The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 913, my boyfriend is not a fierce, he is jealous.

Monastery insists on sending her to the hospital.

Tong Jiun has no way to let him take her to the school office.

At the school hospital, the school doctor is an old man, and I gave a boy's ninem.

The face is red and tender, and the whole people are healthy.

I took a sneeze to see a doctor.

The school doctor opened a single child, said, "Drink more hot water, pay attention to keep warm, sneeze very normal things."

"Are you not a mediocrity?"

When Mo Qi, he didn't have to eat, he didn't have to eat, he directly got a school doctor.

The school doctor looked at Mo Qi to use medicine, he said, "Young people, your girlfriend is fine, no need to take medicine is so serious, it is usually sneezing, not in the case."

"This is my wife, not a girlfriend!" Mo Que is correct, "I see you is old and faint!"

"Little girl, I think it is not you, you are your boyfriend, you see that he is so big, this way, I will give you a boyfriend to open the cold tea, drop the fire." School doctor said I went to pick up a cup of fire, "This is a fire, drinking is not so impatient."

Tong Jiubo took her herbal tea, "Thank you for the school doctor, how much?"

The school doctor looked at the children's nine, "You don't know if you can brush your face now?"

"Lao Grandpa, are you boasting me beautiful?" Tong Jiubo felt that the old school doctor was very cute.

"Well, the fairy is under, and the Guanyin Bodhisattva has reached the way." The old school doctor said.

A stranger is dark.

This bad old man dares to play his wife in his face!

If you see him is an old man, he has already solved it.

"Hey, old things, this is one hundred pieces, no need to find!" Mo Que is pumping a hundred dollar bills in the wallet and said anger.

"Little girl, you look at you, boyfriend, is so fierce." The old school doctor was scared by the stranger.

"Lao Grandpa, my boyfriend is not fierce, he is jealous, he doesn't like other men to praise myself." Tong Jiumo said with a smile.

"Hey, men who love vinegar are not!" The old school doctor can feel the staring from Mo Jue.

He had to boast a stranger.

"Little girl, your eyes are really good! I have been so handsome and nervous your boyfriend! Yes!" The old school doctor said, hurry to the herbal tea area, and ask, "Do you want to be a cup of tea?"


Mo Viste is a little more peaceful at this time.

"Young people, I have a lot of salt to eat, listen to the elderly, be sure to pet your woman! I am young when I am young, so I missed the best love, now, various regrets!"

"The old uncle, how can you compile with me? I am like this, how can I miss the most beautiful love?" Said the Qustang.

"Hey, I am also young, I have a handsome man, I will be in love ... Unfortunately, I don't have a unique trouble ..."

"Grandpa, don't you blow it?" Mo Qi's eyebrows.

"Young people, have you heard a sentence, your grandfather is your uncle, the uncle, when I am young, I am not better than you." The old school doctor won the Mo Jue.

"Lao Grandpa, I am going to school with my husband! Thank you for your herbal tea!" Tong Jiu Mo was afraid that the Qi Qi and the old uncle got up, and he was busy with him.

Mo Quan also didn't want to be noisy with the old grandfather, leaving his wife.

Tong Jiu Mo smiled.

Then I handed a cup of herbal tea to a stranger, lifting a small hand, stroking his back, said with him, "Okay, don't be angry, my grandfather is just to play with you, and you have just I don't know how to be old, I don't know if you are so polite, your aristocratic tutor? Where is it? "

"I have been eaten by the dog." Mo Jue was irritated.

"Hahaha! My husband is so cute!" Tong Jiumo looked at his irritability. I thought he was a sturdy lion king.

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