Ye Yehan did not believe in evil.

He surveyed the trail of Montaida next day.

He has driven a martial art.

He looked at the Monets and walked into a jewelry store.

Ye Yethan got off the car and went in.

When he went, he heard the Mo Jue said to the cabinet sister. "My diamond ring is there?"

"Mr. Mr. Mr., how did you come personally? We just sent it to the government."

"I will come in and I will take it." Mo Qi said calmly.

Wife's diamond ring is designed by her hand.

He is of course to come personally.

He promised her, and he had to preserve their feelings for their feelings.

It is essential to send a small gift.

"Mr. Mr. Mr., this is your diamond ring!" The cabinet sister quickly took out a brocade in the safe to open his hand to the Qi Qi.

This diamond ring is more than 7 million.

No one lost.

After Mo Jue took the diamond ring, he left the jewelry store.

When he came out, he saw Ye Yushan's car.

Ye Yushan also came out from the jewelry shop.

Mo Qi returned, looked at Ye Yushan, "Tang Mei Ou Special Treatment leader, but track people?"

Ye Yushan walked over, smiling, "It's really clever, I didn't expect you to meet you here."

Ye Yushan looked at the gift box in the hands of Mo Ji, he raised his hand to touch the neck neck, "I have chained this, take it."

Mo Qi did not care about the necklace between Ye Ye's cold neck.

The eyes are squinting.

Is this not a necklace of Momo?

How can I be in the neck of Ye Yethan?

Mo Qi reached out to take the neck of the Ye Yushan neck.

Ye Yushan is blocked, "Mo Qi, what do you want to do!"

"How can Momo's necklace will be here!" Mo Qi squirmed the dangerous eyes.

Ye Yushan said with a smile. "This is my business trill to Momo, there are only two worlds."

Mo Qi Jue listened, his hands were tight into a fist, but he did not attack.

Instead, get on the bus.


Ye Yushan shouted a strange name.

Mount Mount Yan saw the mirror to see the leafy cold, and did not have to react, the neck stunning, lasted for three seconds.

"Mo Qi, I can't let Momo take the initiative to leave you, but I will let you take the initiative to leave Momo."

Ye Yushan said to Mo Qi, "Do you know what needle I gave you? The needle of the old child will make your IQ to be zero, and after seven days, the efficacy will seize, give you Life brings fatal pain. If you don't want to do something, divorce with Momo, and never meet! "

Mo Jue saw Ye Yenhan on the street, which forced him to go home early and see his wife.

He is afraid that as long as he is not in his wife, his wife will not see it.

Therefore, he did not expect himself to never the grouper.

Before the Mo Jue driver left, Ye Yushan said, "Next day, over time, you will start forgetting the past, even forgetting her, becoming a three-year-old child. "

"Right, only I have antidics, after seven days, I hope you can hear your reply."

Mo Jue was stepped on the throttle, while giving the old sea, "the old seal, I will find it to the medicine, I am in the needle of Ye Yushan."

When I heard the young master, I didn't have any soul.

The Qi Qi did not go home directly, but went to the Institute.

When the old seal saw Mo Qi, "Young Master, what happened?"

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