The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 166 with the same paragraph

"You sleep here tonight." Mo Qi took a boy's bedroom with a child.

"I slept in your room, where do you sleep?" Tong Jiu Milou looked at the stranger and his son took a photo on the table.

She picked up every photo, she is the back of his son, no face.

However, this back looks, her first thought is to see Tongle.

It's very quite like her back of her son.

There is a photo of his and his son in the room, indicating that this room is his.

"You listen to this clear, shouldn't you want to go to my room in the middle of the night, climb my bed?" Mo Qi Yu looked at her.

Tong Jihuang heard the words and was mad.

Pressed him at him.

At this time, I'm going to knock in, take a set of fragrant karai's pajamas, and handed it to the children's nine, "Momo, this is my new pajamas for you, wash Clean. "

Tong Jiumo looked at the pink pajamas, and there was a cute pink belly. She looked at the Qi Qi also in the room. Her cheeks were red in an instant, and they came forward to pick pajamas.

"Thank you from."

"You don't have to be polite, Momo, you should take a shower first!" Chi Yifu thought about the children's ninemats, and the mood was very good. "

"Okay." Tong Jiu Mo smiled nodded.

"Then I will go to the bathroom first?" Tong Jiu Milou looked at the late Qingqing and stood in the same place, and pointedly referred to the bathroom in the room and asked softly.

"Well! Go, go!" Chi Eating waved, then left.

After leaving a meeting, I didn't see my son. She stopped, and she turned her back to the Qi Qi's follow-up, she reached out, she pulled the Qustang left room. "You don't want to stand here? What? Give me out! You don't know if Momo Xiaoxian is taking a shower! You actually want to peek! I didn't expect that I actually gave birth to your child's son! "

The Qijue is late, and the bedroom is separated.

In the bedroom, I later lost a pajamas, "Go, take a shower, put on the floor, watch TV."

Mo Qi took the pajamas that the mother lost, the face was sinking, said, "Mom, I am your child, or Tong Jiimo is your daughter?"

The pajamas of Tong Jiumo is folded completely.

I will lose it directly to him ...

Also crumpled.

Still ... pink!

It is not ironed from the washing machine to dry.

"Waiting for you to marry Momo, I will put her a daughter to pet her daughter." Chi Bingqing said with his hands.

She even can't wait to want Mo Jue.

"You give me some attention, don't scare my daughter-in-law!" Chuan Yiqing warned the tone said, "There is also a bath, wear this pajama, you dare to wear, see I don't interrupted you leg!"

Especially break, go back to the room.

Then after the Tong Jihuang came out of the bathroom, the maid knocked on the door, said at the door, "Miss Tong, Mrs. Mrs. Mr. let me call you to watch TV with them."

"I wore pajamas ... I have no clothes to change." Tong Jiubo opened the door, said it was difficult.

Don't you wore a pajamas in someone else?

"Miss Tong, the lady is explained, please don't be so restful, when you are your home, Miss Tong is like a fairy!" Maid praises the children's ninem, "and Miss Tong Put the pajamas out of the model. "

It's really good.

Sure enough, people have a good look and look good.

"That's okay." Tong Jihuang followed the servant.

I haven't arrived in the living room, I heard a laughter that came in the living room.

When they saw the children's ninem, they laughed at her.

Milk milk has been launched by his hand, "Hey! Ascension, your mother is not good, you look at Momo wear and we are almost the same paragraph pajamas, like unlike a family?"

Tong Jiu Mo saw it, and a few elders of a strouped were wearing the same pink pajamas ...

Still with the same paragraph!

PS: Ask for a collection ~ Tickets ~ add more 2. Recommended ending "President is on: new wife, don't make trouble" "The profession of hidden marriage is the pet: thin, see" Super Good-looking "

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