The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 129, my son doesn't like you.

"No, I am a little cute to watch the magic." Tongle thought about it, said.

"What is that? What is the east?" The stranger didn't understand Tongle.

"It's Mom like the comics that Mom likes, the blue second brother is old handsome." Tongle music thought about the blue second little brother, "I was excited," and my family is quite like! "

"Noise, I don't oppose Mommy to see this comic, I originally destined, I am a big straight man, actually agreed to let Mommy look at this type of comic, I also see Jinjin?"

Tongle music recalls that he still has seen this comics with Mom.

And I have been chasing it for a while.

"What cartoon?" The stranger didn't help but asked.

"It is two handsome little brothers who are mutual." Tongle said.

"Two little brothers can play this way?" Moshi opened the world's new door by Tongle.

"Yeah, there are two little sisters." Tongle nodded.

"Ale, you and Mommy look at what messy things? I don't want to see it." The stranger said seriously.

"Just look, you can look good."

"Not allowed to see! I will see you again." Mr. a little adult's appearance taught Tongle.

"Okay, good! Baby doesn't look!" Tong Lele smiled and said that as is like Xiao Di.

Even the tone of talk is like it.

"I invite you to eat more tomorrow!" Tongle said to the stranger, "I will go to find a good place to give you a live broadcast."

Tongle is said, watching the geographic location four times.

The stranger in the distance and the Tong Jiubo have paid.

"Mo Qi, when is you going to entangle me?" Tong Jihuang cried his face, and asked helplessly.

"The husband you recognize it yourself, just like this, is it relative to the feet?" Mo Qi's eyebrows.

"I have said, I just misunderstood, I don't know if it is you, if you know it, I just said, when I went outside, I saw him, and I saw him. Don.

"How is you?" Mo Qi sighed.

"I have made that thin, I have been chasing it." Tong Jiu Mo ranked.

With his sin, the seven princes were entangled by him, it is not as punishment?

She is also anxious that she didn't see clearly, she just pulled the rescue.

Who knows that it is a stranger.

If Mono Qi, she would rather pounce on the ground.


Mo Jue's face climbs full of black lines, on the top two steps, reached out to deduct her wrist, with her left.

"Hey, where do you want to take me?" Tong Jihuang was pulled by the Mo Qi, and she was afraid.

Mo Qi was pulled her for a while, then stopped, watching her and looking at her, asked, "Tong Jiubo, why do you want me?"

Tong Jihuang was said to be said, some inexplicable, "How can I harm you? I just used you?" What did I harm you? "

"I like you so much!" Mo Qi was holding her shoulders and frowning whispered.

Tong Jiu Milou heard the words, scared, looked at him.

After half of the half, I found my thoughts, and my mouth was twitched. Asked, "You are not driving me joke? I have a son."

"I also have a son." Mo Jue said.

"Do you have a son?" What is it? "Tong Jiubo smaked.

"My son likes you." Mo Jue said.

"My son doesn't like you." Tong Jiu Mo felt refused.

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