Tongle is sliding down the ink mirror, and the rack is on the nose. "You really don't know why I do believers do nothing to do?"

"I don't know." The three shook his head.

"I thought you know, it seems that I overestimate your IQ ... Hey!" Tongle shake his head.

Yunxiao, "..." Do you want to give your face!

Prince, "..." has a good person!

Believers, "..." I really want to pinch the burst and cool boss!

The IQ of them did not have half a boss.

It seems that this boss is really not anyone else!

They don't have a five-year-old child.

Can you see their boss, what extent?

No one's level!

"Remember what I said, my identity is not allowed to pass, my things, I don't want to investigate, I can't harass my loved ones!"

Tong Lele said before leaving.

"Boss, do you sure you will really drive?" Yunxiao asked in love with confidence.


Tongle will drive away the car at once!

"Lying! Bao Baby is too handsome!" The prince is like a bliss, "I finally found my idol!"

"Who?" Believers asked.

"It's our boss! This little scorpion, no future!" Said the prince and worship.

"This old, what is the head! Five years old, we have done our boss! The ability is completely exceeded us!" I believe it is afraid, "Do you not feel horrible?"

The cloud is not a matter of being, "What is horrible? We should be honored to be happy. It should feel terror is something else, who is the leader in the organization is a little fart."

"Still not a small fart, you still remember when he was unable to lead us, did you take us? The war is it? It's just a new height of life! Just follow the boss, I feel that life is full. Power! "The prince made a referring," At that time, I loved the boss. Super worship, just when I heard that it was a bad old man, I used my own emotions. "

"Now it's good ..." The prince said that he was secretly squatting. "My boss is actually a gum!"

"Don't you have a love song? Although our boss is called Tongle!" Yunxiao looked at the prince, "You don't think, like the beautiful man of our boss, you can't see you This bad old man. "

"Just, and if you dare to ignore the son of the Qustu, we will wait for you to get the corpse!" Said the believers.

"That's that you are so serious, I am just a big dedication to follow the boss! Don't leave the kind!" Prince said.

"I don't have the same!" Yunxiao said.

"Don't say a life! I have to find the boss in Sanyi III! So cooling so much! I am looking for it!" I said.

"Oh, I have a bold idea ..." The prince said.

"Oh, I also have one!" Yunxiao and the prince's eyes were communicated together, badly ejected.

"I just have one, I don't know if I am not talking about?" Believers also said.

"Let's talk about it!" Prince said with the clouds.

"Good, 1, 2, 3 ..."

"Let's go to the old teacher!"

Three people said together.




Three people stand in the palm, "tacit!"

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