The lord is red again

Chapter 417 Base vehicle, deploy!

"It's finally here!"

Linde issued an order to assemble, and all the immortals who had been selected by him and passed the "political review" gathered together, a total of 3,000 people.

These 3,000 people meet many characteristics, such as being lawful, capable, and have extremely long online times.

Some uncontrollable undead must be eliminated, even if the opponent is strong. Linde went to the magic land this time to find a stronger potion for promotion. Facing an unknown enemy, internal chaos and disobedience will cause problems. .

Of course, he did not directly kill them with a stick, but gave hope to the remaining undead people that they would still have a chance to participate in the second expedition, as long as they performed well.

So, work hard for the development of Rand Kingdom.

Almost all the undead at the top are in the team, including some video bloggers with large fans, including post-production and live broadcast bloggers. Linde must ensure that he often appears in the eyes of the undead, and no one can replace him. Become the most special NPC.

The NPC identity is the most secure among his many identities.

Lord of Ashes.

The undead people wore heavy armor and followed Linde up the volcano. Looking at the volcano like a boiling crucible, their hearts began to beat.

"Jump like this?"

"It won't turn into charcoal directly."

"I think there's a plot."

They all looked at Linde. The only one they could trust at this time was Linde as an NPC.

But Linde was not too sure. Fortunately, it was similar to what Crystal Mage and others said. Although they had not returned to the magic land in this way since the magic ring was broken, the basic method was correct.

"Hand in hand!" Lind shouted.

Three thousand heavily armed undead, holding hands like kindergarten children, looked at Linde eagerly.

The iron chains spread out from Lind's body, binding Tione, William, and a group of undead people behind them.

What a centipede.

The ground began to bubble, and then Lind felt the ground beneath his feet sinking. The undead man he was dragging said "Ah" and followed him into the ground.

The undead people watching from a distance could only watch with curiosity and envy as a long line of undead people holding hands were quickly dragged into the volcano and disappeared.

Afterwards, someone rushed to look for them but could not find them.

It was Lind's first time riding the Magic World's "Express". He asked about the ride experience from Mi Ke and others, but everyone's expressions were so weird, and it was obvious that the ride experience was not good.

There is no detailed reminder as to when to arrive.

The "idealism" of magic allows them to only say, "You will arrive at the blue world when you see it."

Linde took a deep breath before his body completely merged into the soil. He opened his eyes only when he made sure he didn't feel suffocated, only to find that it was pitch black ahead.

There was no discomfort at all, and the body felt as if it had entered the warm maternal amniotic fluid, with a steady stream of power nourishing the body.

No sound can be heard, and no sound can be made when speaking.

However, the physical touch was there. He felt as if he was inside the body of an earthworm twisting and twisting in the mud, suddenly going up and then down again.

Twisting and twisting, unable to determine direction at all.

This is underground, so even determining the direction seems to be meaningless.

He grabbed a hand along the chain. The fingers were long and slender. According to the direction, it could only be Tione.

His feelings towards his "fiancée" Linde are still very complicated. He seems to have an emotional disorder and maintains a simple curiosity about everything in the world, but does not go deep into it.

As we all know, Linde only plays the emotional card with NPCs, and he will not hesitate to give benefits to those who are willing to share hardships with him.

For those who are stubborn, they will use two-handed swords to hit the opponent's head with the New Year's Sword Technique.

It's difficult to deal with someone without feelings.

The broken pieces of the walking humanoid magic ring were shining with golden light, but if it hurt her, she might run away.

Time is meaningless here. Linde can determine the number of undead through the chains. The undead will disappear every once in a while, but they will appear again after a while.

It seems that even those who are online or offline will not return to Xilu Continent.

Linde breathed a sigh of relief.

He had no way to calculate time, but he could look at the official website and observe the progress of the Rand Kingdom.

The Red Knight has embarked on his second journey, with the goal of driving the greenskins to the Great Tundra and planning to build a city wall there.

The undead people were very enthusiastic. They seemed to be more interested in using ice to build the city wall than building the city wall with bricks and stones, but they had to give up because the conditions were not suitable.

But the undead built multiple fortifications and successfully turned the war against the greenskins into a tower defense game.

The advancement of the Black Marsh Kingdom continues.

"Welcome to this week's "Characters". The character we want to introduce this time is Melulan."

"Melulan was once the queen of the Black Marsh Kingdom, and she was also the daughter of the great lord of the kingdom. She had many supporters. The emperor of the Black Marsh Kingdom chose to put her away because he was afraid that Melulan would be connected with the supporters of the territory. Imprisoned until Melulan’s disappearance many years ago.”

"Melullan reappeared in the Kingdom of Rand. She was the queen served by the mysterious 'Black Knight'. Because we received limited information and didn't know much about the 'Black Knight', the character was also relatively flat. We can only confirm He is a very powerful man. He once defeated the Vampire clan and tore apart the Scarlet King by himself."

"All the undead in the Rand Kingdom know that Queen Rania is lawful and good, and refuses to trade with chaotic and evil undead. If she is accidentally discovered, she will be wanted and hunted. Starting from the newly established Scarlet City, Melulan represents the evil and chaotic forces, and there will be no restrictions on actions under her."


"The Rand Kingdom's attack on the Thousand Faces City was obstructed. According to the information we obtained from the inside, it was Melulan who successfully invaded the Thousand Faces City, but things did not seem to develop in the direction of the opposition between good and evil as we imagined. Melulan announced to the outside world that the Black Swamp Kingdom would become a vassal state of the Rand Kingdom."

Linde looked at Melulan's character biography, and did not expect Melulan to act so quickly.

And when he saw someone in the barrage guessing "Has Linde taken Melulan down?", he couldn't help but be surprised that someone actually understood him so well!

However, there are still a few sober people, and most people think it is impossible.

"Linde is obviously in line with the identity of the Black Knight. I don't know if the Black Knight has any hidden plots, but it is probably difficult. Linde's character is too close to his son. No one can surpass him in the plot. Melulan and Rania are in line. It is better to say that he took down Rania than to say that he took down Melulan."

"There are still masters?" Linde was surprised that the undead knew him so well.

He not only took down Rania, but also Melulan. The difference is that he and Melulan have very simple emotional trust and there is no other communication.

The main reason is that he doesn't like corpses... not even those who are resurrected from the dead.

Melulan developed the Black Swamp Kingdom into a dark and chaotic country, which is completely opposite to the light and lawful Kingdom of Rand, but the two sides have stable cooperation with each other. Of course, the undead have the best experience, and they have become active in purchasing scout guards and inserting eyes.

This has to mention that Linde left the [Gold Seal]. In order to maintain the operation of the novice village, there are still a steady stream of people "reincarnating" in the two countries, and the number is still growing steadily.

Linde only had 3,000 undead people around him, and he could handle it all by himself.

During the shuttle, Linde could not feel the time, but he did not have to worry about the loss and excretion of his body. It seemed that all creatures here did not have to worry about maintenance.

The only hand that communicated with the outside world was the one held by his left hand.

Probably feeling bored as well, after Linde let go of his hand, Tio's hand took the initiative to grab it, and tried to communicate by scratching his fingers and palms.

Until the light appeared in front, he could finally see.

Linde turned his head and found that they came from a golden bubble, and the "underground tunnel worm" they were in at this time was a creature similar to a desert worm.

Countless golden bubbles squeezed together like soap bubbles, and the underground tunnel worm took them to crawl between the edges of the bubbles.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and bubbles of different colors and sizes, Linde soon saw the "blue" bubble, which was not too far away.

He tried to communicate with the underground tunnel worm, but his voice could not reach it. This thing was not obedient. However, since it was alive, could the soul-losing chain tame it?

The chain extended outward with Lind's consciousness, forming an iron cocoon wrapped inward inside the body of the underground tunnel worm.

The control was unsuccessful, but the chain successfully pierced the body of the underground tunnel worm and allowed him to grab the head of the underground tunnel worm.

Just like a cow with a nose ring, Lind used subtle control to force the underground tunnel worm that had been moving forward to change direction due to traction.

After approaching the blue bubble, Lind suddenly exerted force to make the underground tunnel worm hit it head-on, although he remembered that the crystal wizards had said that as long as they reached the destination, they could leave the body of the tunnel worm by "jumping off the car".

But Lind thought of a more critical problem. If he lost this tunnel worm, he couldn't find a second tunnel worm in the magic land, wouldn't he be trapped in the magic land for life?

So it's better to do it directly, even if it's forced, you have to get a tunnel worm first.

The tunnel worm suddenly lost control and crashed into the blue bubble with everyone.

Consciousness seemed to be taken away in an instant, and the air around the body began to become sticky again, as if entering a quagmire.

The feeling of suffocation disappeared after passing through the blue bubble.

The vision returned to darkness, and at the same time, Tione's hand grabbed again.

Gulp gulp.

Somewhere, in the yellow sand, the ground began to spit bubbles, and a huge transparent worm suddenly broke through the ground and flew out, hitting the ground heavily.

Curled up and twisted.


Figures came out of the worm's mouth.

"Is this the new map?" Someone exclaimed.

"It doesn't look special."

Lind stepped on the sand with one foot deep and one foot shallow. There was a deviation from his expectation. He did not arrive directly at the Tianxing Magic School, but came to the desert.


He took out the map given by the crystal wizard.

"No desert?"

Is the magic land so big that even the crystal wizard doesn't know about it, or have they not arrived at the magic land at all?

It's not a big problem. As long as the underground tunnel worm is in my hands, I can go back anytime.

Lind stood beside the underground tunnel worm and kept tying it up with the soul-lost chain, forming a wriggling iron chain "Express".

"What is that?" Someone observed a huge black figure hovering overhead in the sky. The opponent's body size was about the same as the flying dragon Alex.

But it looked more ferocious than the flying dragon.

"Cunning soul-pecking bird? It doesn't look high level."

Not high?

Lind immediately found something wrong. The breath emitted by this thing was wrong.

A cluster of flowing fire flew over. William, who had already noticed it, took the initiative to rush forward, touched the ground with his toes and jumped into the air. He grabbed the sword with both hands and raised it diagonally. The flowing fire was defeated after touching the sword arc and turned into a rain of fire all over the sky.

What a red rainstorm. Looking up at the sky, the sight was dominated by the fiery red rain.

The undead people immediately reacted and took out shields or used barrier magic to block it.

"Fuck, such high damage!" Some undead people gritted their teeth and held on, but the shields they took out in a hurry became bumpy under the bite of the flames.

Fortunately, shields have always been a one-time item for the undead, and they are used to equipping several more.

It is indeed very damaging.

Lind raised his hand to feel the flames falling on his palm, and the power reached at least the level of the first ring!

The great knights under him, if they have limited talent, can't actually reach the first ring.

There are very few upper-level great knights who can reach the second ring.

Currently, the only one in the territory with magic power and combat power of the third ring is the flying dragon Alex, and William can barely be counted as the third ring, but he is definitely not Alex's opponent.

The Red Knight can barely be counted as the third ring.

Wen Raven can barely burst out the strength of the fourth ring, but it is just barely. The Crystal Mage is just as he said, he is an academic.

The strongest in the entire territory must be Lind. If he is in the magma, covered with moonlight, holding a sword with both hands, using black flames at the same time, with various amplifications, etc., he should be able to burst out the power of the fifth ring, but it is difficult to create a similar combat environment. If it is in the territory of the Kingdom of Rand, it is still okay, and he still has the advantage of fighting on the home ground.

Looking at William being bombarded by the Flowing Fire, he fought hard to defeat the Flowing Fire. The power of the Flowing Fire must be at the 2nd ring.

Aerial combat is not suitable for William.

The "version son" of the Novice Village Continent did not expect to be so fragile when he first stepped onto the real big stage.

Linde was once again glad that he did not bring those ordinary NPCs and the Rand Corps, otherwise a strange bird passing by the sky would have wiped them out.

The collapse of the magic ring cannot be the only continent where ordinary people live that has changed. A more powerful world must be full of crises.

The soul-pecking bird in the sky swooped down, its wings burning with flames, as if a small mobile volcano that could fly hit it.

The wind pressure raised the sand and dust of the desert under their feet, greatly obstructing their vision.

The sand under their feet also began to shake wildly, as if they were a small boat in a storm, standing unsteadily.

A wizard undead man was thrown away by the wind because he did not stand firmly, and the scene became more and more chaotic.

Lind immediately said: "Prepare for defense, protect the underground tunnel worms!"

The other party was obviously coming for the underground tunnel worms, and it seemed that it was necessary for the underground tunnel worms to hide underground.

However, Lind still did not change his idea of ​​"using the public bus for private purposes". He needed underground tunnel worms that could freely travel through the world.

The chaotic undead people immediately reacted after hearing Lind's order.

Sudden mission, mission is coming!

So what is the mission reward?

Well, there is no reward.

Maybe because this is a plot that must be experienced.

A series of lights flashed, and the undead people took the initiative to block the way of the soul-pecking bird. The subsequent messy magic and various long-range props were thrown madly, and the colorful light broke the wings of the soul-pecking bird.

The heavy body fell in the distance of the desert, causing a tremor on the ground.

"Go! Its position is destroyed!" The undead are best at beating the drowning dog.

Lind always felt that something was wrong, but when he thought that he had 3,000 of the most elite undead people on his side, he could kill it with a pile of volume.

The undead rushed up to besiege, vividly performing a war between ants and elephants.

The soul-pecking bird struggled for a while, overturned the undead, and flew high again.

"Don't chase!"

He was unfamiliar with the place, and he was not even sure where he was now.

It is important to know that you should not chase a desperate enemy.

The undead were more obedient than Linde had imagined, and even Lada, who had always believed that Linde was an "NPC who would be eliminated", chose to obey.

It was obviously a plot BOSS. If we don't let it go now, how will the plot develop in the future? We undead people pay the most attention to the performance experience.

Of course, there is another more critical reason.

"Do you really think we didn't see it? The soul-pecking bird only has 8,000 blood in total. We fought for a long time and couldn't even break the defense."

"The blood-locking BOSS, don't waste time with it, it's better to hurry through the plot."

William also walked back, and the sword in his hand had been slightly deformed and twisted.

"Sir" William walked back to Linde, and his condition seemed normal.

"How is it?" Linde turned his head and glanced at Tionne, who had been keeping quiet since just now.

"That thing is pretending to be injured, trying to attract us over."

"Yeah, good acting."

The only thing the undead can see is "the boss has unlocked the blood", but Linde and William saw that the other party was unharmed. Besides, being lame does not necessarily mean that he has no fighting power.

"Running to the west?"

"I will definitely come back."

They couldn't imagine that they would be targeted as soon as they arrived at the Demon Land.

Lind looked towards the west, the sun was about to set.

It was still unknown what would happen after dark, but it was impossible to move the underground tunnel worms. The underground tunnel worms were now like they were asleep, which made their transformation speed much faster. Moving rashly would likely have an impact.

The transformation of the underground tunnel worms was a bit difficult. Although the opponent did not have a strong will to resist, Lind only had the chain power of the "Upper Lost Soul Knight" which was a bit insufficient. It might take some time.

But this time waste was necessary. After dealing with the underground tunnel worms, he had a "private train", and it would be no problem even if he wanted to take over the undead continuously.

The undead were his real reserve soldiers.

Lind took a deep breath and shouted: "Undead, camp on the spot!"

The undead who received the order immediately started to get busy. Building a house couldn't be simpler.

Almost everyone had an additional small space barrel that could be quickly unfolded.

Thanks to the mechanism design of the Dragon Leather Armor Master Bard, at Lind's request, the other party's mechanical research did not make any progress in defense and attack effects, but it did a very good job of complicating simple mechanisms.

3,000 undead people took out their own space barrels, took out the parts and connected them end to end.

Base car, unfold!

A small garrison camp quickly rose from the ground, not only with houses for rest, but also with simple walls for patrolling.

There are also rest areas, trading areas, etc., and there are commanders who can go to the highest point to issue orders at critical times.

"No matter how many times I see it, I feel it's really..." William looked at the camp that was successfully built in an instant and couldn't help sighing.

"It doesn't feel magical." Lind took over his words.

People in the magic world don't feel magic, but the undead from the earth think it's too magical.

It's good to use, what magic or not, since Lind knew that he had no magic talent, he completely gave up this thing, it doesn't matter at all.

William nodded, indicating that this is what he meant.

Thank you for the 1500 reward from Wangshui Lunlian

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