Mo Qi reached out her wrist, pressed in the chest, reached out to smash her hair, looked at her seriously, "Momo, let's talk about it, do you want to know what I have Tell you."

"I don't want to listen to your explanation! You deceive me once, do you think I will believe in you?" Tong Jiubo opened him, the mood is very lost, watching his eyes full of disappointment and anger, "Mo Qi Jue, you don't solve the sunny thing, don't come to see me! "

Tong Jiu Mima said, turned and left the office and left the restaurant.

Mo Jue is chasing out, keeping behind the children's ninem.

Tong Jiubo asked the front desk to take the car key and drove her sports car.

Mo Jue saw the Tong Jiubo drove away.

He rushed forward, his hands were in the front of the front, did not let her drive, look serious and nervously looked at the children's ninemou, "Momo! Can you give me an opportunity explained once?"

Tong Jiun launched the engine, looked at the man in front of the car, she frowned, said, "Mo Jue, go!"

"I don't go away! I will leave when I walk away!" Mo Jue Eye is scarlet.

Tong Jihuang was gone by him, she turned off, unlocking the seat belt and got off the bus.

When she just got off the bus, she saw Sophie from the car and rushed into the restaurant.

Tong Jiu Mo smashed, hesitated and walked into the restaurant.

After Sophie received the call from Mu Jing, please drive from the hospital.

She didn't see Tong Jihuang in the restaurant, but she was looking at Mu Jingqing, Sophie came to Mu Jingqing, looking at the privilege of Mu Jingqing, Sophie didn't think, pick up the table The cup, splashing on the face of the night!

"Mu Jingqing, I said, if you bother Momo, I am welcome to you!"

Mu Jingqing was sphed with a face.

She is expected to be this result when she is informing Sophie.

And this effect is what she wants.

Because Tong Jiubo is behind Sophie.

Mu Jingqing is innocent. "Fifi, what do I do wrong? Do I come to find Momo is a kind of disturb? I thought that I am missing, I will miss me, you will welcome me. ...... "

"Phi Fe, I just came to the old."

"Mu Jingqing, you don't have a look of fake!" Sophie looked at the late Qingqing, and he knew that the night is sunny.

And it is showing the people!

Thinking of this, Sophie is a meal, slowly, she immediately knew that Mu Jingqing was this.

Sophie slowly turned to the body, when seeing Tong Jiubo, when he appeared in front of him, Sophie was shouted, and it shouted, "Momo ..."

"Fifi, you also know that you are sunny to be alive? Why didn't you tell me?" Tong Jiumei felt that everyone was deceiving her.

Her brain is coming soon.

Sophie is shocked, "Momo, I don't intend to hide you, I think you don't know how to live late is still good ..."

"Why?" Tong Jiumo's voice, unprecedented calm and indifference.

Sophie's body was trembled, she walked to the child's ninemallow.

Tong Jihuang has walked from Sophie. He went to Mu Jingqing and smoked a few paper towels, handed it to Mu Jingqing.

However, Mu Jingqing just stood in the place.

Tong Jiu Mo moved, and wiped the Water in the face after winning the god.

Mu Jingqing, but also grabbed the child's hand, "Momo, is my back to bring you trouble?"

PS: ask for a monthly ticket ~

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