Mo Qi moved the work to the manor. When he was in the study, he let the Tong Jiu Mo sit on his leg.

He has been hitting on the keyboard.

Tong Jihuang sat on his thigh, she didn't dare to move, watching the data on the keyboard, she frowned, "You don't worry, I see your confidentiality?"

"You are my wife." Mo Qi did not stop working on his hand, whispered.


Tong Jiu Milou looked at his handsome face. "When you work, do you hold me on your leg?"

When she asked this, the small face was slightly red.

Mo Queon heard the words, he had a bit more points, "I only feel safe to be by my side."

Tong Jihong saw some little blood in his eyes. She also knew that he was busy, she didn't bother him again, just sat quietly on his legs quietly.

After the Mo Jue was busy, he just had to stretch his hands and felt the shoulders of heavy.

He lowered his head, looked down, Tong Jiu Mo is sleeping on his shoulders.

She is sleeping, it is very like a small angel.

He closed the computer and carefully took her up and walked into the bedroom.

Put her on the bed, he climbed the bed from the other side, the arm passed through her back, let her pillow on his arm.

The other hand bundled her slight waist and took it into his arms and let her sleep in his arms.

He gradually got into the dream as her breathing.

And as long as the Tong Jiu Mo moves slightly, the Mo Jue is awake.

Make sure she is still around, and when he is safe and sound, he dares to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Tong Jiubo did a nightmare.

She screamed and woke up.

Mo Jue is also waking up at the same time.

He quickly put her in his arms, "Momo, just do a nightmare, don't be afraid, I am by your side."

Tong Jihuang was scared by a nightmare.

She reached out a pair of hands, holding him tightly, drilling into his arms, "my husband, I dreamed that Ye Yushan came to catch me!"

"Don't be afraid, just dreams." Mo Qi hugged her and constantly comforted her shocked emotions.

Mo Qi Hua took half an hour to make her calm down.

Mo Que is a hidden danger.

Now, his wife is scared, Ye Yehan must eradicate.

Mo Jue is the second day with a child nine foars back to the strange house.

The strange house is guarded.

If the sentence is not exaggerated, even a foreign fly will also sound a warning.

The Qi Jue is only safe to put his wife at home.

After returning home, the Stang's four treasures saw the children's ninemagram, and he was busy us up.

Her housing.

Mo Qi took a stranger to the study.

"Dad, I have to go to the dock tonight, Momo is troublesome, help you take care of it." Mo Jue said to his father.

I bordered the borders, "You and Ye Yushan have a knot."

"Well, I know." Mo Qi said.

"I am worried that he will wait with you with you, he will not let you go, you should be careful, don't have an accident." Mo did not worry, "Don't hurt, Momo knows I will blame you today to hide her decision. "

"Well, I will have an inch." Mo Qi squirmed dangerous eyes.

"You will speed up as soon as possible, we will not give Momo under the drug, can only let her feel sleepy, when she wakes up, at any time." Mo I knew if the children know that I went to find Ye ink cold, and I definitely won't agree.

But the contest between men, if they don't have it early, follow-up questions will be more.

"Dad, if you wake up in Momo, you can't let her know where I am." Mo Jue asked.

"I know, we will try to delay her." Mo did not say.

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