The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 917 is playing with a play

When I arrived at the group, I was in a stranger to hold the children's Jiubo sitting at the podium.

A thousand flat technology room is full of high-tech computers.

Inside the talents.

"Who is these people?"

Tong Jiu Milou looked at a group of people sitting in their own position, hands were smoothing the keyboard, while the eyes stared at the screen.

Like some hackers in the organization work.

"Hacker, the world's top hackers are all here."

Mo Qi took her.

"Hacker? What do you mean?" Tong Jiumo heard his words, and his heart jumped off a beat.

"I will call the top hackers around the world here, which is to deal with SML."

"Why do you have to deal with SML? Are they horrible?" Tong Jiimo sat on the legs of the stranger, looked back at him with the sigh of the evil, and the sound of the sound, did not let your voice flap .

"They are not willing to descend to me, I can only use strength to take them."

Mo Jue hit her chin, joined her lips and kissed her lips and tasted her sweet taste. "I have to raise my husband, and the money is not more than these cars. The people take a split. "

"Don't use the world's top hacker to deal with them?"

They are still a child.

And there is a girl who has no binding force.

How can he be so happy to call so many people to deal with these three people?

"Wife, you may not know, the SML three-person league, the world may change, now three people dare to join hands into my safety system, who knows that they are defective or lack of love, what will be made? Serious things come? I am saving them. "Mo Qi couldn't help but kissed her.

Tong Jiubo, "..."

She is speechless, but she is secretly trailing in her heart: Is this saving them? This is a comprehensive annihilate!

She was kissed by him, looking at the victory in his eyes, "Husband, can I go to a toilet?"

"Go." The big hand of Mori, gently fell on her hips, and pinched it.

Tong Nine Mo slammed a cold, there is a familiar liquid to flush down.

Since marriage him, her body is taught by him particularly sensitive.

When he touched her, she could not stand it.

She didn't want to think more, immediately came down from his leg, turned to the toilet.

Before I washed, she went a laptop in the technology room.

She went to the toilet, immediately entered the hard lock.

Sitting on the toilet, open the computer, and contact the children immediately.

And two bear children are watching TV at home.

Tongle is in the calm legs of the stranger, I have a good boring while watching TV.

When I saw Mom, I saw Mummy Contacting him, I took the shoulder of my childhood, "the little brother, started to live."

"Do you live?" Tongle is asked in confusion on the calf of the stranger.

"You slag the world's top hackers in the technology room, just want to do a big ticket." Stone said.

"The world's top hacker is not the three people in the SML mother and child? We didn't call him, only Mommy is on him," Tongle is a face, "and what big ticket he did did?"

"Yes, they call the top hackers to kill our SML mother and child three people." Mr. Yan looked at Tongle music, "Don't you say that the days are bored? Now, I will play with it!" "

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