Mo Queu, heard the old seal, "What do you know? Only bring two children to go out, I can be with Momo, you didn't see that Ash was in the Civil Affairs Bureau. Mi, isn't it me? "

The capping house is listened, and if it is, if you think about it, I remembered that when the Civil Affairs Bureau, the Ais Little Master rushed to the long-distance grandmother's side.

And the young master is also preparing for the son at the time.

Who knows that the young master does not give the face, let the young master have no place!

The whole person is awkward and there is no chance to stand at the two children. One person is holding one side of the child.

I think of that scene, and the old seal wanted to laugh.

"What is so funny? Don't you inform the Mosheng International Primary School President to arrange this?" Mo Qi Jue said that he had continued to work, who knows that he heard the old seal.

"Yes, young master!" When the manager said, he turned out.

Young master is really good!

Mo Jue has been busy with a book house and signed a variety of contracts.

Until the afternoon, Mo Jue was watching time and began to make dinner.

When he lived alone, he had tasteless time when he could live.

Later, there was a son, and I have a lot of delicious food together.

Mo Qi Jue is thinking about his little sweet wife is a world famous kitchen, and it doesn't dare to get too much.

He thought he had to study more in the food.

Don't match his little sweet wife.

Tong Jiimo is also the most sinking day, around two o'clock in the afternoon, has been sleeping until six o'clock in the evening.

The filled aroma in the air woke up.

Tong Jiu Milou turned his body and opened his eyes.

It is the sky that is gradually dusty.

She looked at the stone clock on the wall and found that they had been 6 o'clock.

She got up from the bed, at the same time, the door was opened.

"Are you awake?" Mo Qi pushed the door and walked into the bed, he saw she was sitting in bed.

"How did I sleep so long?" Tong Jiubo quickly drove from the bed, "Why don't you wake me?"

"You should be very tired, sleep more than a while." Mo Qi walked over, organizing her a little messy hair, full of eyes, "Go, dinner is dinner."

"Do you have dinner?" Tong Jiumei asked.

"Yeah, our candlelight dinner." Mo Qi looked at her exquisite little face. I felt that I couldn't help but temptation to pour the front and kissed her little face.

"Hey, how is you always want to kiss me!" Tong Jiumou touched the cheek kissed by him, and asked him.

"Because the wife is sweet." Mo Qi Lu Yao Yang Yang Yang.

Tong Jihuang heard the words, squatted, the ear was red.


I can't say it between her, at this time, my stomach is screaming.

I quickly rescued her, she touched his stomach, "Mo Qi, I am hungry ..."

When Mo Jue was hungry, he was hungry, and he was very hurt.

She is full, she has not yet feeding her.

Feed her, he can full.

Momo seven princes and this, gently laugh.

A laughter.

Tong Jiumo was being smashed downstairs by him. He came to the slight laughter. She looked up in confusion. I just saw the smile in his lips, and she asked, "Mo Jue, you laugh what?"


Moreover, he laughed highly.

PS: ask for a monthly ticket ~

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