The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 167, you want to figure out his money

"Like like a picture! It is an important thing!" Chi Eyi looked at the children's nine foated pajamas and smiled happy.

"Well, I confirmed that my eyes is a strange person." Mr. Map nodded, very satisfied.

At this time, the Mori Viser came down from the upstairs, and the mother lost his pink pajamas.

He stopped to the body of Jiubo.

Tong Jiu Mo side, looked at Mo Qi to wear a pink dress, suddenly couldn't help but smile.

Men wear pink, really ... so cute!

"The AUB is also down? This is really a tender family!" Milk milk smiled.

Take the ninem of Jiu Mo, I was forgotten, I quickly picked up my mobile phone, opened the camera, took a photo on the Qi Mojue.

At the same time, late break is also the same action with Tong Jiu Mo, pick up the phone is taken.

But late, it is to try the moment when I want to set my son and my daughter-in-law!

Tong Jiu Mo Zhi is because it is very cute because I feel that Momi is very cute in pajamas wearing powder.

Mo Jue heard the photo shutter sound and his face sank.

Before the arrow, you have to grab the mobile phone in the child's hand to delete this destroyed image.

"Give me the phone." Mo Qi Jue approached her step by step.

Tong Jiu Mo killed his mobile phone, "Don't give it, the mobile phone is mine."

Monastery can only take her step back.

The late break pick up the grandson on the desktop, and then loses it to the child's ninem.

Just hoped on the children's ninem, all people have to fall.

Mo Qi's eye is fast, reach out to help the child's soda.

Because of the afraid of scared, he as a life-saving straw and reached out his arm.

Two people fell to the ground.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The shutter sounds.

Four elders of a strouped, holding a mobile phone, surrounding the children's Jiubo and Mo Ju Dijue!

Mu Qi Tong and the child's nine foim of the forehead, the nose is nose, the mouth is opposed to the mouth.

The breathing of the two is entangled together.

The body of the two becomes hot.

Tong Jiu Milou looked at this infinitely expanded face before his eyes, almost immersed in his twilight.

When he heard the shutter sound, both people succeeded.

If you want to get it, Tong Jiu Milu is on the wrong body.

I also kissed his thin lips!


The strange elements looked at this scene in front of them.

Hands have been in the hands and don't let go!

"..." Children's Nine Mo, watching the Mo Jue, who is in his own pro, is a big hole, not a letter!

She was scared to jump!

"Sorry!" Tong Jiu Mo's face red ear, and quickly apologized.

"Momo!" Chi Yi Qing suddenly called the children's nine, "You have a son of my family, but you have to be lifetime for him."

"I am not careful ..." Tong Jihuang's face is hot, I want to justify it.

"Momo, don't say it! My son makes you pro, please ask you a lot of advice! Let's play your feet and kick you!" Chi Yi Qing smiled and said.

Tong Jiu Mo frowned, did not dare to look back late.

"There is still oh, Momo, I am not talking to you, you saved me, I will let my son will have the body to you." Chi Bing said, "Although my son is not very handsome, It is more handsome than other men, but I hope you don't give up, you don't have a lot of money, he has a lot of money! Women and men can not be simply because of love, but also to picture his money! "

PS: Tickets ~ Ask for a collection ~~~

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