Mo Qi and Tong Ninemon selected a position to sit down.

Waiting for the teacher to come to class.

Before the class bell didn't ring, the students were crazy.

"I heard it, I have been here, I have a new professor! Can you have a handsome! Or return!"

"Wow! Is it really handsome? Is there a child? Her husband is so handsome?"

"It is believed to be up!"

"Wow! This year is lucky! There are two beautiful men and a beautiful woman in the middle! Our university is simply Fengshui Trend!"

"Jingle Bell--"

The soundtime ringtone in the class sounded.

Tong Jiubo also curiously asked Mo Qi, "Husband, there is new professor, and I heard that you are almost handsome, listening to a little excitement."

Mo Jue is clear, "no man is more than your husband."

"Are you so confident?" Sakura asked whispered.

"Your husband is so confident." Mo Qi said her.

"You are handsome, you know, don't say your handsome, he will tell you to let you rush." ​​Tong Jiu Mo reminded.

"What happened? He is my son, how can he have to admit that he is handsome!" Mo Qi said, "If he doesn't admit him, I don't give him a lot of money."

Tong Jiu Mo smiled and said with him. "Your son will now shoot advertising to make money, where is it to use you to give qi money."

I thought that my son became a red fried chicken boy star, her heart is beautiful.

The sons can now be described as worth 10 million.

At this time, the classroom door was opened.

A man wearing a suit, pushing in the door.

Tather, the cold man, the nose is branched on a vice, and a vicinity of vintage, titanium INS glasses, and Wen Wen.

The golden sunshine in the morning is reflected from the window to his body.

Whit plated a golden light for his long and thin body.

When he came in, the original classroom was silent.

All people's eyes are consistently put on the briefings of the new come!

The man who came in, deep eyes fell on the body of Toyomo.

Tong Jiubo looked at him and shocked!

How could it be him!

Ye Yethan!

He was very uncomfortable by him. After a second, she reached his eyes on her husband, took a pen, written on paper -

"Or my husband is the most handsome!"

Mo Jue looked up from the paper, looked at the man on the platform, stunned.

Then a sinking.

The people in the classroom are excited. After a while, he heard the man on the podium relaxed and greeted the students. "Hello, I am a new psychology teacher, my surname, famous ink, you can call me Teacher Ye, or Ye Yushan. "

"Wow! Ye Teacher! You are so handsome! Do you have a girlfriend!"

There is a female classmate asked excitedly.

"Currently single, single heart has it. Do you have any other questions? No words, let's go to class first."

Tong Jiu Milou pulled the clothes of the seven russing, frowned, "How can he come in to school to school? As far as I know, his degree is fake."

"It is, a man who has problems itself, and a psychological professor is also drunk." Mo Qi Jue officially spitted Ye Yehan, but did not put Ye Yushan in the eyes.

This Ye Ye is simply a soul.

Chasing his wife is chasing college.

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