The lord is red again

Chapter 422 Loyalty Stronger than Steel

In the Demonic Land, the locals do not know the specialness of the undead.

The information gap gives the immortals a lot of room for maneuver, but only the immortals can directly use "people are delicious and rare ingredients" to make the first pot of gold.

"Anyway, the undead will definitely stink up the streets. It doesn't matter what happens."

Linde's mentality is very stable. Even if the undead don't use similar methods to cause trouble, they are destined to have a hostile relationship with most people in this land.

I have never heard of food being used to increase favorability in front of predators.

Only a BOSS like himself would find a new way to treat the undead as a treasure, hold it in his hand for fear of running away, hold it in his mouth for fear of running away, in short, he is afraid of running away.

It’s not certain whether new enemies will appear, but one thing Lind is very sure about. If he continues to play at the pace of the undead, all the red names around him might be tempted to attack first. It’s better to be prepared early than to be attacked. I don’t know if someone else has knocked on my door.

Patrols must be stepped up from now on.

Linde also had a headache on how to communicate with the natives of the Demonic Land. The attitude of the undead with bipolar thinking toward the red names was to kill them all, while they defaulted to trusting the non-red names.

My own undead person is still too simple. In fact, people with non-red names can also take action. If you do it, won't they become red names?

Human beings are treated as rare and delicious ingredients and cannot communicate normally, but as long as the relationship between the two parties is changed, Linde has many ways to get the information he wants from them.

For example, make the other party a captive, prisoner, eunuch, etc.

If we occupy a strong position, the other party will take the initiative to speak.

The temporary new camp was established in a canyon in the desert. The easy-to-defend but difficult-to-attack terrain gave a lot of maneuverability.

At the top of the canyon, you can see the tower in the distance.

William has been sharpening his sword here for several days. He should be regarded as the only cautious person in this team. The other person who is more cautious than him is Lind.

However, Linde suddenly ordered patrols and defenses, which made William a little confused. Since arriving in the magic land, he has only met Ravi. The relationship between the two parties is quite good. Where can there be enemies.

Could it be that another huge monster called the Soul Pecking Bird appeared in the sky?

Looking at the lively undead people below, William had a strange expression. These undead people seemed to be very interested in building a fortress that was easy to defend and difficult to attack. It happened that the largest number in the team was the wizard. They used magic to quickly build it one by one, and it took a few days. There was already a prototype of a fortress.

If we really want to say who would cause danger, it would only be the immortal.

"Finally done!" Dragon Scale Sword looked at the store in front of him and clapped his hands.

In order for Linde to come in and open a store to sell things, they built the store at the first opportunity.

Next, we should ask Linde when he will open the store function of the Expeditionary Force. Everyone obtained the currency "Beast Teeth" in this area through various devious ways. However, because the operation was too coquettish, it made it difficult for famous people everywhere to move forward. They had money but no place to spend it. .

Now they can only wait for Linde to open the store for them to shop.

Animal teeth are the locally recognized currency. They can also be called silver coins or coins. Because the shape is very irregular, it is impossible to make a detailed judgment on the shape.

The applicable scope of "Beast Fang" is from the distance from "Wild Ash Ruins" to "Beast's Nest".

They are currently in the wilderness of Ash Ruins, at the edge of the territory of the two "kings". Unfortunately, they cannot get more information and are still in a state of darkness. Ravi doesn't know much. He is a person who wants to become The "Sword Master" is just a native...

Linde held two beast teeth, which contained a rather special energy.

Although each animal tooth is different in size and shape, the energy inside is the same, so only animal teeth with different shapes and sizes can be circulated as currency.

"Sir, when will the store open?" The undead man urged again.

If it weren't for the famous names everywhere in the desert, Linde suspected that the undead would probably abandon him and join other forces.

Fortunately, there are also "daily tasks", including building defensive fortresses, collecting intelligence, and other tasks that can keep the undead busy so that they will not be too bored.

"Guard the camp."

"Sir, is there any main mission?"

"Guard the camp."

"Holy crap, why did you start rereading? Is there some key plot that hasn't been triggered?"

"Sir? Why are you ignoring me?"

Linde: I am just an NPC, so it makes sense that I cannot react to parts other than the plot.

After rereading two sentences, Linde simply ignored them.

Have you finished your daily activities, just wander around here, be careful I really open a store to harvest your money and points!

As the "only friendly NPC" in this land, Linde has a huge advantage, much greater than when he was in the Rand Kingdom.

At that time, Linde was still worried that the benefits he gave were not enough, and the undead would run away and join the arms of the "official" novice village chiefs, so he had to frantically brush his face and gain favor, provide various benefits, and struggle to grab people.

However, the situation completely changed in the magic land. He was the only NPC who could serve as the "official" of his opponent, so he couldn't reach out.

The undead may be able to continue their activities without him, but there will be absolutely no gaming experience unless a god appears, kills Linde, and then directly gives each undead a set of divine clothing.

Otherwise, the undead's loyalty to Lind may transcend everything and be stronger than steel.

The question is that his home is still in the Rand Kingdom, and the guild, points, and the noble title that he finally earned through accumulating experience points, etc., none of which can be easily given up.

The undead who failed to activate the store and did not open more tasks returned in disappointment.

"Need I say more? It must be that the key plot has not been triggered!" Zhan Yuedao listened to the complaints of his teammates, but did not stop working. He was applying sword oil to his sword with a serious expression.

Everything that appears in the game must have been designed in advance, and everything has its deep meaning. Otherwise, why would the modeling be done, and why would the NPC program design this dialogue? What the undead have to do is to dig out the plot!


The sword was in front of him, and the engraved patterns on the sword were filled with a layer of red under the light of the fire.


"In other words, the most important thing now is..."

"Explore, get more resources back to the camp, and intelligence. I guess the information about the starting plot must not have been obtained, so Linde is so dull."

Among the NPCs who followed, William was the type who knew nothing about anything, a standard Linde fanboy.

Tione, it's fun to tease her, especially when she uses the tricks we undead taught her to deal with Linde, it's fun to watch, but she won't issue any tasks.

The only one who can interact freely and whose lines are basically not repeated is Linde. I didn't expect Linde to get stuck here. It seems that continuing to explore and advance the plot is the top priority.

Thank you Laoo Ge for the 100 reward

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