The lord is red again

Chapter 405: Accelerated updates

A welcome dinner moment.

All the important participants in this war are here, not just the nobles.

In the plan, there will only be Linde, Rania, and at most the Red Knight and Wen Raven, but such a celebration dinner looks too shabby, so Linde just waved his hand and asked everyone who can come to come.

Rania looked at Tione sitting next to Linde, and then looked at Miko, the rabbit-toothed witch, Wen, Miss Troll, etc. She sat in the main seat as the queen, but she was a little uncomfortable watching Linde "hugging left and right".

But it doesn't matter, she still has a broad mind. Linde has never concealed that he likes beautiful women, and this afternoon's experience also made her extremely sure that Linde at least likes big ones. Among this group of people, she is definitely big.

Never mind how big.

"I, do I have to sit too?" Miss Narrator pointed at the tip of her nose.

Looking at Doris who was walking over Duang~Duang~, Rania was silent.

The dinner didn't talk much about national development.

However, regarding the Great Rift in the Abyss, Linde did give a direction, which was the Great Rift in the Abyss of the Black Swamp Kingdom. However, it would take a lot of time to cross the border and contact the quietly developing Melulan in the Black Swamp Kingdom. Waiting is far more appropriate than sending troops directly. The current Black Swamp Kingdom is still in civil strife.

The conversation at the dinner table was more about food and undead.

After a long time of contact with the undead, they have gradually become accustomed to the undead's thinking mode. Even if they can't innovate like Linde, there will be no problem in continuing to operate according to the original inherent logic.

This is also the reason why the undead in the kingdom still do things obediently even though Linde has been soaking in the Great Rift for more than half a year like a hands-off shopkeeper.

With the laws of the kingdom and Linde's reward mechanism, it is unlikely that there will be problems if the strength of the undead does not increase dramatically.

The premise of abiding by the rules is that you can't beat the NPC army. If you can destroy a city casually, you can see who will choose to abide by the law. Everyone wants to be more violent than the king of the abyss.

Rania asked, "Have you sent a letter to Duke Griffin?"

Linde turned his eyes to William. William was almost torn into pieces by the Rock King. His injuries seemed to have improved a lot, but it would take some time for him to fully recover.

William said, "Not yet, Your Majesty."

He was still a little reserved when facing Rania.

"I'll go back with you." Linde interrupted.

William, who was extremely talented, must be brought along. Not only that, Linde also wanted to build a crystal defense tower in Griffin Castle to completely cover the entire Rand Kingdom.

He could imagine Dorothy's resistance to this matter, so he had to go there in person.

"I'll write it in the letter." William nodded. He respected Linde very much, so he also hoped that Linde could go to Griffin Castle.

But when he thought of Dorothy, William had a headache again. He had to spell it out word by word after returning today to ensure that Dorothy could understand what he said and to be polite in welcoming her.

After dinner, Rania wanted to go to the study to chat with Linde, but she found that Linde was whispering something beside the Rabbit Tooth Witch. What was even more strange was that Tionne crossed her hands on her lower abdomen and smiled at the two of them.

Little did she know that while Rania felt strange, the right hand of the recorder had begun to tremble.

Linde was whispering to Miss Miko, his fiancée Tionne was quietly watching the two of them, and Queen Rania was watching the three of them. Ah! What a wonderful and story-filled picture.

She felt that she didn't need to write any words. If she could draw this scene, she believed that anyone who saw it would interpret a lot of stories from it.

Where is Boyd, Mr. Boyd!

The dark shadow enveloped Doris. She came to her senses and found that Miss Troll was standing beside her, and the candlelight covered her with her burly shadow.

"What's wrong?" Miss Troll felt her gaze and asked in confusion.

"I just felt the charm of the story." Doris bit her fingernails.

However, when Lind turned his eyes, Doris immediately stood up straight, a little guilty, wanting to hunch back and stand up straight, her eyes darting around.

Lind didn't pay attention to Doris.

"Miss Isa, how did you get to Xilu Continent from the Demon Land?"

"Summon the underground tunnel worms." Miss Troll replied.

"All using underground tunnel worms?"

Lind had a headache. Now he suddenly realized that it was not a question of when to go to the Demon Land, but that he didn't have a "ticket" to the Demon Land.

This place is not in the service area of ​​the underground tunnel worms, and the request was sent, but the other party did not respond.

"Maybe there is a portal?" Isa's words were full of uncertainty. It seems that the portal is just a guess.

And according to Lind's current conclusion, the farther the distance, the greater the consumption of opening the portal. Not to mention the existence of the abyss rift, crossing the continent is even likely to be a shuttle across the material plane. It is estimated that all the resources of the entire Rand Kingdom cannot be concentrated after the lossless conversion.

"Is there any way to get a response from the underground tunnel worms?"

"You can go to the King of Ashes to see." The Crystal Mage, who had never spoken, said.

He also came from the Demonic Land and was a legendary wizard. In his words, although he was a legendary wizard, he was not good at fighting because he was an academic.

"Red Mountain in the south?" Lind knew the King of Ashes, an active volcano located at the southernmost border of the Kingdom of Rand, which directly separated the Kingdom of Rand from the southern countries.

It was like a natural barrier, spewing thick smoke all day long, and the thick smoke was like a crown, so the red volcano was also called the King of Ashes.

"Go deep into the center of the earth." The crystal wizard said.

Lind had another reason to go to the south.

However, the method the crystal wizard said gave Lind a strong sense of déjà vu that if the mobile phone signal was not good, he would stand in a high place and raise his hand higher.

The underground tunnel worms could not be contacted on the ground, so go to the center of the earth, where the signal was good.

The dinner was over and everyone dispersed completely.

Lind was invited to Rania's study. There were indeed many things that needed to be discussed and talked about.


[1.2.3 Update: Fixed the problem that the hidden identity would be exposed due to hostility]

The official update speed suddenly accelerated, and various repairs were started.

But the latest update is like a knife cutting into the aorta, making the undead complain bitterly. Long before this, they could still distinguish between enemies and friends through similar methods, but now the method of searching for hidden enemies is definitely no longer available.

Not only did the undead complain about this update, but even Lind felt that this "official" update was not good, causing him to lose a lot of mobile "control guards". If someone else sneaks in with a hidden identity, he can't rely on the undead to distinguish them.

However, there is also good news, many forces will no longer be exposed in secret operations.

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