The lord is red again

Chapter 89: Post-War Celebration Bonfire

The high-grain alcohol named "Dragon Slayer's Death Celebration" was poured down his throat.

The hot smell of alcohol surged up, burning Ludo's big nose red.

The name of this wine will change every once in a while, and those who consume the most will have the opportunity to name it, such as "Pingdu Zhenlu Brandenburg", "I am speechless", "Poison Claw and Orange" and other strange things. There are weird names.

In Ludo's opinion, it is very stupid to spend all his hard-earned money just for a wine named after him. The taste of the wine will not change, and the name of the wine will change after a period of time. into other people.

He didn't understand, but those undead people enjoyed it so much that if they wanted to drink a familiar wine, they could only say "I want the same old one" or "I want the one with a different name", otherwise looking at the long ones would make one's scalp numb. Menu, will definitely lose confidence in ordering.

This time the name of the wine was changed after the lord nodded, in order to celebrate the success of the first dragon slaying.

When the wine was in his mouth, he thought that it was related to a dragon. Even Ludo, who had always been indifferent to the name, couldn't help but admire it. He felt filled with pride and fire in his heart.

He seems to have a vague understanding of what the undead people are pursuing, but this is too luxurious for him. Compared with "the death celebration of dragon slayers", he prefers "the same old way".

As long as you can drink it.


Life at Star Dragon Outpost is beyond imagination. Ludo, who has a good voice, does not do menial work like others, and the dwarf cannot do menial work. He will only make people feel that he is in the way.

He is now a regular performer at the Sentinel Tavern, performing burlesques, and occasionally singing a few words. Sometimes a group of undead people get together to play cards, and they like to have him sing next to them, saying it creates an atmosphere.

Ludo, who had long been accustomed to acting like a clown, didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

His acting skills are outstanding, especially when he plays annoying characters such as jesters and clowns, which are very vivid. However, unlike in Prey Town, Star Dragon Outpost would not result in a beating for performing such a role.

Here his main job is to sing, and occasionally he plays and drinks with her.

After the performance, if you continue to say to the undead people in a treacherous tone, "Thank you for the gold coins, let the funny and pitiful dwarf pay more for drinks," some of the undead people will curse and give the money.

There is also a trick here, to pretend to be hesitant to speak. He found that the undead people have no resistance to this expression.

More than once, the undead even tried to give him money and asked him if he had any "hidden missions". Unfortunately, there was no such thing. Ludo's identity was no different from those of the female workers. He was currently at the bottom of the Star Dragon Outpost. He was not qualified to release information that could make the undead An eye-catching task.

It's just the lowest level, but life is not as bad as imagined. He can fill his stomach and drink. Further up are the various craftsmen who are valued by the lord, the middle-level figures are the soldiers, and the top level is the lord.

In fact, at the beginning, Ludo's mission was to sing for the witch lady in the potion shop. Unfortunately, he was the one who was eliminated among the three.

The powerless dwarf can only find a way to make a living on his own, and Star Dragon Post has no plans to provide for idlers. Fortunately, there are opportunities to make a living here.

There was even a time when the lord saw the dwarf Ludo cheating the undead out of money. Not only was he not angry, but he also taught him a few games and told Ludo that he could continue working in the tavern and anywhere else in Star Dragon Post, but he would have to Pay taxes.

He raised his head and raised the cup high, and the last mouthful of "Dragon Slayer's Death Celebration" poured down his throat.

Leave the tavern.

Dragon meat was roasted early in the morning. The lord did not regard dragon meat as a treasure at all, because there were not many people at the sentry, and everyone could have a taste.

When I walked to the stall, I happened to see an extremely ugly undead man with dyed green hair holding a skewer of roasted dragon meat and shouting in an exaggerated tone: "There are many coins in the shop, the real and fake white silk..."

Ludo bypassed the green-haired weirdo and walked to the barbecue stall. The oily dragon meat on the strange grill exuded an alluring aroma.

"The dragon that has been living in the magma will be roasted by the flames. Sprinkle a little bit of fire tongue and rock salt, and the taste will explode in an instant!"

It's not an adjective, but someone is actually shouting this next to me, and while shouting, he also looks like it's delicious.

"Dilong BBQ, you deserve it! Each person is limited to one skewer!"

"Hey, Ludo~" The undead man barbecuing saw Ludo.

There are very few NPCs in Star Dragon Outpost, and every NPC has been followed by the undead. The undead are very familiar with the dwarf clowns who often appear in the tavern.

When they have nothing to do, they like to gather in the tavern and play cards.

Lu Duo rubbed his hands: "Look at this craftsmanship, I can already smell the drool-worthy fragrance from a long distance away~"

"That's not okay, this is for the immortals! Haha, I'm just teasing you, come on, take it!"

The lord is in a good mood today, and the Immortal is also in a good mood because the Master profession is about to be opened, so when he meets the rather disgusting Ludo, he will also give a good look.

Friendly NPCs, even if they usually have a bad mouth, will not say anything if they are not dead. This is what makes it real. If they are all good gentlemen who are friendly to others, what's the point?

Butter has a bad-mouthed lady, although they currently only have a bad-mouthed dwarf.

The most important thing is that I don’t feel bad if I sell my cub. The dragon meat belongs to the lord. I can enjoy it while receiving mission rewards and camp points. Isn’t it just barbecue? This is what we do in real life.

Thinking of this, the immortal man in charge of the barbecue suddenly paused.

"I was having a barbecue in real life and wanted to relax in the game, but after entering the game I was still having a barbecue..."

Ludo didn't care about his mumbling, and urged him twice more, before the other party came back from his sluggish state, and handed over the barbecue as if he had suddenly lost hope in life and had been spoiled.

After taking a bite, Ludo's expression changed.


It tastes like chicken, with a slightly sweet texture, and I don't know if it's an illusion. Even if the roasted meat is chewed between the teeth, the meat is slightly fighting against his own teeth as if it's alive, as if he really swallowed it in one bite. A dragon.

The most obvious manifestation is...not chewing off more than one can chew.

He stretched his neck and swallowed hard, and then managed to swallow the meat into his stomach.


There are many people who have done the same thing as him.

"No, one person can only eat one bunch!"

"As soon as I put it in my mouth, the meat slid into my stomach with a bang. I didn't even have time to chew it carefully~"

Ludo glanced around and saw two undead people, a man and a woman, communicating over barbecue.

The undead person in charge of the barbecue had a firm attitude, while the female undead person standing in front of him had a humble and flattering attitude.

"It's so delicious, like grilled chicken breast. Give me another skewer."

"It's useless for you to cry. You have to pay for it! Damn it, it's just barbecue. I'll give it to you if you cry. Give it to you."

"You don't understand the days of eating grass, wow wow, it's delicious!" The undead female holding the meat skewers and chewing the skewers, crying at the top of her lungs, immediately became the center of attention.

Ludo could still vaguely hear them saying: "Oh, romantic loser, this is something she can do."

Shaking his head, Ludo continued to walk forward. Unfortunately, Star Dragon Post had no commercial attributes. The Lord took care of the business between NPCs and undead players.

The NPC's own business attributes are negligible, and the immortals happen to be the type who dare not bargain, so it is difficult to develop business here.

Because there is no connection between supply and marketing at all, and there is no intention to do so, everything is run on the premise of relying on Star Dragon Post.

After walking around, Ludo didn't see anything more interesting, so he found a seat in the small square and sat down, admiring the excitement in front of him.

The lord was going to give a speech today and he didn't ask everyone to come, but everyone rushed over in unison.

The female workers who had been sitting next to them for a long time were whispering. The days of Xinglong Post were getting better and better, and their withered faces had gained a little more flesh.

The red clouds of dusk filled the sky, and a ray of light slanted down lit the bonfire.

I don’t know who started it, but some undead people were already standing up, dancing and singing.

The main thing is that my face is not my face. On the Internet, I am a social cow, and I can do whatever I want.

Ludo, who had been responsible for singing and performing for others, never dreamed that he could actually see others singing. These immortals might be like the elves in the story, always carefree and immortal...and then the next moment his face appeared on his face. The sigh disappeared and became stiff.

"Two tigers love to dance~" Weird twisting bodies and strange songs.

Some of the nearby undead people even shouted in unison: "Hey——!"

Forget it, carefree is theirs.

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