The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 551 has a wife forgot his son.

A Mount Tibobao stayed in the manor and then left.

The large manor, only the Qi Qi and Jiubo.

Take Tanjiu felt very sleepy.

And Mujia Treasure is also noticed, and it is very knowledgeable to leave.

Mo Qi Duan sent a strange four treasure to go to the car, when it was folded, he saw that Tong Jiimo had fallen asleep on the sofa.

He walked lightly and shouted her gently, and walked in the bedroom.

When Tong Jihuang is lying in soft bed, turn a body, find a comfortable posture to continue to sleep.

Mo Jue is not bothering her, giving her a good quilt, and raising the temperature in the room, so as not to catch cold.

After he did a series of things, he went to the study.

She sleeps a nap, so he just has time to deal with things.

He can be happy at night.

I think about at night, he is like playing a chicken blood, and the work efficiency is particularly fast.

When he was working, he received a phone call from a stranger.

"Hey, what about my mom?" The stranger asked coldly on the phone.

When Mo Qi I heard the son's cold question, he was unhappy. "What is my wife do?"

The stranger felt that he was very naive, turned a white eye, "I want Mommy."

"You can't think about what my wife do? Is it too little homework?" Mo Jue is very speechless.

This little scorpion is okay to think about his wife?

The stranger is in my heart: it's not because you walked away my mommy married, I didn't see Mummy?

When I thought this, the stranger was still missing the mummy didn't marry, and he and Ale interchanged.

At that time, he could see Mommy.

Now, it is directly unable to see it.

Who knows that he is actually a sticky person, he seamlessly combats.

Let's take a look at the pleasure of ha, as a thing.

Ale has been conquered by the renminbi, now I don't want Mommy.

Really kill him.

I asked in a stranger. "When do you go to work? I have to go home to see Mummy."

Mo Jue said, "I don't go to work, I will stay with my wife every day."

Strange the company, "I am evil!"

Mo Qi listened to his son's angry tone, asked in confusion, "Ash, why do you want to wait for me to go to work? Also, what is your life?"

"I feel annoying now, I like Mommy." Said the stranger.

His really likes Mommy to like to like.

Mommy gave him so much warmth.

"Then you still have a school, you don't have to see my wife, my wife is very busy." Mo Jue is also extremely speechless.

My son is a little inexplicable.

When I said, he said, he said to be grievances, "I am doing this. It is ruthless! I have forgotten my son?"

"Well, my wife is important." The Qi Quan said while signing.

"I have long seen you, the man is really unreliable!" The stranger said, I hang up the phone.

Monastery was hanging on the phone by his son. He also had a good mood, and he called directly to the governor.

The seal tube is very surprised.

"I am worried that Acong is destroyed to grab my wife, or let him be calm for a month." Mo Jue said.

PS: ask for a monthly ticket ~

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