The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 595 Why do you want to lie to me?

Tong Jihuang walked to Mu Jingqing, holding her, letting the waiter's broken cup cleans clean, so as not to be stepped on Xia Qingqing.

Mu Qingqing reached out and holds the little hand of Tong Yimo, "Momo, you tell me, this is not true ..."

Tong Jihuang took a deep breath, looked at Mu Jingqing and pale and pale, she said, "Late Qing, I can't deceive you, I and Mo Jue got married, I am sorry."

Mu Jingqing's hand, asked, "Then what you mean, how do you snattered my husband? You won't give him me, is it?"

Mu Jingqing also knows that the Qustu Visrup is coming.

Mo Qi done his face, no longer heard.

He went to the side of Tong Yimo, reached out, holding the children's hand, pulling it behind him, said to the sunny sunny, "Mu Jingqing, I am the husband of Tong Yifa."

"Arck?" Mu Jingqing asked in confusion, "Is it you?"

Mu Jingqing said, walked toward the sound source, reached out, holding a stranger, embezzling his face on his chest.

"Arpe, I am back, I am your unmarried wife."

The body of the millennium was stiff, and he was reflected in the reflection, and he looked back and looked back to the children's nine.

Tong Jihuang is cold and turned to leave.

Mo Qi chased it up.

Mu Jingqing is not given, anti-hands grabbed the big hand of Mori, "Aub, how can you be with Momo?"

Mo Jue opened the hand of Mu Jingqing, "I have no need to report to you! What's more, our strange households have made a grace of your mother, but also let you hung a strange family. After a few years, Mu Jia has reached the purpose, and I still want to make a fake play. Will it be too greedy? "

"You'd better stop everything close to Momo, if not my lawyer will talk to you!"

Mo Jue said, chasing the children's ninem.

"Momo!" Mo Jue took her wrist from Tong Jihuang, "Momo, you don't care about me."

Tong Jiu Mo has opened a stranger's imprisonment and continues to go forward.

"Momo!" Mo Qi squatted to her struggle, hugged her behind her.

Tong Jiu Milou is cold, and the sound is shaking, "Mo Qi, you let me go ..."

Her voice fell, Mo Jue's double arm tightened a bit, "I don't put it!"

"Mo Jue, I let you let me let me go!" I shouted in Tong Jiu Milles.

Mo Jue felt that her body was trembling, he deeply frowned, "Momo, you are hit, I am fine, how do you do it, but don't care about me."

Tong Jiumo made all the strength, turned to the body, pushed him, and he shouted, "Why do you want to lie to me!"

She said, the eyes were red, and the fog was raised in the eyes.

She raised her hand, and she looked at the body of the Qi Qi, "Mo Qi, you fight! You actually dare to lie to me!"

"Momo, I didn't lie to you, I have never cheated you." Mo Qi hit her hands, the eyebrows moved.

"What is Mu Jingqing? You dare to say that you didn't deceive me? I said that you don't mind if you have a unmarried wife, don't mind if you have children! But I mind you to lie to me!"

Tong Jiu Milled eyes scarlet, the pupils watched him, "I asked you that you don't know how to be sunny! How did you answer me?"

PS: ask for a monthly ticket! There are five more!

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