The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 825 does not do safety measures

"I always called the bag last night, I saw it and found this."

Mo Que is a smile, "This is what you support me yesterday, is it to buy this?"

Children's nine foams are red, "I, I don't ..."

"Why do you have this thing in your bag? It's not with me. Do you want to buy it with others?" Mo Jue's face.

Looking at her flowers, he is eyebrow.

"I, I am bought by Pi Feifei!" Tong Jiu Mid, the brain flashed, and she thought of what she thought.

Mo Jue, Xiao Yan, laughing, picking eyebrows, "Do you say that So Fe is bought? Sophie will not wake up for a month, she doesn't have a boyfriend, what to do with this?"

Tong Jiu Mo's chee is gradually red, "What do you do for Do Fe Fe!"

"You and Sophie are stiff, are you still so good to her?" Mo Jue asked.

"I have always been very good, I just quarreled before, we will come to the other. I will forgive each other." Tong Jiu fooled his eyes.

"Momo, now there are two people left now, you admit that I will not laugh at you." Mo Qi is like smiling and hooks his lips, looks evil, like a beautiful man who comes out from the cart. Charming to extreme.


"What?" Mo Jue ej.

"I don't want to have a baby so fast, so I bought it ..." Tong Jiu Mo's red ear, whispered.

"Just like this?" Mo Que was asked.

"Yes, just like this." Tong Jihong nodded, suddenly thought of, I took two boxes from his hand, said, "There is no less, did you use it last night?"

He tanded her night, why is it used?

Mo Qi's double-arm circle with her slim and soft body, and the color looks deeply, "We don't need this now."

"Why don't you need it?" Tong Jiu Mo asked.

"Because we want your baby, our baby Aller wants to be a brother, we do the mummy, can't let the baby disappoint."

Mo Jue is deeply looking at her eyes deeply.

"My child is the right of our woman. I will be born when I want to be born. When I don't want to be born, you can't stop me." Tong Jiuyou vigilantly held a stranger, "Don't want to force me to have children, and A child is not what I want to be born. "

"Yes, let's go, can't be anxious." Momi Qi Yan lip hook.

"If you want to touch me later, you must use this ..." Tong Jiubo put two boxes of rain umbrella into his arms, "Have this!"

Mo Qi reached out, touched her flat abdomen, lip hook, evil, "" Yes, I have already made my baby. "

Tong Jiuyao listened, I feel very hot, "What are you talking about! How are you so powerful!"

Mo Jue laughed, "Is it? Will we also have a hit? After we get married, there are rooms, and recently in these fields, our ovulation period, we didn't do any safety measures last night. "

Tong Jiimo: "Then I can take medicine."

"Taking medicine hurts the body." Moshi heard her to take medicine, he said, "Do not eat this medicine."

"Then you can't touch me." Tong Jiu Mo frowned.

"Momo, we are husband and wife, I don't touch you or a man?" Mo Jue is a bit wronged.

"What should I do ..." Tong Jiubo asked.

"If you really pregnant, it is a good thing, Ale can also be a brother." Mo Qi kissed her soft lips and said.

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