The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 943, the boss, no drink, we have no chance to start

"You are stupid! Boss does not drink, how can we have the opportunity?"

Believers looked at the two brothers and clamped him. He turned over white, "people are giving us a chance!"

Two stupid!


Yunxiao and the prince are like a word to wake up the dream.

"Boss, you are giving opportunity!"

Tongle is very speechless, "What opportunities! Laozi can't drink alcohol at home, run out to drink a glass of wine is not allowed?"

Tongle is looking at time, saying, "Okay, baby is really going."

"Big baby, are you really driving?"

After sending Tongle music, he looked at Tongle to get on the bus, and the cloud asked deeply, "Boss, lack driver? The kind of driver who is growing like the president of overbearing

"Boss, I am a racer!" I believe in chest, "To driver, be sure to ask me! Free!"

"Boss, I am afraid that your little short leg can't step on the throttle. If you don't let me come to you!" Prince also promoted himself.

Tongle is happy, "I can drive."

Tongle music shook the window, ,, ,

"Boss, please rest assured! The identity of the boss is the highest secret of the mercenaries! Absolutely no one will go out!"

The clouds were deeply praised and said seriously.

"You have sent a vow to see." Tongle is easy to pick younger eyebrows.

The prince will raise three fingers, and they have a poisonous vow. "If there is a halfword, the believers' J`j will be ten centimeters!"

"Grass!" The believers heard the words, bursting, and also made a vow to have a vow, "If there is a halfword, the cloud is a short J`J is short of fifteen cm!"

"I rely!" Yunmen saw believers to take him vowed, he erected three fingers, and he had a swearing. "If there is a halfword, the prince's J` is twenty centimeter!"

Tongle, "..."


This is a more than one, one is more poisonous!

"Grass! Why do I have to be short twenty centimeter! Then I don't turn into an eunuch!" The prince mourned.

"I am! I still have 20 cm? What is your joke!" I believe in a white eye, "Don't think I have never seen your things, that is, 17 cm!"

Tongle, "Who is this game? Who is the last game? It's too no exercise! Flashing your baby's eyes!"

"Big Baby is what you let us have dow, I can only get a vicious votron, but I didn't expect them to be so pitted me!" Prince accused, I want to make the boss to do the Lord.

"This is called self-satisfaction! You should be!" I believe in the chest, "Fortunately, Laozi is just a short 10 cm!"

"I believe in this, do you want to short ten centimeters?" Yun Shen Shen face, "Boss is the national treasure of our mercenaries! You still want to go out to spread the old secret? It's really impatient!"

"Just, believers are very bad!" Prince spit, "Boss, do not give believers from the mercenary group to be named! He does not match our hiring group, you don't know how much he ruined our employment group The name! "

The cloud is also curious about this matter, "Yes, boss, why do you want to do our name to do our boss?"

Believers are also very curious about this matter, what is he?

On qualifications and abilities, princes and clouds are more than him.

He is not deeply confused with the prince of deep and prince.

PS: Good night, baby ~

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