelings very much, and I have to proceed step by step. I value the feeling of 'heart' more." Linde was very sincere.

Raniya leaned slightly to the side, and when Linde said "heart", his eyes fell on her heart. She felt a little uncomfortable, and then immediately turned back and straightened her chest to show her small heart.

However, Linde's eyes that kept staring at her chest made her cheeks get hotter and hotter.

[1.2.2 Update: Added numerical damage display, which can be turned off by choice]

The sudden update of the "official" indicates that the other party's infiltration and control of the world may be gradually increasing, and the numerical damage is displayed. It seems to be a small update with little impact.

Linde came back to his senses and found that Raniya's cheeks were red. He wondered: "What's wrong with you? Why is your face so red?"

Raniya gritted her teeth, then turned and left with a "humph".

Playing dumb, right!

"What's wrong?" Linde wondered, "Aren't we chatting well?"

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