After completing this psychological class, Mo Jue is proposed to be a group.

Tong Jiubo nature is to follow.

Mo Qi wants to let her go home to rest.

However, she should follow.

She hugged his arm and said, "You don't let me follow, is it to bother to your sister?"

The face of Mo Qi is sinking, "What are you talking! I am going to work!"

"Oh! You are not nervous, you know that Ye Yushan chased me to catch up with school, you actually indifferent, you still want me to go home ... Do you not be afraid that he is halfway to turn me?"

She has some little emotions. "You said that you are deliberately supported me, so going to date?"

"Okay, let's get on the bus." Mo Qi is afraid that she misunderstood himself.

He is so pure a man.

How can I make something sorry?

"Okay!" Tong Jiu Milou hugged his arm and smiled at the heart.

His gentleman opened the door of the deputy driver, and blocked the roof with his hand and let her get on the train.

Mo Jue opened the car.

When he got a bus, he called.

Serious look.

Tone is cold.

"Let's collect the person of the technical department, I will arrive after 30 minutes." Mo Qi said the phone.

Tong Jiubo, I know what I want to do.

She quickly took out her mobile phone to give Asia music information.

And her mobile phone is not electricity at this time!

Just turned to my son, I haven't come to edit the information, I will automatically shut down!

She listened to the Mo Jue in the phone, she was afraid.

I am afraid to go coldly.

She rushed to the data line in his car to try to plug.

But I can't find it.

Mo Qi saw she has been looking for things, and it is full of sweating, and I have hanging it a few words, I hang up the phone.

He is eyebrow, asked, "What happened? What are you looking for?"

"How do you have a data line on your car? My mobile phone is out of power." Tong Jiubo looked at him.

"How is you full of sweating, is it sick?" Mo Qi asked nervously.

"No, no, I am fine." Tong Jiubo suddenly became guilty, she looked at him, "I was scared by you."

Mo Jue's eyebrows have a little bit, "I scared you? How do I scare you?"

"You talk about my phone content, do you have such a big actions to hackers? This is what you want to feel the end of others."

Tong Jiimo can't imagine that scene ...

She has stopped him from doing this morning.

I didn't expect him to have three hackers in SML.

"If you don't put them in a pot, my end is very miserable." Mo Jue is instead that this can not wait again.

You must have a pot.

He said, look at her, "What are you so nervous?"

"You are too embarrassed, so scare me." Tong Jiubo floatedly said.

"You are a special manufacturer, how can I be scared by my words." Moshi is not believed.

After all, what is the big wind?

He always thinks that she is in concealing him.

"Momo, is you in the case of concealing me?"

Mo Jue was asked without curging her while driving.

"Can I have something to hide you? I have a clear one in my chart, but you have a lot of things, I don't know."

Tong Jiubo has a smoothly putting the problem on his body.

"You want to know what I am, you ask me to answer you." Mo Jue opened the car carefully.

Because Tong Jiu Milou sat in a pair of seats, he didn't dare to drive.

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