The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 525 Originally, you like to watch this TV (ask for a monthly ticket!)

Tong Jihuang looked at him and said, "Go to TV!"

When you talk, you will go to the living room.

However, she took the remote control, I don't know how to open the TV.

She can only ask Mo Qi to save, "Mo Qi."


Answered her is a quiet echo.

"Momi Qi." Tong Jiubo shouted again.


However, no one responded to her.

Does the Qi Qi still stand there?

Why not return to her?

"Momi Qi, have you heard me call you?" Tong Jiumo stood up and looked back at him asked.

Mo Viser is now in his face, and it is also a blame in his eyes, sitting down on the sofa.

"Momi Qi." Tong Jiu Mo flies, kicking his feet, and shouted again.

Mo Jue was not a sound, looked at her, "What is your name?"

"." Tong Jiumo said.

"You should have a mouthful now." Mo Qi Jue is angry.

Listening to her, how is the husband, how is it?

"What port?" Tong Jiubo handed him to him, "I will not open TV."

She rarely watchs the TV, and the basic operation will not do.

"I like to listen, I only opened." Mo Qi did not pick up the remote control, very proudly handed over hands.

"Who said that I want to pet to love me for a lifetime, now let you open a TV, you are not happy, I can't overre with you this day."

Tong Jiu Milry lost the remote control, and said, turned and left the living room.

Mo Qi saw, scared from the sofa, pulling her wrist, pick up the remote control, open the TV.

"Wife, TV machine!"

Mo Qi hugged her body and not let her go.

Mo Qi wants to hammered his own heart.

He actually fought his wife.

He thought that he was bullied, his wife was black than him.

A sentence can make him compromise, and let him know where he is wrong ...

I didn't dare to play with her in the future.

Calling my husband this kind of thing, it seems really followed.

Mo Qi silently prayed in the bottom of the heart: I would like not to let him wait too long.

Tong Jiubo successfully escaped, sit down on the sofa, seriously watching TV, and set it out for him.

Calling her husband, she is a little curable.

Hey, slowly familiar with it again, now she is really called it.

Time is also early, she doesn't know what to do, can't sleep, can only see time.

What did the TV are broadcasting, she has not seen it, just sitting on the sofa counting time.

Mo Qi Tong went to the kitchen to pour two cups of fresh juice, handed her a cup.

At this time, the TV has been put well, and suddenly the wind is turned around, it has become an unmeiled picture. The TV has also passed unlailled .

Tong Jihuang was scared quickly to find the remote control.

"Momo, you like to see this TV." Mo Qi did not watch TV's picture, and the voice will know what is.

He also sat down at her side, looked at her, and raised his hand lazy, put on her shoulders, accompanying her to watch TV.

He is never watching TV, and it is a national news and a lot of financial news.

Eat a candlelight dinner, look at TV after a meal, really warm.

The content that is playing on TV is changed, and he feels vulgar.

But now, it is a good content.

Tong Jiubo took a cup and thank you.

But her face is red, and I am busy explaining, "I didn't see ... It is the TV it yourself!"

PS: New January, ask for a monthly ticket! Everyone is a baby, ask for a monthly ticket! Every day, 80 months, add more! Add more! Ask a monthly ticket! muah! I hope to care for each reading book in December!

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