The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 744 will not have a non-different


"Qing, big sister, you now let me go, you actually lock me in the iron cage with the chain! Let me go out!"

When the Ye ink woke up, he saw himself locked in the iron cage.

And his bodyguards are standing outside the iron cage.

His boss is also too nevo.

"If you sign the word above, I will pick you up." Ye An An handed in a protocol.

Ye Yushan took the content of the agreement, and his face was more dark.

"You let me go to see Momo? I will never!" Ye Yen was smashed into a group and threw it out.

Ye An An early yelled that Ye Yenhan will have such a move, saying, "I printed hundreds of copies, if you don't sign, I will leave this iron cage."

"Sister, I really love Momo! Why don't I believe me!" Ye Yushan took the iron cage.

Ye An An is also afraid, she looked at the angry leafy cold, frowning, "A cold, you can't love Momo, Momo, she doesn't love you, you always appear in her, only give it She brings unnecessary trouble! "

"I also said many times, Momo is a girl who has been deeply loved." Ye Yushan said.

"Ah Han, you are awake, Momo is already married." Ye An'an took a deep breath, "You give this agreement, I don't want you to disturb the calm life!"

The Qing Yan also squatted in front of the iron cage, looked at Ye Yushan, "A Han, you will move your sister, sign it!"

"Qing, even you also advise me to give up? You said happiness to fight! I will listen to you now to go right happiness, is there a mistake?" Ye Yushan eyes scarlet, looked at the Qing, "Qing, I thought you will support me."

Qing Yan sighed, "A Han, do you want to get happy?"

Looking at the slightest leafy cold, the Qing said, "A Han, you signed the word here."

Ye Yushan looked at the agreement.

Can't bother to trouble more ...

He has already endured a few years!

He told himself, as long as he no longer encountered Momo, he will not take the initiative to bother Momo.

But if he remembers Momo, he will not let go of Momo.

This is his vow to yourself.

He must be observed.

The weight of the power is to sign the agreement to have the opportunity to approach Tong Jiubo.

After Ye ink, Ye An An opened the iron cage.

Ye Yen is coming out of the inside, and the eyes are full of anger. "Sister, I am not a dog! You actually use the iron chain to lock me in the iron cage! Also let my hand guard! You It is easy for me to lose majesty! "

"What is your hand, which one is yourself?" Ye An An asked, put two agreements, "You sign the word, you can't find a foam, this is for you, it is Momo is good. "

She believes that Momo is not desirable to appear.

"Ah Han, don't forget, it is your own hand to break the development between men and women between Momo."

Ye An An took the shoulders of the leafy, "When you organize, you and Mu Jingqing have been in a period of time, you are a man, sunny man, and Mu Jingqing is a good sister of Momo, even if you and Mu There is nothing between sunny, but in the Momo's eyes, you are a man who has been sunny, she will not have a non-division of you. "

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