The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 895 Don't be afraid, there is me

A large truck hits this!

The stranger wants to protect his children's nine.

Tong Jihuang is just a half second. She successfully slowed the gods, "Aisa is sitting!"

When she speaking, she hit the steering wheel and controls the overall situation.

Although she did not collide with the big truck, her car has hit out, hit the middle of the viaduct.

The big truck is broken through the high bridge fell into the big river.

Fortunately, this time the viaduct is very small, there is no traffic congestion and accidents.

"Mommy, you are fine!"

The stranger asked in the same way with Tongle.

This kind of scene is not experienced.

But Tongle has experienced.

Therefore, Tongle Le Bi Mo will leave a lot.

The front of the head was hit.

Direct scrap.

Tong Jiu Mo did not succeed that when he heard the son's voice, she went back to God, she unfolded the seat belt, holding a stranger sitting on the second car seat, "Ash, you are fine ? "

"Mommy makes you don't take the deputy driver!"

Deputy driver is an extremely dangerous location.

"Mommy, when I don't say this question, we will call us to pick us up, let us pick us."

The stranger is not a big problem.

Just when there is an accident, I have been worried about his mum.

"Hey, hey, we hit the wall on the viaduct, Mommy was scared, you sent people to pick us up, by the way," Tongle has called Mo Jue. "

Mo Qi was in the phone, and the soul was frightened. The soul was frightened. The voice was more trembled. He never been afraid, "Is there anything wrong with Mommy? Mummy is there? What is the situation? Mommy? "

Tongle is always concerned about Mommy, although it is very touched, but it is inevitable that there are some small embarrassments. "Hey, you still have two babies in the car, you don't ask two babies?"

"You are all right? I am going!" Mo Qi has driven

The back followed the ten cars and travel with fire trucks, police cars, and ambulances at the same time.

The elevated bridge instantly blocked, and other vehicles were changed by traffic police to travel by other roads.

Mo Jue is a viaduct, just get off at the bus, and the rockets arrived in front of the boy's ninem.

"You pay attention, don't give my wife two hurts!" Mo Qi looked at several doctors before watching the car, and then looked at the car and then hit it. His hearts put it.

I immediately warned the tone.

"Mr. Mr. Mr., please rest assured, we will care about the Mrs. Mrs." said the doctor.

Mono Qi did not believe in these people, he personally made a baby's ninem.

Even the airbags are broken.

Tong Jiubo's forehead is blood.

Two babies have been hugged from the car.

Only a budget is still in the car.

"Momo, don't be afraid, I am coming." Mo Jue said whispered in her ear.

"Husband, my legs ..."

Tong Jiubo felt the pain coming from the foot, she only dared to express it when I saw the Qi Qi Tong.

Just in the sons, she is just a calm.

She worried that she would scare her son.

"Don't be afraid, don't look, it's okay!"

"Well." Tong Jiubo believes that this man will give her a safe.

"There will not be something." Mo Qi comforted her.

However, his heartbeat acceleration.

One fear is born in my heart!

PS: Recommended Sanchuan Xiaogong's Meng Bao Pets "Sweet Wife Kiss Addiction: Jue Sharp, Gently"

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