The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 594, how can you like me like this?

When Mu Jingqing mentioned the Qustang Qi Jue, Tong Jihuang's pain was pale, and the pupil was tightened, very surprised!

"Momo, what happened?" Mu Jingqing waited for a long time, and he didn't hear the return of Tong Jiumo, waving his hand.

Tong Jiimo can't believe, looked up and look at Mu Jingqing.

The doubts and expectations of the sunny face.

After a while, she asked, "Said, your fiance, is it Mo Qi?"

When she asked, the sound was shaking.

"Yes, he called Mo Qi." Mu late Qingqing lip corner is filled with a smile, "Momo, I just said that your employee said that your husband is also called Mo Jue, which is a stranger?"

The soul of Tong Jiumo is getting cold, and the bottom is dark.

Which Momo is still?

There is only a stranger she knows.

Chi Yet Qing tells her that the name of the Mo Jue is applying for a patent.

At that time, she still felt that the Mo Jue is strange, nothing to apply for patents for the name, then especially.

Now she only thinks this is an ironic.

If there is a good name with the same name.

When she said that Xia Qingqing said the name of the fiance, she didn't work, even lucky psychology.


Mo Jue drifted on the way, a white light flashed in his mind.

I directly hang up the phone, turn the direction in the next intersection, open in the direction of the seventh restaurant.

He vaguely has a bad hunch!

I don't know what day today, there are very many car on the road, the plucking is particularly serious.

The Qi Queu is directly blocked, and it is only one kilometer from the seven-nine restaurant.

At this time, a strange phone came in, he looked at his eyes and heard it.

"Hey, Mr. Mr.! There is a woman who is called Mu Jingqing to find Mo Mof, she seems to find ... you come to save Momo sister!"

Mo Jue is heard, and his eyes are getting cold.

After hanging up the phone, I immediately unwrapped the seat belt and lost the car on the road and ran in the direction of the seventh restaurant.

Mo Qi was sprint to the Seventh Restaurant with the fastest speed of kilometers.

The waiter waited at the door, and I saw Mo Jue.

I am in a hurry to say, "Mr. Mr. Mo Mof, Mmo, Mr. Mo Mof."

The Qi Qijue did not wait for the waiter to clearly, and he rushed into the restaurant.

When he saw the children's nine, he took a deep breath and went forward.

Haven't come and talk yet, he heard the vivid voice of Tong Ninem, "Since the late Qing, I am sorry, Mo Jue is my legal husband."

Tong Jiu Mo said, looked looked at the man who appeared in front of him.

He is handsome, full of sweat, hair is soaked.

The deep eyes are full of fear.

"Momo, what do you say? Mo Jue is your husband?" Mu Ningqing shocked the hands of the water cup, couldn't help but tremble, next second, tapped the cup directly.

"It's impossible! How can my fiance How will my legal husband? Momo, you must be wrong!" Mu Jingqing stood up, shouting loudly, "Momo, are you lie to me? You said that you won't fall in love with me, even if we like a man, you will give me, will not grab it with me. "

Mu Jingqing, the sound of the sound, and suddenly provoke the pointing point.

Even unknown to eat melon is more condemned to Toyo Mo, think that Tong Jiu Milo is a third party.

"Momo, how can you do this?"

Mu Qingqing heard the surrounding sound, did not forget to add a sentence.

PS: Recently cold, cold can't code, but update will be updated! When the heater arrives ... ask for a monthly ticket!

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