The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 593 Most of the Wedge is called Qi Qi

Tong Jihuang heard the words, the nose was acid, and the eyes were red.

Looking at Mu Jingqing, there is no god, and her heart hurts.

Reach your hand and hug, "Solid, sorry, I will want to do a doctor to cure your eyes, Sophie is now a famous domestic doctor, she knows a lot of excellent doctors, they must cure your eyes."

Mu Jingqing is clear, saying, "Momo, I have to say to you this time, I still want to tell you someone, can you help me find him?"

Tong Jiu Daiyi, looking at Mu Jingqing, "Who are you looking for?"

"You first promised to help me find him." Mu late Qing Qing said the little hand of the Tour Toumo.

"Okay, I promise you." Tong Jihong nodded, promised.

"Momo, I want to find my fiance, but I can't see anything now, my father doesn't know what, I can only rely on you ... You must help me." Mu Jingqing said I lost my tears, "Momo, you have to help me."

Tong Jiubo heard the words of the fiance, she was like electric shock, and quickly smashed from the hands of Mu Jingqing.

Even some excitement has a handshake.

"Momo, what happened?" Mu Jingqing felt the abnormality of Tong Jiubo, asked in confusion.

Tong Jiubo deeply took a sigh of relief, asked so many times, "Said, you, your fiance, what is his name?"

At first, I knew that Mu Jingqing had a fiance, they love more than a year, but Mu Jingqing never revealed her name and Sophie, so they didn't ask.

The gorgeous nobles, they don't want to ask.

When Mu Jingqing said a fiance, her body was trembling.

She produces fear to the mysterious man.

That kind of fear is a general in the death hell.


Mu Jingqing's face faces the children's ninematt, there is no loving eyes, and it is fixedly looked at Tong Jiu Mo.

"My fiance is called Qi Qi."

A waiter came on the kitchen, and just heard the late Qingqing. "How so many people are called Mo Jue? Momo's husband is also called Mo Qi ..."

After the waiter finished, after knowing, he quickly held his mouth and looked at the children's ninem and Mu Jingqing.

Mu Jingqing, meritorious, "What do you say? Momo is married? Momo's husband is also called Mo Jue?"

There is also a boy.

Tong Jiimo said that when he heard Mu Jingqing, he said that she was stiff.

a bolt from the blue!

She can't think about it!

Even the brain is like a panic, mixed.

Some fine broken memories are also in the next second.

Because the son and the Qustang are very similar, she has once skeptical.

But it is not sure.

When she asked him many times, he did not know the sunny sunny, he was denied.

No, it should be avoided.

Why did he do this?

Why deceive her?

After a long time, Tong Jiu Milu slowly slowly slowly, looked at Mu Jingqing, asked in a word, "late Qing, you said, your fiance is called Qi Qi?"

Gradually, fogging is raised in the eyelid.

"Well, he is called Mo Jue." Mu Jingqing nodded, "said the identity of Mo Qi," is the president of Mr. International Group, the only heir of Mr., he has one meter, I haven't seen it. After him, I know that he is very handsome. He has a nine, called Jiuyi girl. "

PS: ask for a monthly ticket!

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