The lord is red again

Chapter 421: Such a cool operation

"Is this the biggest bar in Griffinburg?" Stealing Heart Daji looked at the huge building in front.

"What bar, a tavern!"

"They are all the same. Tsk, come on, the decoration is pretty good." He sighed.

Stealing Heart Daji entered the tavern with a few old farmers he had just met. It is said that the backer of this tavern is Miss Dorothy, who is now the Minister of Finance of the Kingdom of Rand and is in charge of the financial update system of the game.

Listening to others talking about their past with the poster girls, Stealing Heart Daji could only envy them. In the Kingdom of Rand and even the Kingdom of Black Swamp, the poster girls with names and surnames are no longer wandering around the village. People can only occasionally meet them in the main city, and they often issue some rare tasks. Newbies usually have no chance to meet poster girls.

But it is better than the poster girls in other regions. At least they are still alive.

He ordered a co-branded Harry Potter butter beer. He felt sorry for not earning a penny from farming for a day, and could only get a glass of beer. He also wanted to try the spicy skewers in the magic world.

He stretched his ears to listen to other people's chats. There were not only undead people here, but also NPCs, and they talked about all sorts of things, making him feel like he was in a real world.

There were also bards singing in the distance, and the atmosphere was very lively.

But what they talked about most was the expeditionary force.

"What expeditionary force?" He couldn't help but get curious and asked at the next table.

The people at the next table had glowing weapons all over their bodies, and they looked like big guys.

There was really too much content in this game. Every country in every continent, every regional main city in every country, and even the villages under the main city had their own stories.

The stories he knew were also related to the countries where his friends were. The peak number of online users of this game was said to have exceeded 10 million, but so many people thrown into the game was like a drop of oil thrown into the sea.

The land area of ​​the three known "novice continents" is at least three times that of the Earth. I don't know how the game production team will do it. Not to mention the population of tens of millions, even if all the people on the Earth are thrown in, it won't make much of a splash.

Each region has its own story. There are countless undead people who make content around each continent and each region. It's like everyone has moved from Earth to another world. Although they are all online, it's difficult to communicate information.

A "star NPC" in one region may be unknown in another region.

Everyone is also accustomed to chatting in their own regional sections, and few people will take the initiative to go to other continents and national servers.

"It's the expeditionary force that entered the magic land." The other party was also very easy to talk to, and took the initiative to explain, "It's a newbie, I suggest you search for Linde more, it will definitely bring you a lot of shock."

"Thank you."

He suddenly remembered that the single ponytail that introduced him before said that the Land Kingdom was a "private server".

Stealing Heart Daji Bar held a wine glass and started searching on the official website. After searching, a lot of information related to "Linde Arman" appeared.

A protagonist-type character who always follows the main line.

Several highly viewed videos let him see how powerful Linde is. So melee is so strong?

However, the comments below attracted his attention.

"Don't be fooled by Lin Gou. Knights are not strong in this version. Those who are clumsy and timid must play long-range. Remember that! If you can't have a string of passives and a set of abyss sets, don't play melee!"

"Wizard is the answer to the version?" He muttered. Anyway, it's still early for him to change his job, so he's not in a hurry.

When he saw that Linde actually took 3,000 carefully selected strong men to the new map "Demon Land", his envious saliva was about to flow down.

I also heard about the Demon Land from my friends, but those NPCs are all riddlers, and they are very secretive.

The border between the mortal world and the divine domain, that is to say, there are gods there?

A late-stage map!

I just saw an expeditionary undead named "Favorite White Silk" live broadcasting, and he ranked in the top three in the live broadcast ranking.

Click on the live broadcast, it is an over-the-shoulder perspective.

The official is still very reasonable, knowing that if it is a first-person perspective, it is likely to make many people dizzy.

"What is he doing?" The thief looked at the live broadcast room in confusion.

Next to the favorite white silk, there are more than a dozen undead people, each of them is naked, only white shorts.

Opposite them is an ugly beast-headed man, the funny thing is that the beast-headed man is wearing an apron, looking like a chef.

The beast-headed chef: "Haha, they are all tender human beings, the price is as we agreed before, 100 beast teeth per person."

The beast-headed chef threw out a purse.

"Doing business, a steady stream of money." The voice was behind, and when the favorite white silk camera turned back, they found that there was another undead person, who was wearing equipment.

He reached out to catch the purse.

"I never thought that you humans would actually sell out your own kind." The beast-headed chef shook his head, and there was no hidden contempt in his words.

"We are also for the reproduction of the race, you won't understand, for a greater future, they are willing to sacrifice!"

More than a dozen undead people nodded in unison: "Yes, we are willing to sacrifice!"

The slogan was shouted very well, but a few undead people were grinning and ruined the atmosphere.

"Let's go!" The undead turned and left.

The beast-headed chef watched the other party leave and snorted disdainfully: "Come here!"

Immediately, two broad beastmen with long and horizontal bodies came over.

"Follow quietly and find out where he comes from! We will soon have a group of delicious humans who can make signature dishes."


"Also, get all the animal teeth back! There are more than a thousand animal teeth!" The corners of the animal-headed chef's mouth twitched in distress.

But when he turned to look at a dozen humans, a smile appeared on his face.

Although more than a thousand animal teeth are expensive, with the precious ingredients, he will soon make back his money or even make a fortune. This wild land lacks delicious meat ingredients.

"You, how could you do this!" The human roared, "We will fight you, you can't hurt our tribe!"

He burst out with great strength and rushed towards the beast-headed chef. The beast-headed chef was accidentally hit and his body trembled slightly.

"Hey, it hurts a little!" He grabbed the rushing human with one hand, reached out to grab the opponent's head, and punched him several times.

"Just die, let me taste it first."


Looking at the ashes in his hand, the beast-headed chef suddenly had a bad premonition.

The two beastmen who chased out soon ran back: "That man didn't escape, he committed suicide in front of us."

"Did it turn into a pile of ashes?" the beast-headed chef asked, his voice trembling.

"How do you know?" The two beastmen wondered.

"Hahahaha, you silly! Still want to eat me? Eat my Dior!" A dozen humans laughed, and then beat themselves one after another.


All that was left was piles of ashes.


Thiefin Dajiba, who was watching the live broadcast, opened her mouth slightly. So the game can still be played like this? These old players are so coquettish.

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