The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 524, where do you sleep? (Ask for a monthly ticket)

He has never understood why his son is so hatred, and he married a child.

But when the son saw the children's ninem, it was very sticky to the children's nine, like it.

This makes the Mo Jue are very contradictory son hate him.

Give my son to find a mad, isn't it a good thing?

Actually, I still discard him!

It's time to make a lot of money in the next day.

Mo Qi is really love for this little sweet wife, just like a Qi Zhenbao.

He kissed her.

His behavior makes her look at him, "Mo Qi, you rogue!"

"Well, my wife is too sweet, I can't help it." Mo Qi touched her small head, said, "Take a day, you go to bathe, take a break."

"Where are you sleeping tonight?" Tong Jiuyou is looking at him asking.

Mo Qi looked at her expression, helplessly smiled, "Of course, sleep next to it."

"No! If you are like this, I will go back!" Tong Jiumo looked at him.

"Wife, our newly married night, let you alike empty room, are I am too slag?" Mo Qi squatted slightly, and asked her smile.

I don't know what to threaten.

"You have already taken the residue, before marriage, and I have a relationship." Tong Jiu said with him.

Mo Jue is helpless, "Well, I can sit on the residue male tonight?"

"No." She refused.

I still want to sleep her!

He thinks beautiful!

"Wife, I am so handsome, don't you see it? Don't think about it?" Mo Qi is still very proud of his shape conditions.

One-mik nine, dress is thin, undressing with meat.

It is like a walking hormone.

He didn't even have his little sweet wife, let him start questioning his charm.

Moreover, when they first met the subway, he was so handsome standing around her, not, but did not attract her, but it was seen by her as a metamorphosis.

Finally, when he returned, let the goverber handed the subway, and found that Tong Jiuchen was really touched, and it was on the PP standing on this side, so she caused her to hit him.

He immediately let the governor go out of the Mall and have some punishment.

Collecting that metamorphosis in the subway bus behavior video, directly sent to the police station.

However, I thought of the subway, he first thanked himself from a small habit of developing a big master, alone survived abroad, and the small age began to make money by the brain, and put themselves as ordinary people, learn ordinary people's lifestyle , Walk, take the bus, sitting on the subway, these are what he has done.

Instead, there is a feeling of human fireworks.

Because of this, there are more opportunities to stop and see the surrounding scenery.

I have seen the streets and kisses, and I have seen the old people who support each other.

Therefore, Mo Jue is always a couple who never envyed street hot kiss, and only envy the old people who have helped each other.

He lived in the old little wife, he waited.

I arranged him around the morning.

"No!" Tong Jiu Mohong said.

In the mind, he suddenly floated his first twice ... The body of the body is simply poppy, which is fascinated.

However, she doesn't say it.

Mo Qi smiled down, the dumb sound rang in her ear, "Momo, but I have a non-point for you."

PS: ask for a monthly ticket! Dear baby!

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