The lord is red again

Chapter 88 I want to play a wizard!

Not drinking the blood of madness casually is a rule set by the undead at the beginning of the operation. The most taboo in team battles is disobedience and automatic failure.

It doesn't matter if the output can't keep up, as long as you don't act stupidly.

But as Linde appeared, the undead people who felt that the boss in front of them was difficult to deal with had to use all the methods they could use, otherwise they would not be able to keep up with the rhythm of the battle.

Lady Serin recognized at a glance that they were drinking the blood of madness, but as the owner of the blood lambs, he had the most blood lambs. The mutated monsters had a low survival rate, were weak, disobedient, and poorly raised, and cunning. changeable.

Where did these two-headed people get such a large amount of crazy blood?

After breaking the iron chain in his hand and not bothering with Linde, Lord Serin's face calmly disappeared. Now he just wants to delay time. People who drink the blood of madness will not necessarily die, but as long as they survive this period of time, With the crazy enemy down, you will undoubtedly have less trouble.

Wails came from a distance, and Lady Serin quickly glanced at the earth dragon, whose belly was upward and its body was being suppressed by the two-headed men.

He saw Earth Dragon's abdomen being cut open, and also saw that every time Earth Dragon breathed, crazy blood-red flames would overflow from its mouth and nose, taking away its sanity in the last moments of its life.

This war has been lost, and the most outrageous thing is that he does not know who he lost to, nor why there is an ambush. Lord Serling knows nothing about what is going on here except for placing people here.

The enemy's madness is not actually scary, because madness means losing one's mind, and venting one's strength without a strategy will only make one go downhill toward Zhasa as quickly as possible.

It would be okay if he was just dealing with the crazy two-headed man, provided that Lind didn't rush up with the broken sword.

Intense fire broke out all over his body, and in an instant all the fire light was condensed on the surface of his skin, leaving only the surface temperature that shook the air as he walked.

Let "Clowry's Fury" wrap around your body and turn yourself into a weapon. I am afraid that even if Clory appeared in person, he would not be able to control it as finely as Linde.

The ring pattern on the chest is still shining, not eye-catching, but people will notice it at a glance.

The Scavenger Princess poked her head out from the sword and nestled intimately on Linde's shoulder. She leaned forward with each swing of Linde's sword, and quickly retracted with each time Linde drew back the broken sword.

Linde, who burst out with all his strength, took the initiative again and again in his own way, blocking Siren's attack for the undead people.

It was his nosy nature that made it impossible for Siren to deal with other people.

Although Linde was powerful, he could only barely block Siren's iron chains even when he unleashed all his strength, especially when the fine chains came in and he couldn't even fight back.

But if he is not powerful, it is impossible to completely ignore him. Lord Serin chooses to completely ignore Lind, and Lind will definitely chop him down with his broken sword.

If the power that can block Lady Serin's chain really strikes her, the high-ranking knight may also be injured.

The back was hit by a crazy undead man. The chain armor was able to block the impact. Lady Serin just shook her body slightly.

But this is just the beginning.

Here it comes again... impact!

There are more and more, and it is impossible to stop them.

The chain armor's defensive power was very strong, but not so strong that it could ignore the continuous hammering like a blacksmith forging a hammer.

On the other side, the undead people who completely let go of control of their bodies and left everything to be dominated by madness and instinct were surprised to find that it was themselves who were in trouble.

Once idle, the Two-Headed Man plays vibration to perfection, and each of them inherits the players' own fighting style.

Those who attack by surprise, those who choke, those who snatch heads...

From Lady Serin's perspective, the ground was rumbling and shaking, making her stand unsteady. This group of people attacked their own weaknesses every time, and they seemed to be able to quickly figure out the weaker part.

I'll fight to the death to hit myself in the head.

Suddenly, the iron chain in her hand paused, and Lady Serin's expression suddenly changed.

His gaze passed through the gaps between the bodies of the tall two-headed men and followed the direction of the chains. The end point of the chains was a broken sword that was entangled and inserted into the ground.

It's him again!

After being forced to interrupt the defensive rhythm once again, Siren was completely overwhelmed.

Miss Miko opened the door, and the noise that rushed into her ears made her upset.

It was not easy to be promoted to a high-ranking wizard by relying on potions. She tried carefully, but what awaited her was another failure, but the feeling was getting stronger and stronger.

"Good morning, Miss Miko!" was greeted with a joyful greeting.

She took a strange look and found that the other party was holding a large piece of meat and chewing it deliciously.

The magical fragrance made her swallow subconsciously.

When she walked to the open space in front of what the undead people called "the small square", she couldn't help but swallow again, but this time she wasn't greedy.

A huge figure as big as a house lay there.

It was an earth dragon, with a huge body that snaked for tens of meters, a towering back, and a long and flat front mouth... When she was cleaning the library of Tianxing Magic School, she once used the convenience of a broom to secretly read through basic knowledge. , which introduced Earth Dragon.

The undead people were holding small hammers and drills in their hands, crawling around above the earth dragon's corpse, and hammering away large chunks of rock clothing again and again.

Without the protection of the rock clothing, the defense of the earth dragon dropped sharply. The dragon skin and meat were separated. The dragon skin was sent for tanning and might be made into armor in the future, while the meat would be sent to a barbecue stall not far from here as soon as possible.

She continued to walk forward and found that many undead had lost the power of the great knight and turned from two-headed people back to ordinary people, but everyone's face was filled with innocent smiles.

However, it was hard to tell what the chat was about, and she could not understand it.

On the huge wooden board in front of the government hall, strange names were followed by lines of numbers.

Every once in a while, the numbers on it would change, and the undead affectionately called it the driving test display screen.

"...There's a celebration tonight!" The undead Wusimeitui shouted at the top of his lungs: "And the lord said that you can set up stalls for a limited time during the celebration. Those who can cook and want to earn some income from a secondary job can come and try it!"

"Also, there are new potions online in the faction points mall tonight! In addition to the two-headed potion that continues to be open for exchange, there are new ways to get potions online! Get your points ready!"

The undead, who had no interest at first, immediately became excited, and new potions were online.

"Thighs, what new potions are on the line this time?"

"Hehe, I heard it's a mage!" Wusimeitui was the unlucky guy who was killed by a mouthful of magma from the earth dragon, but who made him mix into the leadership? Almost all the territory updates and gameplay cannot avoid him. It doesn't matter if the operation is bad, as long as you have a brain.

His words immediately excited everyone.

"Fuck, I want to play the mage! I want it now!"

"I want the update now!"

"Ah, I can't wait for the update, it seems like tens of thousands of ants are crawling on my body~"

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