The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 945 is that death change?

Mars Intelligence Bureau according to the ground.

The appearance of the stranger, except for the three people who know his identity, others have scared glasses to fall on the ground!

Especially when the matrix is ​​introducing the stranger, it is shocked!

Some people don't believe, ask the mountain chicken, "Mountain Cock, he, he is really our boss s?"

The matrix looked at everyone shocked by a variety of critious things. He smiled happily. "Yeah, this is our boss S."

When he learned the secret of the boss, he was hurt by 10,000 tons!

It is now possible to have someone else!


The stranger is never habit and giving people.

So a pair of cool is like a thousand years in the millennium!


Everyone dares to be close.

"Old, good!"

Everyone succeeded in God, and he went to the stranger.

After a long time, the stranger did not respond, everyone did not dare.

Just like an ancient governor, the emperor is general, the emperor does not speak, no one dares to lift the head.

The mountain chicks saw, and he said in the ear of the stranger, "Boss, they will be very tired ..."

"Well, ok." The stranger said that.

And then, the person who has organized and organized is like this.

The audience is silent!

Quiet to even get a needle and get it on the ground.

That's a whole three hours!


Because their boss is too cold!

Cold to make people refer to fear!

Finally, breaking this balance is a stranger's mobile phone ringing.

After receiving the phone, the stranger got up and left.

Before leaving, it simply said that two sentences were simply, "work hard, and the end of the year."

"Yes, boss! Boss is slow!"

The matrix also followed the top, and some people took the mountain chicken before, "the mountain chicken brother, our boss is too silent, too cold! You have to take care of us to take care of the boss, he is so small, The school will definitely be excluded from other students. You have to take care of our boss! Give him more love! "

The mountains have nodded, "I know, but how should I protect our boss?"

"You should go to school, you should go to school, you should hire a position! This makes it easy to cover the boss!"

"Okay, no problem! Just say it!" Mountain chicken with everyone's blessings and embedded the helicopter.

Send the boss to the destination.

After the stranger, the division and Tongle converger.

Both people exchanged.

This will not be.

Tongle music touched the little face, spit and said, "Ash, you see my handsome little face, is it hidden? Red! This group of people, it seems that I have never seen my baby, death ! There is more metamorphosis, my believer, actually want to pack me! "

"Is that dead morbidity?" The stranger asked with a little frown.

"Yes, it is him, that is, the metamorphosis of the world's mess!" Tongle is busy nodding.

"Hey, that man ... You didn't choose how did he do it? I looked that the cloud and prince were much more reliable than him!" Said the stranger.

Tongle is shrugging, "I don't understand this, I am hidden in my eyes."

I asked in a stranger. "How do you say this?"

"You think, our mercenaries have become a strong organization under my leaders, even the mafia of even the patriarchal party will fear three points." Tongle is slow. The saying, "And believers can be a unreliable master, this is a well-known thing, and he is a boss of the foreign border. He is a boss of the mercenary group. The Corps is thinking about it, thereby reducing the harm to us. "

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