The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 896, I am a man, I didn't cry.

After ten minutes of rescue, Tong Jiu Milou was hugged from the car from the car, put on the car on the car, pushing a ambulance.

At the Senior Private Hospital of Mi City, the legs were slag, and fortunately did not get the bones.

It is better to take a long time.

Mo Qi looked at her foot and hit gypsum. He took a distressed.

The eyes are wet.

Tong Jiu Miluo glanced at his appearance, she first slammed first, then wait for the doctor to leave, she stretched out the little hand, pulled his clothes, the lips were slightly hooked, "my husband, you Is it crying? "

The ariva of the aroma is slammed.

After he heard the words of Tong Yimo, turned his face, and the voice was so cold. "I am a man, I didn't cry."

"I just saw my husband crying."

The voice of Tong Jiubo is very soft, and it is soft to the heart of Mori.

He controlled his emotions very well, secretly taking a breath, looking back her, "You suddenly have something, I will distress, I will blame."

Tong Jihuang's little hand can only gently pull his clothes, simply can't move, she indicates that he sat down.

When I sat down in Mo Jue, Tong Jiuyi was afraid that he was too self-blaming and comforted him. "You are hard, don't blame it, the natural disasters are not what we can control."

The Qi Qi is really afraid, he looked at the injured she and said, "Momo, I will not be allowed to take the child alone in the future, and I don't allow you to accompany you."

Tong Jihai nodded, "I know, listen to you later."

Suddenly think of what, Tong Jiu Mo asked, "Ais Aller? How do you?"

"They have a seat belt, have not been injured, it is to post a tend to be labeled, there is nothing wrong with it." Mo Qi screamed her emotional excitement.

"Where are they now?" Tong Jiubo asked.

"..." Mo Jue thought about thinking, shaking his head, "I don't know, maybe they go home with my parents."

His mind is in the body of Jiubo, where to take Gu Ale.

"Asa is so small, why don't you look at it? What do you have to be injured?" Tong Jiu Mo smashed her eyebrows, worried about the tone.

"Ais is nothing, now everyone cares about your injury." Mo Jue's eyebrows are deep.

" -"

Knocking on the door outside the ward.

"Young Master ..." The sealed house shouted outside the door.

"The seal is looking for you, and the privilege is important. You go out." Tong Jiu Mo heard the urgency in the tuner.

"Come in." Mo Qi did not go out.

What is the same thing in her follow?

Nothing is good.

The capping house is coming in, and there is fine sweat on the face.

"What?" Mo Qi looked at the goddess of the gods, and the eyebrow wrinkled.

The gods of the seal homes looked at the Tong Jiun, some of which didn't know how to open.

Looking at the homework is difficult to open, Tong Jihuang said, "Husband, you go out, I want to take a break."

Mo Jue was deeply seen in the eye of the eye, and then got up.

The tuber is behind.

Outside the door, after the door, the seal is whisper, "Young master, this time is not a general traffic accident, I have taught the surveillance video. It is the car to open the viaduct, deliberately hit the grandmother, if It is not a small grandmother car to stabilize, and it is a small grandmother and Ais Al Le Xiao Shao! "

PS: Recommend the sweet text of the little brother "Sweet wife to add addiction: a small, gently pet"

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