The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 128 Do you eat more and more?

Tongle Leguan went downstairs, and found that Mommy and gods were not downstairs.

"Ash, Mummy estimates are turned away by it." Tongle is reported.

"What do you want to do to Mommy?" Asked the mad.

"It's all adults, what can I do?" Tongle is temporary eyebrows, and smiling.

"Don't you really want to come to an overlord hard?" Mr. asked worriedly.

"Does he dare? I am not afraid of my mommy. What kind of Taekwondo Jutao black belt is still a championship ... Momi wants my mommy to his family?" Tongle Tucao said, "This old man, when I see my mommy is like I have seen a woman wants to eat my mom!"

"Ale, don't talk, I have never seen a woman, especially Mommy, I know that I have a good food, I have a good dish, I want to be because of her son, I I want to chase her. "

"Yes! Do you have this idea? I also super Like Mommy's soft sister paper!" When Tongle is talking, it is very relaxed, and it is surprised.

I didn't think of it, Agi actually like the sister paper like him.

"Mommy is really a woman I have seen!" The stranger has a good point.

Tongle is nodded, if you think, I will fall into the mind, I asked weakly. "Asa, you said ... After our brothers will be played because a woman is?"

Tongle said, patted a small chest, a face.

"Let us be enema woman, must be a bad woman, what is going to do? Is it a game is not fun, or make a lot of money? Do you want to talk to love?"

"But Ash, I will talk to you, men, success, others will respect you to worship you, but in addition to success, I also married all men's dreams, is the winner of life!"

"Baby I am only interested in Mommy, other women ... where is it to go." The stranger wrinkled on the phone.

"Hey! Ash, I saw it and Mom!" Tongle was suddenly exciting.

"What are you doing now?" Mr. said excitedly.

"Lying! ! Mom Momi Weiwu Domineering!" Tongle music lived on the spot, "Mommy had a left hook box, and he was a face ... um ... happened Touching your face, the brow is picking down, the death of the death is the dead woman, actually dare to hit me? I actually like to be hit! This woman is not the same, the gods outside the goods are different, Master likes it! Ruplex! '"

"..." The stranger wanted, and the small face was full of black lines.

After half, I said, "Ale, what do you say, how can you think so?"

"You are not at the scene, of course, I don't think I have a lot of expressions, you have never seen the expression of the land, the little eyes, I have been playing my mommy, definitely thinking about it." Tongle persisted Arrived.

"How do you know?" Stir away from the division and asked.

"The idol drama of Mommy is acting like this." Tong Lele insisted that he did not admit itself.

"It's your own brain ..." The stranger is crying.

How can he be so cute?

Cute, he wants to smash an Al.

"Of course ..." Tongle looked at the interaction of Mommy, suddenly laughed, admitted, "It's my own brain!"

"..." "Mori smoked," Ale, are you eating more and more? "

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