The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 168, send one, take you very cheap

Tong Jihuang is crying, how can this family like a strange? Forcing others to marry their home?

I haven't stayed again, I'm late, "If you don't figure out his money, there will be a bad woman to spend his money for you, I just have the money of my husband, so there should be, Our smart woman caught two hands on the love money, must not be dollyled for love.

Momo, you are looking for money! Aisisher him is very rich and rich, what is the concept, you spend a hundred million a day, spending a few days. Take some woman who is greedy, the most lovely is the most beautiful! "

Tong Ji Mo knows that Momi Que is rich, but this is too rich.

And the mother of Mo Jue is too cute.

How many people disclose to outsiders?

This is not clear to make her really rushing money?

However, between her and the stranger, it is estimated ...

She took a deep breath, and she said, "The master, I think, with the conditions of a strange and the Qustu, I will encounter a perfect girl. I am a single mother."

A man like a stranger like this, the woman does not match the family background that matches it, but at least the least is to be innocent, no stain.

She, bother with children.

Moreover, her life has a stain. She has worked, and it is unacceptable to ordinary people.

"Nonono!" Chi Yi Qingnan, even busy and shook his head, said excitedly, "I can't find a girl who is more beautiful than you! You have a son, bring it directly to our strange, our strange, it is super Big cheap! This is a rhythm of a one who sent it! You don't have to regenerate your child, our strange is more than a descendant! More perfect! "

"That is!" Mili also helped said, "We lack one grandson with children!"

"Many single mothers are not necessarily me." Tong Jihuang was mixed by their logic.

Does the average person do not hear whether a single mother will be shocked?

Why did the family have listened to the blood of the blood.

"Be sure you, we are not to give a woman to Aub, it is not a confirmation of the eyes ... Hey! You are a good girl in the millennium!" Mr. Mr. said.

"Well, my son can encounter such a good girl in Momo, it is really fortunate!" Mo did not speak for everyone to talk to Mo Qi, he also said.

"I ..." Tong Jiu Mo's eyebrows.

The late break is broken, "Momo, but there is no woman passed my son, you are the first, the last one, you have to marry him, this is our strange family Iron rhythm! "

Children's nine foim.

Mo Qi Tong did not parenly passed women?

I don't believe it.

If you don't pick up a woman, how did his son come?

Stone burst?

A madman is that it is necessary to have her wife to become a Mori Qiaon?

Really, in order to give Mo Qi's wife, don't ask for a means, what is the strange monster, I have decomified!


However, why is she!

She is a son!

This double combination of families will be more friction and contradiction.

Seeing Tong Jiu Milo hesitating, late break is hot and said, "Momo, you don't need to prepare anything, you only need to marry the AUB, you will hire gold, our strange will be a point, and you will never grieve you. "

PS: Tickets ~

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