Tong Jihuang four looked down, then saw a familiar figure outside the floor window.

She went out.

After rushing to a familiar figure, the sound shouted, "late, late ... is you?"

The front figure is a meal, silently turning back, I feel the other party with the ear, "Momo, is you?"

When Tang Jihuang looked at the sunny sunny, the mouth was shocked, and his legs were more like a filling, how could not move.

"Momo, is it you?"

Mu Jingqing asked again, took a blind crutches on the ground, and fought four times, "Momo, where are you?"

Mu Jingqing took anxious and fell directly to the ground.

Tong Jihuang was slowed from the shock, and he quickly supported the sunny sunny, "Hey, it is me! I am Momo, you are nothing? Is there anything to fall?"

Mu Jingqing shook his head, tears dropped, she reached out, holding a child, "Momo, I finally found you!"

Tong Jiu Milou sounds, "late, I am sorry!"

Mu Jingqing said, "When I made a replacement of you, I didn't have it, isn't I return now?"

Tong Jiubo rushed to the sun, and walked into the restaurant. "Are you not in the restaurant? How come out?"

"Just now, I just sat down, your guest said it was a blind man, didn't let me go in, let me go out, I will come out, Momo, I am sorry, affecting your business." Mu Jingqing is very sorry.

Even standing in place, I don't dare to continue.

Tong Jihuang heard the words and screamed.

"Who is late, who said? I will give you a fair! It is not allowed to step into the restaurant step!" Tong Jiun is very angry, pulling Mu Jingqing will go in.

Mu Jingqing shook his head, pulled the child's hand, "Momo, don't be easy to open, how can I have a damage to your restaurant because of my things."

"Sorry, I am sorry, I don't know if there will be someone who looks like someone else." Tong Jiu Mo said softly. "I sorry for me in replacement."

"Nothing ..." Mu Jingqing heard the tone of Tong Jiu Milu, and looked with a breath.

Just now she is compiled.

I didn't expect Tong Jiubo, I really trust it.

Tong Jihuang thinks what, "late, what happened to you? If you are alive, why don't you come back to see us? Do you know how we are worried? I thought you ..."

Mu Jingqing took the child's little hand, "I was saved by people, but I lost my memory, I recently remembered some memories, I went back to China, I will listen to your drops, I know you open. Restaurant, or a world famous kitchen, Momo, come over, you have become more and more powerful. "

"Said, first come in, are you hungry? I let the kitchen give you some food." Tong Jiucao held a sunny to enter the restaurant, "I will take you to the box, I have a lot of words to tell you." "

Mu late Qing pulls the children's nine, "Momo, I don't want to go to the box, can we sit in the lobby?"

"Okay!" Tong Jiuco agreed.

Mu Jingqing deliberately walked to the middle table, touched the table, "Momo, someone here? I want to sit here."

"No one." Tong Jihuang said.

It is said that he is holding a sunny sunny.

After the late Qing sat down, he said, "Momo, you are really good, but unfortunately, my eyes can't see what your restaurant is like."

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