The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 705 wants to keep confidential

"Nanya Temple, this is the most favorable temple for marriage, in SG Nanhua Temple."

The manager said.

Ye Jingshi wrote the name, then said to the manager, "Thank you, I am helping my friend. You know, my friend, his oil salt is not in, now there is still a ** ... Years old……"

"I understand! If you are old, you still go to the marriage." The manager nodded.

"Well, this is not to reveal others." Ye Jingshi took the manager's shoulder, "This is the VIP card of our Ye Shi Group, and the hotel is free to stay free to stay."

"Thank you, Mr. Ye! I will definitely be confidential!" The manager quickly thanked.

After Ye Jingshi asked, he went back to the box.

When I walked to the door, I saw that Nanmu Bai came out from it, and the two were like a heartfelt thing, they were shocked.

"White, where are you going?" Ye Jingshi asked with his chest.

"I just drink more tea, I have to go to the bathroom." Nancu Bai made a road to let Ye Jingchi enter.

Ye Jingri went into, "You go."

The South Madoy is walking, and I haven't seen acquaintances.

South Mu Bai is also looking for someone, asking the manager has already got off work.

He caught the manager at the door.

The manager saw Nan Mu Bai and he greeted some stunned, smiling and greeted, "Mr. South, what do you have?"

"Cough, just the temple you said, where is it?" Nanmu white bloody voice asked, and I was afraid that it was taken by people.

The manager heard the words, she was slow, she said, "Mr. South is asking Temple? This temple in marriage is in SG, the temple is called Nanhua Temple. I and my relatives are going to this temple. After marriage, I haven't been married. I am also married. I am also a person who is frustrated. I heard that Nanhua Temple is very proud, I will try it, who knows, it is really a very good. Single for 35 years, I will go back after I come back, and my wife is still the school flower of our school. "

"Well, I know, thank you manager." Nanmu Baidao, I also took out the wallet from the trouser pocket, and I handed a VIP card for the manager. "This is the VIP card of our Nanyi Group, no limit free By plane."

The manager took the VIP card, did not ask for confidence, "Mr. South, is this given to me?"

"It is for you, I asked your business, I will give me a confidentiality, I am helping my friend, the flower goblin, the encounter is a rotten peach flower, I need the Life Temple to give him a guidance." South Mu Bai said.

"Mr. South, I will keep it secret!" The manager said excitedly.

Nanmu Bai nodded, leaving the return box.

The manager stands in place, holding two cards, excited!

He can ask for a house to travel!

Airplane is free, stay at the hotel free of charge!

As long as you have some little money!

He just said in two sentences, he got the permanent housing hotel for free, flying free!

The most important thing is to bring a family!

He is trying to work hard, just want to bring his wife to travel.

Nancu Bai returned to the box, and the stranger is waiting for him to go home.

"Big white, we are ready to go home." The thin stood stood up and said, "My wife is hungry, I have to go home to give her something."

"My wife is also tired, I have to go home to rest." Mo Qi also got a child's ninem.

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