The lord is red again

Chapter 410: King of Ashes

In the following time, Linde planned a road to the King of Ashes, passing through several novice villages along the way. He was very curious about the reactions of the novice village chiefs to him.

These are genuine official NPCs.

The only pity is that Dorothy is unwilling to give in, and the crystal defense tower cannot be built and is incomplete.

Dorothy's statement is also very clear. The Griffin Territory has absolute autonomy, and the feudal lord cannot interfere. Moreover, the people here live and work in peace and contentment, and the situation that Linde is worried about will not happen.

When Linde saw the village chiefs of the novice village, he found that they did not show hostility, and even behaved very respectfully to him, just like ordinary civilians seeing the duke, which made him feel very interesting.

It seems that there is little meaning in nibbling step by step from the bottom. Instead, it is better to go directly to the high-level route, grasp the main city lord, and then the novice village chiefs under his command will surrender all at once.

It has a bit of the flavor of siege.

However, it may also be related to William, the son of the version of the Rand Kingdom. Where William is, this group of people will favor him.

When Linde appeared in the Novice Village, the new Undeads surrounded him excitedly.

This is Linde!

"Lord Linde, do you have any missions?"

He really didn't have any missions. After finding out that there were no missions, the Undeads left one after another and stopped pestering him.

After visiting one Novice Village after another, Linde was surprised to find that the business system was very complete, much more stable and complete than the system he relied on the Undead to support.

But it was hard to say which one was better or worse. In order to stabilize the economy in the territory, the lord would have many aspects to consider, but a stable economy could not keep up with the development speed of the Undead.

Yesterday, an ordinary Heart of Disaster was still a scarce commodity, but today it might be rotten on the street. If the Undead's resources accidentally flowed into the market, it would cause the market to collapse directly. There was also a possibility that the Undead would directly clear out all the goods in the mall at a high price. Anyway, that little resource was nothing to them.

After a simple inquiry, I found out that it was Dorothy's operation strategy.

Dorothy is really a business talent.


"Duke?" When Hatton saw Lind, he didn't know why he suddenly felt guilty. He just wanted to stay away from Lind.

But Lind seemed to have a good relationship with him. Fortunately, he never noticed him.

Hatton was always nervous and didn't get a good rest that night.

He was confused and woke up when the sky outside was still dark.

He thought he should run away and stay away from here. The fear drove Hatton to act quickly.

When Hatton packed his luggage and went to the stairs on the second floor, he heard a confused voice: "Hatton, where are you going?"

"Nannali, I..." Hatton said, "I think I might leave."

"Why?" Nanali didn't understand, and the days were getting better and better, "Who did you offend?"

"I don't know, but I have to go." He didn't dare to say that he was just afraid of the Duke. He felt a strong threat from the other party.

Nanali barely thought about it. The contact during this period of time had made the young girl, who was just beginning to fall in love, develop a liking for the boy in front of her. She usually didn't get to know other young people, and Hatton had a clever mouth.

"I'll help you!"

Taking advantage of the dark night, Hatton fled towards the uncertain distance.

What Nanali didn't expect was that just after dawn, the Griffin Castle soldiers came to the door with torches.

The damp mist covered the soldier's armor.

When she approached, she was suddenly swept by a chill on her face, and Nanali shuddered subconsciously.

"Do you recognize this?" The soldier's heavy gauntlet was holding a necklace.

"This is Adams's lock." Nanali was surprised. She knew the lock because it was unique.

"We found a rotten body. The cause of death was a cut throat, but the culprit was a novice who stabbed him more than a dozen times before killing him. The things were found on the body. The face is unrecognizable. If you want to take the body back, you can go to Griffin Castle."

"Damn robbers!" Nanali's mother turned and threw herself into her husband's arms.

"Robbers? No, no, no, the goods were not taken away. They were buried with the body, and even the property on the body was not taken away." The soldier said. He didn't like doing this job either, but the enthusiasm of those undead masters was too high. After finding the body, they went directly to the Lion Duke and Miss Dorothy, and they were still shouting "hidden plot" and "hidden mission" and other incomprehensible words.

Then the development of things became simple. Miss Dorothy would never allow innocent deaths to occur in her territory. The sovereignty of the territory is sacred and inviolable. Moreover, she just said that her territory would not have such unexpected situations, and she couldn't give Lind an excuse to let him insert his power.

"Hatton?" The family of three suddenly had a possibility that they dared not think of.

"What?" The soldier was surprised. He didn't expect to have an unexpected reward.

"Go wake Hatton up, dear."

"I'll go call him."

The soldier also noticed something strange, so he didn't leave immediately, but soon he got a message.

Hatton seemed to have packed his bags and ran away, just last night.

The family, who were not sure at first, had to accept the weak possibility that they had a poisonous snake, which killed their son some time ago.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why Hatton ran away.

Nanali tried to open her mouth several times. She was struggling whether her brother was more important or her ignorant love was more important, but no one noticed her expression, and they were all thinking about Hatton.

The investigation was very fast. The whole family was questioned back and forth, and what worried Nanali was those mysterious undead people who kept staring at her and loudly conspired in front of her.

"I think there is something wrong with her. She hesitated when she spoke."

"Should I force her to confess directly?"

"I have nine ways to make her confess, nine ways!"

In the end, Nanali was released because she was a family member of the victim rather than a suspect.

After nightfall, Nanali still felt uneasy.

In order to protect her, the cook took her niece to accompany Nanali. She was a 12-year-old girl named Qiu, but she was very tall. It was said that her dream was to wield a big sword and make achievements on the battlefield.

But every time she would be pulled by the ear by the cook and scolded.

When scolding, the cook had to stand on tiptoe to reach Qiu's ears.

But for a while, nothing happened except that the undead and soldiers came to the manor to ask a few times.

"I don't know how he is doing." Nanali was still worried about Hatton.

She hoped to see Hatton again and listen to his explanation. She didn't want to identify Hatton as the murderer of her brother.

After nightfall, people felt uneasy, and Nanali suddenly woke up.


Qiu, who was guarding a small bed outside the door, suddenly woke up: "What's wrong, Nanali?"

"Nothing, but I may have heard it wrong." Nanali said. She had a strong intuition that there must be something downstairs, so she appeared at the stairs with her skirt lifted and a lantern.

"I'll go down and take a look, you go to sleep first." Nanali said, and then walked down the stairs.

The dark manor stairs were illuminated by light. As she deliberately lightened her steps and slowly went down, the swaying firelight illuminated the steps below one by one, and threw the stairs behind her into the darkness.

Coming down the stairs, the first thing she approached was a utility room, and then there was a stove against the wall. Whenever the weather was cold, she would sit in front of the stove and warm herself for a while, sometimes hugging a kitten.

There was only a table in the room in front of the stairs on the first floor, with some sundries and a few chairs.

"Nunali?" Qiu poked her head out again.

"Don't worry," Nunnali turned her head and said upstairs.

She carefully walked around the table, and then continued to walk forward until she reached a room.

Pushed the door open, and then, "Ah--!!"

The news came out that the whole family of the small manor, including the maid and the cook, were killed by a mysterious and terrible monster.

Then the undead and the soldiers went in to investigate and found that the small manor had been invaded by the abyss, and the situation suddenly became serious.

A large number of undead gathered, and even the flying dragon was hovering above the manor.

The speed of cleaning the abyss was very fast, but people couldn't figure out how the abyss got here, and Miss Dorothy had to pay the price. After this incident, she had to agree to Lind to build a defense tower.

Only the small manor slowly turned into a haunted house. If everyone wanted to pass by this area, they would subconsciously take a detour. No one wanted to be involved in this filthy room where people kept dying.


Lind stood at the foot of the King of Ashes Mountain.

Looking at the active volcano in front of him that kept spewing thick smoke.

The flying dragon Alex hovered above, but he was not expressing his joy, but complaining to Lind.

It's too hot!

Although it can spit fire and the abscesses on its body are always dripping with magma, Alex is just a flying dragon, not a giant dragon. High temperature and flames will kill it. It prefers a colder place.

Lind waved his hand to drive the flying dragon away, letting it stay wherever it is cool, literally.

The active volcano under his feet rumbled and vibrated. The high temperature did not bring any benefits to Lind, but only made him feel hot. His source of power was fire, not high temperature.

He climbed up the crater with brisk steps.

It was called a volcano, but it was more like a huge crucible that spewed fire. The orange-yellow thick soup was surging inside. When Lind looked down, he could feel a high-temperature hot air rising from the bottom, hitting his face like a heavy slap.

He jumped down, and the "Snake Catcher's Flame Wings" unfolded behind him to help him adjust the direction.

After approaching, Lind took off his coat directly, threw it casually, and used a piece of chain to pull the quiver to the inner wall of the volcano, and then pulled the quiver over after determining the position.

Lind plunged into the magma.

It was hot and painful, but he would not be injured.

The furnace emblem allowed the power of fire to continuously penetrate into the body.

The half-fish emblem allowed him to move faster in the liquid.

He can swim in the magma, and even take a deep breath to dive, but he still needs to find a way to go deeper.

The boiling soup is surging.

The high temperature refuses all creatures to approach.

The armor made of fine steel will also be melted here, and the hundred-refined steel will probably become molten iron in a very short time.

Linde swam happily in the bubbling and surging magma.

If there is such an active volcano as support when he fights with others in the future, he can try to fight even a legendary BOSS head-on.

Fortunately, there was a place to stand at the bottom. Linde climbed out of the magma. His underwear had been burned cleanly. Only the magma hung on his skin, lingering and unwilling to leave.

After walking forward a few steps, Linde stopped and began to recall the way to summon the underground tunnel worm "express" that Miko, Isa and the crystal wizard had said.

The "express train" to the new world.

First draw the magic circle, then take out various magic materials and place them, and then follow the steps.

"Damn!" Linde couldn't help but want to swear.

The temperature at the bottom of the volcano was too high, and some magic materials had a low ignition point. As soon as they came into contact with the high temperature in the air, they burned directly and turned into a ball of fire.

He could only use the frost ability to build a suitable environment.

As soon as the ice gas emerged from the palm of his hand, it was immediately turned into water vapor by the high temperature.


Linde could only keep increasing his output, and he even stepped one leg into the magma to absorb the fire power of the magma, and then used this power to create ice to resist the high temperature at the bottom of the volcano.

If he didn't have the ability to multitask, just creating a cold environment and making a signal magic circle for summoning would be enough to make him busy.

When everything was ready, even Lind felt that his spirit was exhausted.

Seeing the soil on the rocky ground soften for a moment, just like a little bubble after rain, he compared various situations and finally determined that the summoning failed.

"Intermittent, I have to go deeper, but the energy is exhausted."

Summoning "Express" consumes a lot of energy.

Fortunately, this is a volcano, and there is no shortage of fire to replenish energy.

Diving down and finding a way out in the magma, he always felt that the crystal wizard had something in mind.

When resting, he would lie at the bottom of the volcano and brush posts for a while.

After the undead of the Land Kingdom went to the Black Swamp Kingdom, they were completely free without Lind's various tasks to restrain them.

[new! Teach you how to quickly brush reputation]

Looking at the other party's long speech and operation methods, Lind just wanted to sigh that the undead must not be allowed to seize the opportunity, otherwise this group of people will really collapse the world.

He thought it might be more appropriate to directly turn "brushing reputation" into "MLM", and it would be okay to directly apply the 1040 Sunshine Project.

Where have the ordinary people in the Black Swamp Kingdom, who live in dire straits, seen this? As long as you recruit people, you can improve your social status.

Whether you are a beggar, a disabled person, a prostitute or a businessman, pay to recruit people to join, the more you recruit, the more you earn.

The undead who was suppressed by Lind in the Rand Kingdom and didn't make it, turned into the leader of the Beggar Gang in the neighboring country.

This group of NPCs has no combat power, but after being brainwashed, they become very loyal, and their favorability is full.

On the contrary, the business players, hired players, thieves and hamsters, sneak shots under skirts, etc. are not so important, they are just wanted, because their operations look too ordinary, so they seem too normal.

Linde took a deep breath and continued to search.

What he didn't expect was that he found a cave at the bottom of the volcano before he started digging. When he went in, his body felt like he had penetrated a thin film. The air inside was very cool, as if it was a different world from the outside.

"Is this the place the Crystal Mage is talking about?"

This is a place with a stove-like stove.

There was also an unsigned note.

"Records of a legendary wizard?"

"Tianxing, my old friend, please allow me to start recording from now on. I didn't tell you in advance because I knew you would not listen to my bad temper. Swinging a hammer, right? My academic research has entered a very difficult level. Traveling can help me solve this problem. You know, the further you go, the more you can get, but going further also wastes a lot of my energy.

I searched for several continents, and I found that those so-called gods, who claim to be gods, have their sources of power, just like the Lord of the Furnace. I caught his traces, and he is not as great as imagined.

I found that wherever there is a volcano, there will always be his figure, just like the statue of the Sun's Evidence only appears in the Sun Church. I began to study the power of the Lord of the Furnace, and I found that his power is very interesting and has something to do with the 'furnace'.

It's the one you helped me forge. You must not remember it. It's the platform that you said looks very big. , which means that the furnace I imitated may have the same power as the furnace master. Don't tell others, and then help me protect that thing. Although I can make another one, it is very simple to make, isn't it?

The furnace has many uses, such as making potions. Will anyone really drink that twisted thing? Let other people's power run around in your body. If someone likes it and is not afraid of death, the power of the 6th ring does sound very tempting. Yes, it should be called a legend. I don't think the power obtained by drinking potions can be called a legend like us.

Don't make a wish to that thing, things will get bad. I didn't make a wishing machine, but the furnace can meet many needs. I think it may have a little power of God. Give a price and then get a reward.

You can definitely understand what I want to say after seeing this, right? Yes, it is the highest pursuit of alchemy. "

Putting down the letter, Linde's heart beat.

The amount of information is huge.

He didn't know who this legendary wizard was, but he knew the other person mentioned in the letter, Tianxing.

The possibility of overlapping legendary wizards was extremely low, and it was even very likely that he was the only one on a path.

Tianxing, representing Tianxing Magic School, or Tianxing Mentor.

Miss Miko once told a joke from the Magic Land, "If you don't have enough knowledge to support you, you are just a cripple carrying a hammer." The one mentioned was Tianxing, but a country bumpkin like Linde couldn't understand it at all. Before he met Miko, he didn't even know what the Magic Land was for.

And he remembered that there was a disaster executioner logistics, who also said that he had learned from Tianxing Mentor.

The other party was very likely in Tianxing Magic School.

The legendary potion formula of the furnace master path, and there was also a furnace of the "degraded wishing machine" level.

He was really greedy.

Linde put away the notebook and prepared to give it to the crystal wizard after returning. It was likely that this legendary wizard released some kind of signal before disappearing and was captured by the crystal wizard.

Next he needed to summon the express train.

The ground began to bubble and churn, and then Lind got his response.

It would take another two or three months.

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