The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 826 takes children with your wife

"Amure said." Tong Jiu Mo's cheek was hot.

"Is it a mess, I won't matter, but I can determine that you have my baby in your stomach." Mo Qi smiled very sweet.

I looked at him so sweet. She asked a little behind her eyes. "You really want the baby?"

"Well, I want to have a baby with you." Mo Jue nodded.

"Is there as ale?" Asked Tong Jiubo.

"That is not, we have to have love crystallization, so my heart is practical." Mo Jue said.

"Asa is not?" Children's ninemapped her eyebrows.

Mo Jue nodded, "Yes."

Tong Jiu Milry poked his strong chest, "You said this is beware of as Ash Le, especially Ale."

Mo Jue asked in confusion, "Why?"

"You said that as your son, if you let Al Le know that you are not your son, you will be very miserable." Tong Jiubo reminded a saying.

"Why?" Chen Qi also asked.

"Ale is very careful! He always likes you very much, suddenly knowing that he doesn't matter if you are not your son, he will hate you." Tong Jiubo explained.

And Ala will make a small action.

Still very big!

It's not in a stranger.

"This way?" Mo Qi asked something, "But I mean, Ais Aller is not crying with your love, I want more than one, I am crying with your love."

"Are you so confident?" Tong Jihong looked at him asked.

Mo Jue once cough, pinching her nose, said, "I believe in yourself, but I want to participate in a new life together with you."

"In October is very hard." Tong Jiu Mo's heart rang.

The Mo Qi said, it is what she thinks.

When she was in the first time, they fantasically, the most beautiful appearance of marriage love is to participate in the growth of the new life.

However, her destiny does not allow her to achieve this.

She is pregnant, one person is produced, and a person raises children.

There is also a child but has never given a satellite.

Fortunately, the Qijue is like her, and a person has hard work.

No desire to leave the division.

"Not afraid, I will accompany you, from pregnancy to production, the child is born, I will bring it." Mo Qi said gently.

"I didn't sleep, the woman was sleepy, it was easy to get old." Tong Jihai found the excuse.

"Reassured, I will adjust the alarm clock to the baby in the evening." Mo Qi said.

"Do you have diapers? Baby wants to take care of every moment, do you do?" Tong Jiu Milou asked Mon.

"Of course, I will take the baby every moment." Mo Qi's heart is beautiful, she is so much with him, must be willing to give him a baby.

"You have a lot of time, when you are with us, you have been wasted for a lot of time, don't you have to go to work?" Tong Jiu Mo suddenly remembered that he would not work.

"I started working for fifteen years old. I am twenty-nine years old. It is also when I returned to my child with my wife." Mo Jue took Tong Jiumo and walked to the living room.

Hold her sit down on the sofa and let her sit on his thigh.

Tong Jihai heard the words, there was no words in an instant.

She is picking up, he has a recruitment.

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